Auto Generate & Accept Supplier Invoices

Auto Generate & Accept Supplier Invoices

RSM InTime allows the auto-generation of supplier invoices when a contractor enters the invoice details against the advice note. This functionality creates a supplier invoice using the standard RSM InTime invoice template with the details entered by the contractor, automatically uploading and saving it for acceptance.

RSM InTime can also be configured to automatically accept supplier invoices when the invoice either matches in value of the advice note or if the difference in value is within a set margin. You can also prevent the manual or automatic acceptance of supplier invoices if it does not match the advice note value or is above the set margin.

To enable the automatic acceptance and/or prevent acceptance functionality, please contact RSM InTime Support.

How do I auto-generate an invoice against an advice note?

When a worker receives an advice note from the agency, it will contain all the details needed to create an invoice. Typically, it will contain timesheet details and expense claims, and these should form the basis of the invoice.

Note: The monetary values can be hidden from the worker when viewing the advice note and only show the hours/units values.

1.    From the menu bar, select Invoicing > Advice Note > List Advice Note.

2.    Use the filters to search for advice notes waiting for you to create an invoice against. For example, by leaving the filters at their defaults and selecting Search will return all advice notes; or you could search for just the advice notes that do not have an uploaded invoice against them by selecting Supplier Invoice StatusNot Uploaded.

3.    In the list of advice notes, click Upload to upload an invoice to match the advice note:


4.    The Upload Your Invoice screen is displayed:


5.    In the Your Invoice Number field, enter your own invoice reference.

6.    In the Your Invoice Date field, set the date of your invoice.
The Net field is pre-populated with the amount from the advice note.
The Sales Tax Code field is pre-populated with information from the placement.
The Sales Tax Amount is pre-populated based on the Net and Sales Tax Code fields.

7.    If required, enter a Description for the invoice.

8.    Click Save.

9.    When the details are saved, this will automatically create and save a supplier invoice using the values entered. This is shown under Invoice File and can be viewed by clicking on ‘View (invoice number)’.


10.  The Invoice details are saved ready for acceptance.

11.  If auto-acceptance has been enabled on your system and the invoice details entered by the worker match the advice note, the invoice will be automatically accepted upon saving. The Invoice History will reflect this, and the Accepted date will be set and the Advice Note status will be set to Accepted.

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