Contractor Import Fields

Contractor Import Fields

The following fields can be used when importing contractor data.  It is generally best practise to ensure that you have validated certain fields to meet local restrictions or conventions.  For example, if you only operated in the UK then it would be advisable to restrict VAT numbers to the format defined by HMRC.

NameFieldEquivalent InTIME Webservice FieldDescriptionTypeFormatConstraintsMandatory
UsernameWKR_USERNAMEWorker.usernameThe username to use for this contractor. This field can be omitted in which case InTime will allocate the username based on the firstname and lastnameString(52)
Must be uniqueNo
ReferenceWKR_ITRIS_IDWorker.externalIdThe contractor's reference number. This is typically allocated from a sequence, e.g. W0001, W0002 etc. This reference is common between your front-office system and InTime.String(30)
Must be uniqueYes (but can be automatically allocated if required)
Accounts ReferenceWKR_ACCOUNT_NUMWorker.accountsReferenceThe contractor's accounts reference. This is typically used when an invoice is exported to the accounts systemString
The length of this field can vary based on the accounts systemSometimes
External ReferenceWKR_EXTERNAL_REFWorker.externalReferenceAn additional reference that can be stored on a contractor if requiredString(100)

Worker TypeWKR_TYPEWorker.workerTypeThe type of the contractor.String

"LTD" or "PAYE"

Worker type needs to be "LTD" for CIS workers.

Yes, but can be defaulted as a system property if required
Pay Worker AsWKR_LTD_CO_PAY_WORKER_ASWorker.payAsPAYE(Boolean)Normally same as WKR_TYPE above except IR35 and CIS, in these cases worker type is LTD and this would be “0” or “PAYE" to pay through InPAY.String

“0” or “PAYE"

“1” or “LTD"

Yes, if InPay linked and contractor is PAYE or in scope of IR35 or CIS
TitleWKR_TITLEWorker.titleThe contractors title, such as Mr or MrsString(12)
"Mr", "Mrs", "Ms", "Miss", "Sir", "Dr", "Lord", "Lady"Yes, if InPay linked
FirstnameWKR_FIRSTNAMEWorker.firstnameThe contractor's first nameString(50)

MiddlenameWKR_MIDDLENAMEWorker.middlenameThe contractor's middle nameString(50)

LastnameWKR_LASTNAMEWorker.lastnameThe contractor's last nameString(50)

GenderWKR_GENDERWorker.genderThe contractor's genderString(1)
"M" or "F"Yes, if InPay linked and contractor is PAYE
EmailWKR_EMAILWorker.emailThe contractor's email addressString(255)
Must be a valid email addressYes
PhoneWKR_PHONEWorker.phoneThe contractor's phone numberString(30)

MobileWKR_MOBILEWorker.mobileThe contractor's mobile numberString(30)

FaxWKR_FAXWorker.faxThe contractor's fax numberString(30)

Date of BirthWKR_DOBWorker.dateOfBirthThe contractor's date of birthDate
Must be a valid dateYes, if InPay linked and contractor is PAYE
Date of JoiningWKR_DATE_OF_JOININGWorker.dateOfJoiningThe contractor's date of joiningDate
Must be a valid dateYes if InPay linked and contractor is PAYE
Engagement TypeWKR_LTD_CO_ENGAGEMENT_TYPEWorker.engagementTypeThe contractor's engagement type with respect to HMRC intermediaries reporting.char
A,B,C,D,E,F or ZNo
Unique Tax ReferenceWKR_LTD_CO_UTRWorker.utrThe contractor's Unique Tax Reference (UTR) or corresponding identified for non UK contractor'sString(10)

Created DateWKR_CREATEDWorker.created (Read Only)The date & time the contractor was created. Can be passed from the front-office system, otherwise it will be defaulted to the current date/time.DateTime

Modified DateWKR_MODIFIEDWorker.modified (Read Only)The date & time that the contractor's record was modified. Can be passed from the front-office system but is not required.DateTime

CurrencyWKR_DEFAULT_CURRENCYWorker.defaultPaymentCurrencyThe contractor's default currency codeString(3)
3 digit ISO currency codeNo, can be defaulted.
Comms IndicatorWKR_NO_COMMSWorker.commsDisabledA flag that can be used to disabled emails for a contractorBooleanY/true/1 OR N/false/0
No - Default False
Address Fields for the contractor's main address
Street 1WKR_STREET1Worker.address.line1

Street 2WKR_STREET2Worker.address.line2





Country CodeWKR_COUNTRY_CODEWorker.address.countryCode
A 2 digit ISO country codeNo
PAYE Contractor Fields
National Insurance NumberWKR_NI_NUMWorker.nationslInsuranceNumberThe contractor's national insurance numberString(10)
Must meet the HMRC definition for National Insurance numberYes, if InPay linked and contractor is PAYE
National Insurance Table LetterWKR_NI_TABLE_LETTERWorker.niTableLetterThe contractor's national insurance table letter.String(1)
Must be a valid HMRC table letterYes, if InPay linked and contractor is PAYE. Can be defaulted.
Payroll Tax CodeWKR_PAYROLL_TAXCODEWorker.payeTaxCodeThe contractor's payroll tax code, e.g. 1000LString(50)

Yes, if InPay linked and contractor is PAYE. Can be defaulted.
PayrollWKR_PAYMENT_FREQUENCYWorker.paymentFrequencyThe name of the payroll that the contractor is on.String
Must be a configured payrollYes
On HoldWKR_ON_HOLDWorker.onHoldWhether payments for this worker are on hold. If contractors are set as on-hold then their timesheets and expenses to not appear in the export screen. NOTE: this is not the same as the stop payments function in InPayBooleanY/true/1 OR N/false/0
No - Default False
Limited Company Contractor Fields
Limited Company NameWKR_LTD_CO_NAMEWorker.limitedCompany.nameThe name of the contractor's limited companyString(100)

Yes (For LTD Workers)
Company NumberWKR_LTD_CO_NUMWorker.limitedCompany.companyNoThe registered company number of the contractor's limited companyString(50)

Yes (For LTD Workers)
VAT NumberWKR_LTD_CO_VAT_NUMWorker.limitedCompany.companyVatNoThe limited company's VAT number if applicableString(50)

Yes (For LTD Workers)
Self BillingWKR_LTD_CO_SELFBILLWorker.limitedCompany.selfBillingDetermines if the contractor is configured for /wiki/spaces/ds/pages/51875309.BooleanY/true/1 OR N/false/0

Street 1WKR_LCA_STREET1Worker.limitedCompany.invoicingContact.address.line1The contractor's limited company's first address lineString(80)

Yes (For LTD Workers)
Street 2WKR_LCA_STREET2Worker.limitedCompany.invoicingContact.address.line2The contractor's limited company's second address lineString(80)

Town/CityWKR_LCA_TOWNWorker.limitedCompany.invoicingContact.address.townThe contractor's limited company's townString(80)

Yes (For LTD Workers)
CountyWKR_LCA_COUNTYWorker.limitedCompany.invoicingContact.address.countyThe contractor's limited company's countyString(80)

PostcodeWKR_LCA_POSTCODEWorker.limitedCompany.invoicingContact.address.postcodeThe contractor's limited company's post codeString(20)

CountryWKR_LCA_COUNTRYWorker.limitedCompany.invoicingContact.address.countryThe contractor's limited company's countryString(80)

Country CodeWKR_LCA_COUNTRY_CODEWorker.limitedCompany.invoicingContact.address.countryCode
A 2 digit ISO country codeNo, but needed for some international BACS formats.
Nominal CodeWKR_PURCHASE_NOMINAL_CODEWorker.limitedCompany.nominalCodeThe nominal code to use for this contractor.String(8)

Tax CodeWKR_PURCHASE_TAXCODEWorker.limitedCompany.vatCodeThe contractor's tax code.String
Must be a configured tax code. See Tax RatesNo, can be defaulted
BooleanY/true/1 OR N/false/0




The reference code of the contractor's providerString
Must be an existing provider or a provider being created during the import of the current placement
Invoicing PeriodWKR_LTD_CO_INV_PERIODWorker.limitedCompany.invoicePeriodThe contractor's invoicing period.String
"Weekly", "Two Weekly", "Four Weekly", "Calendar Monthly" or "445"No, can be defaulted
Terms TypeWKR_LTD_CO_TERMS_TYPEWorker.limitedCompany.termsTypeThe type of terms operated with the contractorString
"As Per Agreed" OR "As Per Agreed Terms and Conditions"
"From Invoice Date" OR "Days From Invoice Date" OR "Days of Invoice Date"
"Working Days From Invoice Date"
"From Month End" OR "Days from Month End"
"Days from End of Next Month"
"Days from End of Month After Next"
"Days from Sheet End Date"
"Days from Submission Date"
"Pay When Paid"
No, can be defaulted
Terms DaysWKR_LTD_CO_TERMS_DAYSWorker.limitedCompany.termsDaysThe number of days that the invoice is due from either the invoice date or month end as statued by the terms type. Not used when the terms type is "As Per Agreed".Integer
Positive integerNo, can be defaulted
Terms TemplateWKR_LTD_CO_TERMS_TEMPLATEWorker.limitedCompany.termsTemplateName(String)The name of an existing payment termString
Must be a configured payment termNo, can be defaulted
Invoice Delivery MethodWKR_LTD_CO_INV_DELIVERYWorker.limitedCompany.invoiceDeliveryMethodThe method be which invoices will be sent to the contractorString
"Post" or "Email"No, can be defaulted
Limited Company EmailWKR_LTD_CO_EMAILWorker.limitedCompany.invoicingContact.emailAn email address for the limited companyString
Must be a valid email addressYes (For LTD Workers if Invoice Delivery Method is Email)
Construction Industry Scheme Fields
CIS ApplicableWKR_CIS_INPAY_APPLICABLEWorker.isCISWhether this contractor is paid by CIS. Only applicable to clients with InPay and the CIS moduleBooleanY/true/1 OR N/false/0

Trading NameWKR_CIS_TRADING_NAMEWorker.cisTradingNameThe CIS Trading NameString

Business TypeWKR_CIS_BUSINESS_TYPEWorker.cisBusinessTypeThe CIS Business TypeString
For Sole Trader please enter 'SoleTrader' - No space and include caps
Company NumberWKR_CIS_CRNWorker.cisCompanyRegNoThe CIS Company NumberString

Partnership NameWKR_CIS_PARTNERSHIP_NAMEWorker.cisPartnershipNameThe CIS Partnership name if applicableString

Partnership UTRWKR_CIS_PARTNERSHIP_UTRWorker.cisPartnershipUTRThe CIS Partnership unqiue tax referenceString

Tax TreatmentWKR_CIS_TAX_TREATMENTWorker.cisPercentageThe CIS tax treatmentInteger

Verification NumberWKR_CIS_VERIFICATION_NUMBERWorker.cisVerificationNumberThe CIS verification numberString

Payment Fields
Primary Bank Account
Payment TypeWKR_PAYMENT_TYPEWorker.paymentMethodThe mechanism by which payments are made to this contractor, e.g. by BACS or ChequeString

May depend on installation. Contact InTime Support for specific values.

"BACS", "cheque", "cash", "giro", "tt", "ach", "international" 

BankWKR_BANKWorker.bankAccount.bankThe name of the bankString(50)

Bank Account NameWKR_BANK_ACC_NAMEWorker.bankAccount.accountNameThe name of the bank accountString(150)

Yes if paying by BACS
Sort CodeWKR_SORT_CODEWorker.bankAccount.sortCodeThe sort code of the accountString(20)
^\\d{2}[-]?\\d{2}[-]?\\d{2}$ (unless overridden)Yes if paying by BACS
Bank Account NumberWKR_BANK_ACC_NUMWorker.bankAccount.accountNumberThe bank account numberString(20)
^[0-9]{8,10}$ (unless overridden)Yes if paying by BACS
IBANWKR_BANK_IBAN_NUMWorker.bankAccount.iBANThe IBAN numberString(40)

Swift CodeWKR_BANK_SWIFT_CODEWorker.bankAccount.swiftCodeThe Swift CodeString(15)

Transit NumberWKR_BANK_TRANSIT_NUMWorker.bankAccount.bankTransitNumberThe transit NumberString(50)

Building Society Roll NumberWKR_BUILDING_SOC_ROLL_NUMWorker.bankAccount.buildingSocRollNumThe building society roll numberString(50)

Secondary Bank Account (only applicable to some installations)
BankWKR_2ND_BANKN/AThe name of the bankString(50)

Bank Account NameWKR_2ND_BANK_ACC_NAMEN/AThe name of the bank accountString(150)

CurrencyWKR_2ND_BANK_CURRENCYN/AThe currency of this bank accountString(3)
ISO 3 digit currency code
Sort CodeWKR_2ND_SORT_CODEN/AThe sort code of the accountString(20)
^\\d{2}[-]?\\d{2}[-]?\\d{2}$ (unless overridden)
Bank Account NumberWKR_2ND_BANK_ACC_NUMN/AThe bank account numberString(20)
^[0-9]{8,10}$ (unless overridden)

Swift CodeWKR_2ND_BANK_SWIFT_CODEN/AThe Swift CodeString(15)

Transit NumberWKR_2ND_BANK_TRANSIT_NUMN/AThe transit NumberString(50)

Building Society Roll NumberWKR_2ND_BUILDING_SOC_ROLL_NUMN/AThe building society roll numberString(50)

InPay Specific Fields
Notional SalaryWKR_NOTIONAL_SALARYN/ASpecialist field only available to enterprise umbrella clientsInteger

Tax BasisWKR_PAYROLL_TAXBASISWorker.week1Month1Determines if the contractor is week 1/month 1 or cumulativeBooleanY/true/1 OR N/false/0
No, can be defaulted as required. True means Week1/Month1
Pre-process Adjustment ListWKR_PRE_PROC_ADJN/ASpecialist field. Contains a comma-separated list of pre-process adjustment namesString

Pre-process Adjustment 1 to 5WKR_PRE_PROC_ADJ_N where N can be 1 to 5N/ASpecialist field. The name of a pre-process adjustment to enableString

Starter StatementWKR_STATEMENTAWorker.starterStatementAThe workers starter statementString
If specified must be A, B or CNo
Start Statement Option DWKR_STATEMENTDWorker.starterStatementDThe worker's option D starter statementbooleanY/true/1 OR N/false/0
Worker Custom Text Fields
Custom Text 1WKR_CUSTOM_TEXT1Worker.customText1

Custom Text 2WKR_CUSTOM_TEXT2Worker.customText2

Custom Text 3WKR_CUSTOM_TEXT3Worker.customText3

Custom Text 4WKR_CUSTOM_TEXT4Worker.customText4

Custom Text 5WKR_CUSTOM_TEXT5Worker.customText5


Changes for the tax year April 2016.

The Statement D column will not longer be relevant and the Statement A field will change as follows. The value for the year 2015 was A, B or C.  It will now comprise:

  • The starter statement A column will remain non-mandatory. If it contains a value it will be validated to be in the correct format but if it is empty it will not be rejected.
  • The first digit is the existing starter statement option, namely A, B or C.

Second to fifth digits relate to Student loans:

  • The second digit will represent whether the worker has a student loan.  It must be either Y or N
  • The third digit will represent whether the worker will be paying the loan directly.  If the second digit is Y then this must be either Y to indicate that they are paying the loan directly or N otherwise.  If there is no student loan then this should be a space.
  • The fourth digit will represent the type of student loan.  If the third digit is Y - the loan is being repaid direct to the loan company - this field should be a space. It should be 1 or 2 if If the third digit is N.
  • The fifth digit represents whether the worker has finished their studies before 6th April last year.  This should be a space if there is no loan, Y if they did finish their studies before 6th April last year on N if not.

The sixth to eighth digits relate to postgraduate loans:

  • The sixth column will represent whether the worker has a Postgraduate Loan which is not fully repaid
  • The seventh column determines if the worker is repaying their Postgraduate Loan direct to the Student Loan Company by agreed monthly payment
  • The eighth column the worker finished their studies prior to 6 April


Starter StatementHas a Student Loan

Repaying student loan Direct

Type of student loan

Finished Studies before 6th April Last Year

Has Postgraduate loan

Repaying postgraduate loan Direct

Finished Studies before 6th AprilValue to put in the StatementA field

Student loan notes:

You will have a Plan 1 Student Loan if:

  • You lived in Scotland or Northern Ireland when you started your course, or
  • You lived in England or Wales and started your course before 1 September 2012

You will have a Plan 2 Student Loan if you lived in England or Wales and started your course on or after 1 September 2012.

Beginning on 6th April 2021, anyone who has drawn down a student loan from Scotland will repay under Plan 4.

Postgraduate loan notes:

You will have a postgraduate Loan if:

  • You lived in England and started your Postgraduate masters course on or after 6 April 2016
  • You lived in Wales and started your Postgraduate masters course on or after 6 April 2017
  • You lived in England or Wales and started your Postgraduate doctoral course on or after 6 April 2018

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