Import Errors and Explanations
Various applications are used to import data into RSM InTime. Listed below are errors that may be reported during the import process to RSM InTime, an explanation of the error and any corrective action you can take to resolve the issue. Some errors are common across import applications so may be listed more than once. If the error you receive is not shown or the suggested corrective action does not resolve your issue then please report the issue to the RSM InTime Support Team at including details of any error message you are receiving.
Click on the application link to take you to the relevant section.
Error | Description | Explanation |
001 | Placement with ID [X] has existing shifts outside its date range [shifts: 15/12/2016 to 15/12/2016, placement: 18/12/2016 to 25/12/2016] | When you change a placement the date range must include all existing shifts. In this example a timesheet has been submitted for the 15th Dec which is outside of the date range of the Placement. You will need to extend the date range of the Placement so that the timesheet date is included e.g. change the Placement date range to 15/12/2016 to 25/12/2016. If the timesheet should not be included then you will need to revert the timesheet. |
002 | Found more than one existing client with frontend ref aaaaaa | Reason 1 The Placement on InTime has Client Ref of aaaaaa but the import file has a Client Ref of bbbbbb i.e. the reference codes are different. The error is caused because the import is trying to move the Manager to a different client which is not allowed. To resolve the issue update the Client in Salesforce to have the same reference as InTime. Reason 2 Client RefCode generator has been enabled. If it has this would cause an ItrisId to be assigned to the Client on import rather than applying the one from the import file. As the generator does not increment from an import the next Client would be assigned the same ItrisId. This is likely to be a rare occurrence. Request the support team ( check this. |
003 | Batch update returned unexpected row count from update [0]; actual row count: 0; expected: 1 | See also Error 005 below |
004 | Cannot change client from X to Y - changing the client of an existing placement is not allowed | The import is trying to change the Client of an existing Placement to a different Client. This is not allowed. Review/amend the import file and rerun the import |
005 | Could not execute JDBC batch update | Reason 1 Check the BANK ACCOUNT NAME. If it is more than 30 chs long then amend the account name and re-import. If the account name is 30 chs or less then log a call with support ( to investigate further. Reason 2
006 | Error validating Worker (The field com.ipfour.intime.model. cannot be null.) | Please ensure that you always have an email for a worker as it is mandatory for InTime. We suggest that your front-office system should enforce this field, either on entry or before export to InTime. |
007 | Existing manager with ref XXXXXX belongs to a different Client: YYYYYY | The Manager XXXXXX is already linked in InTime to Client YYYYYY. You will need to create a new account in Salesforce for the Manager and associate this account with the Placement you are importing |
008 | Currency not specified so setting to agency default value | |
009 | Error validating Worker (Bank A/C Name, Number and Sort Code must be specified if paying by BACS) | If a worker is setup to be paid via BACS then the Bank details must be entered including Bank A/C Name, Number and Sort Code. |
010 | Placement with ID [CIS12940] - Error creating bean with name '': Initialization of bean failed; nested exception | If the Placement has not successfully imported then log a case with Support via otherwise ignore. |
011 | Error validating Worker - Worker date of birth cannot be blank | Update the Worker details and rerun the import. |
012 | Placement with ID [UMB8828] has an invalid PlacementTimesheetPeriod field. It is set to 'fortnightly'. Was expecting one of these values: [list of various system defined values] | Amend the Placement timesheet period to one of the listed values and re-import |
013 | Placement with ID [ORC11068] - Payroll employee update failed for Worker Name (CS0011068) Payroll response: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Transaction (Process ID 206) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. at WebServices.Employee.UpdateEmployeeFullV4(String ticket, Int32 CompanyID, EmployeeV3 oEmployeeModel, EmployeeTax oEmployeeTaxModel, EmployeeNI oEmployeeNIModel, EmployeeBankV2 oEmployeeBankModel, EmployeeCIS oEmployeeCISModel, EmployeeBankV2 oEmployeeLoanBankAccount) | Check InTime to confirm if the update has occurred or not. If it hasn't then rerun the import. If the issue re-occurs and/or the record has not updated then log a case with Support via |
014 | Invalid adjustment value (value) for Worker | |
015 | Column [Manager Frontend Ref] cannot be empty for Manager with frontend ref: for Placement:Frontend ref = AAAAAA | |
016 | Found more than one existing user with frontend ref AAAAAA for Placement:Frontend ref = BBBBBB | |
017 | Worker (worker name) is a leaver. They must be re-instated to allow updates for Placement:Frontend ref = BBBBBB | |
018 | Column [Worker's National Insurance Number] invalid format for Worker | Check the workers NI number |
019 | Error validating Worker (Invalid Email Address) | Check the format of the workers email address. Does it contain invalid characters? |
020 | Tax Code 'CLI_TAX_CODE' not found. | If this is reported for Row 1 of the import file then it is likely that you have included the row headers in the file. |
021 | Incorrect number of tokens | This means the CSV file doesn't have the same amount of columns as InTIME is expecting. Usual reasons: Reason: There is probably a new-line character in one of the fields in your input file. This is often an address field. Reason: You have added a column to the CSV data and not advised InTIME support to amend the importer configuration to match. |
022 | Invalid Payroll (Worker's Payment Frequency) value | Check the Worker has a valid Payment Frequency |
023 | Cannot parse column (Worker's Date of Joining) value () as date using format | |
024 | Column [Worker First Name] cannot be empty for Worker:Agency Name: null9754 ( null) for Placement:Frontend ref = 9754 | |
025 | Column [Worker Starter Statement A] invalid value, should be 2 or 5 digits e.g. 'AN' or 'CYN2Y' for Worker:Agency Name: nullCS0013059 (Worker Name) for Placement:Frontend ref = CIS13059 | |
026 | Column [Worker's Bank Account Number] is invalid, check number of numeric digits for Worker:Agency Name: Worker Name (Worker Name) for Placement:Frontend ref = CIS13059 | |
027 | Invalid column [Worker CIS Unique Tax Reference] value [4469044558101] (exceeds permitted database length of [10]) for Worker:Agency Name: nullCS0013091 (Worker Name) for Placement:Frontend ref = CIS13091 | |
028 | Existing user with ref name is not a Consultant for Placement:Frontend ref = ORC11653 | |
029 | Tax Code 'CLI_TAX_CODE' not found for My Pay Portal for Placement:Frontend ref = PLA_ITRIS_ID | See 20 above |
030 | Cannot parse column [Placement Start Date] value [2016/12/03] as date using format 'yyyy-MM-dd' (Unparseable date: "2016/12/03", format: [yyyy-MM-dd], name: [PLA_START]) for Placement:Placement: ID=null RefCode=null Frontend ref=CIS12977 Worker=Agency Name: nullCS0012977 (Worker Name) Manager=Agency Name: Manager Name (Manager Name) Placed on 2017-01-05 Starting Unknown Finishing Unknown | |
031 | Error validating Manager (The manager with Id [14710] has already been assigned to a different client with id [2054] for the placement on row [1]) | The Manager already exists on InTime but with a different Client than the one on the import file. A Manager can not exists on more than one Client. You can resolve this issue by creating a new manager record in your front-office system. |
032 | Placement with ID [PCN949] - Currency exchange rate not configured from USD to GBP | |
033 | Invalid column [Client Frontend Ref] value [Client Name] (exceeds permitted database length of [30]) for: Client: Fixed for Placement:Frontend ref = UMB12024 | |
034 | Split Consultant not found: GMK for Placement:Placement: ID=null RefCode=null Frontend ref=B1000382257_83665 Worker=Agency Name: 10135753 (Worker Name) Manager=Agency Name: 106492 (Manager Name) Placed on 2016-10-25 Starting 2016-10-14 Finishing 2016-10-14 | The Split Consultant either needs to be amended on the import file or set up on InTime The Consultant must exist on InTime before the split can be imported. |
035 | Error validating Worker - Worker gender cannot be blank | |
036 | Cannot parse column [Pay Rate] value [] as decimal number (null) | |
037 | Cannot parse column [Worker's Notional Salary] value [] as decimal number (null) for Worker:My Pay Portal: Worker Name (Worker Name) for Placement:Frontend ref = NORCN430 | |
038 | Rejecting because the payroll cannot be found. Case 55361 | |
039 | Cannot parse 'Rate Period' column [141] - value [Standard] as decimal number (Unknown Rate Period Name: Standard) Case 62693 | The rate period value is not being accepted as the rate period is not recognised; as the error advises the problem rate has a rate period of 'Standard'; the importer is expecting: H, Hourly, F or Fixed. |
040 | Placement with ID [3198] has no default rate [STD] Case 62693 | Check that the rate on the P Line "PLA_DEFAULT_RATE" matches the rate on R line |
041 | Row (1) Placement with ID [HQ00044960] - could not insert: [com.ipfour.intime.model.Rate]; SQL [insert into RateTable (charge, name, pay, refCode, placement_, job_, period, timepattern_, periodDuration, originalRate_, backendRef, frontendRef, timesheetFields, selectableByWorkers, viewableByConsultant, viewableByLtdCoUser, viewableByManager, viewableByWorker, priorityOrder, secondaryPay, roleTemplateID, proRata, awr, effectiveFrom) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.DataException: could not insert: [com.ipfour.intime.model.Rate] - P_3300-1578480216194.csv |
001 | Placement X: Update:Can not change client as timesheets or expenses exist | The placement has been created with a client but the update has come in with a manager which already exists in InTime but attached to a different client. If the client for the placement is not correct then the placement will need to be ended and a new placement created in Bullhorn with the correct client. If the placement has the correct client a new manager record for this person will need to be created in Bullhorn which is attached to the same client. This will allow the manager on the placement to be changed and will also create a new user account for the manager which only relates to the new client. |
002 | Create:Customisation error: Alt manager does not belong to placement client, client Contact ID:1461 | The alternate manager which is assigned to the placement in Bullhorn already exists in InTime with a different client to that of the placement manager. |
003 | Bullhorn Update Failure: Unique Taxpayer Reference must be a ten digit number" | InTime is expecting this data to be supplied from Bullhorn. If you no longer store this data in Bullhorn then the Bullhorn customization specific to your agency will need to be amended. Log a call with |
004 | Successfully handled event: Bullhorn Placement does not have import status - will not create | Amend the status of the Placement in Bullhorn to "Approved - InTime". This will allow the Placement to be imported. |
005 | Create:An error occurred running pre-import checks: null |
006 | Create:Unable to import worker from Bullhorn, worker is a Provider type but has no provider set. Worker ID:xxxxxx | Set the Provider on the worker or change the Worker type and then retry. |
007 | Create:Customisation error: For input string: "Umbrella Company Name" Case 61808 | The issue is with customText14 on the Placement. This is configured in the script as the the umbrella company BUT the field type is not the right one for this to be the case. It is Text and needs to be Picker:Client Corporation. Amend this and then assign the umbrella and save the placement with the new field format and it should import. |
008 | Create:Manager ID not present for placement | The failed status returned indicates that the manager ID (clientContact ID) has not been specified on the placement in the relevant mapped field. For Bullhorn CORE integrations this would be the reportTo field on Bullhorn. See also Error 023 below |
009 | Create:*(Consultant/Manager/Worker)* field does not contain an ID. Value: xxxxxxxxxxxxx | If the field doesn't contain an ID it show what it has in the field by the xxxxxxxxxxxxx. If this is a string is it likely that the field is a Picker:Text:Internal (Consultant) or Picker:Text:Client (Manager) or Picker:Text:Candidate (Worker). These are required to be Picker:Internal (Consultant) or Picker:Client (Manager) or Picker:Candidate (Worker). If they are already this type and have been updated it may be that the placement data has not been updated since the field has changed type and the placement just simply needs to be re-edited and saved for the field to be updated to the ID from the string. |
010 | Unable to convert updated Corporate User to Consultant from Bullhorn, Client contact ID = XXX | Generally these can be acknowledged. Typically the error is generated as a consultant has been deleted/removed from Bullhorn which then pings an event to InTime. |
011 | Unable to import: No rates configured for this placement (Custom Object 2) | First step is to try re-importing the placement. If this works then acknowledge the error. |
012 | Exception ocurred importing placement: org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: could not insert: [com.ipfour.intime.model.Worker]; SQL [insert into UserTable (emailFormat, title, firstname, middlename, lastname, password, passwordHash, username, agency_, refCode, itrisId, contact_, status, pin, securityAnswer, securityQuestion, created, modified, exportedPayroll, exportedAccounts, creationMethod, lastPasswordChange, noCommunications, simpleMenu, roleLevel, failedLoginCount, failedPinCount, lastPINEnterDate, lastLogin, akaFirstname, akaLastname, inpayUserId, timeZone, detectedTimeZone, applicantType, userType) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1)]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.DataException: could not insert: [com.ipfour.intime.model.Worker] | |
013 | Create:Unable to read ClientContact for placement from Bullhorn, with ID:xxxxx | |
014 | Create:Placement is perm type but has no fee | By default any Bullhorn placement with the term "PERM" in the placement type e.g. "Contract to PERM" is treated as a perm placement in InTime and InTime is then expecting a perm fee to be present. If the Placement is not Perm and needs to be treated the same way as a Contract Placement with rates and timesheets then the placement type should be changed to something that does not have the term "perm" in it e.g. Contract. |
015 | Create:Could not convert rates for placement | Client to review placement in Bullhorn |
016 | Exception ocurred importing placement: org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: not-null property references a null or transient value: com.ipfour.intime.model.Rate.job; nested exception is org.hibernate.PropertyValueException: not-null property references a null or transient value: com.ipfour.intime.model.Rate.job | Support. Check alignment of the Pay Element code in InTime with the Bullhorn Pay Element codes in the configuration list. Update the config list to align with the Pay Element code. |
017 | Create:Customisation error: Could not match Client terms template:GBP IDF | Client to review placement in Bullhorn |
018 | Error importing placement: Manager field does not contain an ID. Value: Timesheet DefaultApprover | Check placement in Bullhorn to ensure it has a Manager assigned and they have an email address |
019 | Error importing placement: Unable to read ClientCorporation for placement from Bullhorn | Login to Bullhorn with the API credentials. Search for a placement that has failed to import. On the Overview TAB the Company - Details section will likely display a message - "Error load data". Client will need to raise Bullhorn support as the API will need access to this. |
020 | Error importing placement: Unable to read CorporateUser for placement from Bullhorn, with Id:xxxxxx | Login to Bullhorn and check that you can see the Corporate User section |
021 | Error importing placement: No such property: mobile for class: com.ipfour.intime.model.Worker | 27/10/21 - This was an error in the default integration code and should now be resolved and not re-occur. |
022 | Error importing placement: not-null property references a null or transient value: com.ipfour.intime.model.Rate.job | Check InTime Config aligns the Bullhorn Pay Element Code with the InTime Code (not the Pay Element Name) |
023 | Error importing placement: Manager ID not present for placement | The Bullhorn->InTIME integration always needs a manager, whether a PERM placement or not. There are no email communications sent on a PERM placement when it’s imported but most clients add the Sales Manager to the Manager mapping for PERM placements just so that is seen. The manager needs to be from the client as this is where the client for the placement is mapped from the client of the manager. |
024 | Update Error: Manager ID not present for placement | See error 023 above |
025 | Error importing placement: Salary/Pay Unit not set - can not determine Time Period for rates | |
026 | Error importing placement: Invalid charge terms days value:30 | |
027 | Error importing placement: Yearly rate used in Bullhorn - not supported by intime | Check the Contract Placement Information TAB in Bullhorn for the Placement. The Pay Unit is probably set to Yearly. This determines the period type of rates on the placement. InTime only recognises the following values so please set the value list to these: Per Hour,Per Day,Per Month |
028 | Error importing placement: Cannot get property 'id' on null object | |
029 | Error importing placement: Placement has a fee but no salary was available as multiplier | |
030 | Error importing placement: Column 'job_' cannot be null |
031 | Error importing placement: Unable to import: Rate Template not selected for new placement | |
001 | Error: Row (851) Col (3) Column [Job Title] cannot be empty for Placement: Placement: ID=null RefCode=null Frontend ref=16162 Worker="Agency Name": 3121 (Worker Name) Manager="Agency Name": 13170 (Manager Name) Placed on 2016-04-25 Starting Unknown Finishing Unknown; Row (852) Missing or invalid preceding placement row for rate row; Row (853) Missing or invalid preceding placement row for rate row | The Job Title for a Worker is mandatory. Update Colleague and rerun the import. |
002 | Could not find an existing approval route called: 'Auto"Approval"Route' for Placement:Placement: ID=null RefCode=null Frontend ref=610007043 Worker=InterQuest Group: 104011644 (Warren Bowden) Manager=InterQuest Group: 610012480 (Chris Manley) Placed on 2016-11-22 Starting 2016-12-24 Finishing 2017-02-24; Row (2) Missing or invalid preceding placement row for rate row | There were invalid characters in the import file that were changing the Approval Route to one that was not recognised in InTime. Need to edit the file in a specialised text editor. Request client to refer back to Colleague to check the import file. |
003 | Error validating Worker (Bank A/C Name, Number and Sort Code must be specified if paying by BACS) | If a worker is setup to be paid via BACS then the Bank details must be entered including Bank A/C Name, Number and Sort Code. |
004 | Worker's National Insurance Table Letter not updated because InPay is enabled | |
005 | Error validating Manager (Invalid Email Address: tbc@c) | |
006 | Error validating Worker - Worker title cannot be blank | |
007 | Error validating Worker - Worker date of birth cannot be blank | |
008 | Error validating Worker - Worker NI number cannot be blank | |
009 | Error validating Worker - Worker tax code cannot be blank | |
010 | Error validating Manager (The manager with Id [200222453] has already been assigned to a different client with id [300026301-EUR] for the placement on row [30]) | The Manager already exists on InTime but with a different Client than the one on the import file. A Manager can not exists on more than one Client. You can resolve this issue by creating a new manager record in your front-office system |
011 | Error validating Worker (The field cannot be null.) | Please ensure that you always have an email for a worker as it is mandatory for InTime. We suggest that your front-office system should enforce this field, either on entry or before export to InTime. |
012 | WKR_ACCOUNT_NUM cannot be changed | |
013 | Currency not specified so setting to agency default value | |
014 | Placement with ID [610004593] - Existing manager with ref 610007728 belongs to a different Client: 200060914-GBP | |
015 | Placement with ID [200034584] has an invalid PlacementTimesheetPeriod field. It is set to ''. Was expecting one of these values: [list of various system defined values] | Amend the Placement timesheet period to one of the listed values and re-import |
016 | Error validating Worker (Invalid NI number format.) | |
017 | Error validating Worker - Worker NI table letter cannot be blank | |
018 | Placement with ID [990016951] - Payroll employee update failed for Worker Name (990011892) Payroll response: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Invalid NI table letter, only valid for female over 55<br/> at WebServices.Employee.CreateEmployeeFull(String ticket, Int32 CompanyID, Employee oEmployeeModel, EmployeeTax oEmployeeTaxModel, EmployeeNI oEmployeeNIModel, EmployeeBank oEmployeeBankModel) | |
019 | Placement with ID [990016869] - Payroll employee update failed for Worker Name (990011792) Payroll response: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Employee cannot be set to table letter C as they are under retirement age. at WebServices.Employee.CreateEmployeeFull(String ticket, Int32 CompanyID, Employee oEmployeeModel, EmployeeTax oEmployeeTaxModel, EmployeeNI oEmployeeNIModel, EmployeeBank oEmployeeBankModel) | |
020 | Placement with ID [990016586] - Payroll employee update failed for Worker Name (200294998) Payroll response: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Employee is under the age of 21 on their next pay day, but is not on an under 21s NI Letter at WebServices.Employee.CreateEmployeeFull(String ticket, Int32 CompanyID, Employee oEmployeeModel, EmployeeTax oEmployeeTaxModel, EmployeeNI oEmployeeNIModel, EmployeeBank oEmployeeBankModel) | |
021 | Worker Payroll Tax Code not updated because InPay is enabled | |
022 | Placement with ID [500010397] - Batch update returned unexpected row count from update [0]; actual row count: 0; expected: 1 | |
023 | Placement with ID [200034039] has no default rate [STANDARD] | |
024 | Error validating Worker (Bank A/C Number is invalid. Check it has the right number of numeric digits) | Check the format of the Workers bank account number |
025 | Error validating Worker (Invalid sort code format.) | Check the format of the Workers sort code |
026 | Placement with ID [200034986] - Cannot import ltd company provider: The name Ltd Co Provider Name already exists | |
027 | Placement with ID [770002559] has no rates | |
028 | Placement with ID [290001435] - Payroll employee update failed for Worker Name (200334506) Payroll response: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Transaction (Process ID 151) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. | |
029 | Cannot change client from X to Y - changing the client of an existing placement is not allowed | The import is trying to change the Client of an existing Placement to a different Client. This is not allowed. Review/amend the import file and rerun the import |
030 | Placement with ID [610005665] - Payroll employee update failed for Worker Name (290000554) Payroll response: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The sort code is unrecognised. Please re-enter. | |
031 | Placement with ID [X] has existing shifts outside its date range [shifts: 15/12/2016 to 15/12/2016, placement: 18/12/2016 to 25/12/2016] | When you change a placement the date range must include all existing shifts. In this example a timesheet has been submitted for the 15th Dec which is outside of the date range of the Placement. You will need to extend the date range of the Placement so that the timesheet date is included e.g. change the Placement date range to 15/12/2016 to 25/12/2016. If the timesheet should not be included then you will need to revert the timesheet. |
032 | Placement with ID [290001917] - Payroll employee update failed for Worker Name (290000529) Payroll response: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Exception: Could not find stored procedure 'SP Name'. | Log a support call - |
033 | The end instant must be greater or equal to the start | |
034 | Placement with ID [200034922] - Payroll employee update failed for Worker Name (200324204) Payroll response: Could not fetch ticket: | |
035 | Placement with ID [610006103] - Currency exchange rate not configured from | |
036 | Placement with ID [610006167] - Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction | |
037 | Invalid Worker's Payment Frequency value: for Worker:Agency Name: 200281443 (Worker Name) for Placement:Frontend ref = 990016708; | Check the Worker has a valid Payment Frequency |
038 | Column [Manager Email Address] cannot be empty for Manager with frontend ref:990003645 for Placement:Frontend ref = 990016730; | Check the Manager has a valid email address |
039 | Placement 990016461: Rejecting because rate does not refer to an existing pay element Code | |
040 | Invalid column [Client Invoice Address Postcode] value [DO NOT POST - GIVE TO DEE] (exceeds permitted database length of [20]) for: Client | The client Invoice Address Postcode exceeds the allowed length (20). Amend this and retry the import. |
041 | Invalid column [Worker Title] value [Not Applicable] (exceeds permitted database length of [10]) for Worker | |
042 | Column [Manager First Name] cannot be empty for Manager with frontend ref | |
043 | Existing user with ref X is not a Manager for Manager with frontend ref: X for Placement:Frontend ref = nnnnnnnn | Check other user types for the reference as this means there will be a user that already exists within the system that has the same reference as the manager you are trying to import. |
044 | Column [Ltd Company Provider Itris Id] cannot be empty for: Ltd. Company Provider | |
045 | Column [Client Payment Terms] cannot be empty for: Client | |
046 | Could not find an existing charge terms called: 'Default Pay Terms' valid terms are:Default Charge Terms,Agency Name, for Placement:Placement: ID=null RefCode=null Frontend ref=770002540 Worker=Agency Name: 271668300 (Worker Name) Manager=Agency Name: 770022487 (Manager Name) Placed on 2015-08-06 Starting 2015-08-07 Finishing 2015-10-30 | |
047 | Column [Timesheet Approval Route] cannot be empty for Placement:Placement: ID=null RefCode=null Frontend ref=770002540 Worker=Agency Name: 271668300 (Worker Name) Manager=Agency Name: 770022487 (Manager Name) Placed on 2015-08-06 Starting 2015-08-07 Finishing 2015-10-30 | |
048 | Split Consultant not found: Consultant Name for Placement:Placement: ID=null RefCode=null Frontend ref=990016474 Worker=Agency Name: 500049876 (Worker Name) Manager=Agency Name: 500051848 (Manager Name) Placed on 2015-07-07 Starting 2015-07-20 Finishing 2015-10-16 | The Split Consultant either needs to be amended on the import file or set up on InTime The Consultant must exist on InTime before the split can be imported. |
049 | Invalid title 'Mr.' - must be one of: Mr,Mrs,Ms,Miss,Sir,Dr,Lord,Lady for Worker:Agency Name: 210026296 (null null) for Placement:Frontend ref = 210000481 | Check the Workers title |
050 | Cannot parse column [Placement Start Date] value [02/02/2015] as date using format 'yyyy-MM-dd' (Unparseable date: "02/02/2015", format: [yyyy-MM-dd] | The start date of the Placement is in the wrong format |
051 | Incorrect number of tokens found in record | This means the CSV line doesn't have the same amount of columns as InTIME is expecting. Usual reasons: Reason: There is probably a new-line character in one of the fields in your input file. This is often an address field. Reason: You have added a column to the CSV data and not advised InTIME support to amend the importer configuration to match. |
052 | Cannot find placement with frontend ref of 990016969 for Manager with frontend ref:990017055 | |
053 | Placement 290001575: Placement ID [290001575] Rate:STANDARDH has an invalid pay element for the workers payroll: Job name:Basic Pay code: STD | Check the pay element assigned to the Workers payroll |
054 | Placement with ID [990016586] - Payroll employee update failed for Worker Name (200294998) Payroll response: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The current pay period has not been selected on the Payroll Processing screen. Please select a pay period and try again | Select a pay period for the Worker and try the import again |
055 | No holiday calendar for code '0' found for agency Agency Name for Placement | |
056 | Manager already exists with the same front-end reference but they do not have matching Client front-end references for Manager with frontend ref | |
057 | Column [Worker's Bank Account Number] is invalid, check number of numeric digits for Worker | Check the Workers bank account number |
058 | Invalid column [Worker Title] value [Not Applicable] (exceeds permitted database length of [10]) for Worker | Check the Workers title. It is too long to be imported. |
059 | Column [Worker's National Insurance Number] invalid format for Worker | Check the format of the Workers NI number |
060 | Column [Worker's Sort Code] invalid format for Worker | Check the format of the Workers Sort Code |
061 | Invalid column [Purchase Order Number] value [53965_H0192 INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP SERVICES COMPANY] (exceeds permitted database length of [50]) for Placement | |
062 | Column [Job Title] cannot be empty for Placement:Placement: ID=null RefCode=null Frontend ref=610004272 Worker=Agency Name: 309 (Worker Name) Manager=Agency Name: 19280 (Manager Name) Placed on 2015-12-04 Starting Unknown Finishing Unknown | |
063 | Found more than one existing client with frontend ref 730002009-GBP for Manager with frontend ref | |
064 | Worker Worker Name/ID is a leaver. They must be re-instated to allow updates for Placement | |
065 | Found more than one existing user with frontend ref 610008638 for Manager with frontend ref | |
066 | Placement with ID [160000792] - the placement has been deleted | This is likely to be an old Placement on InTime that has been logically deleted from the system. Log a call with who will be able to confirm if this is the case. |
067 | Column [Ltd Company Provider Frontend Ref] cannot be empty for: Ltd. Company Provider | |
068 | Unsupported Invoice Period: for Worker:Agency Name: 1005417 (Worker Name) for Placement | |
069 | Unexpected row identifier [990017382] (all rows should start with 'P,' or 'R,') | |
070 | Column [Ltd Company Provider Name] cannot be empty for: Ltd. Company Provider | |
071 | Column [Job Title] cannot be empty for Placement | |
072 | Invalid column [Job Title] value [Job Title Detail] (exceeds permitted database length of [100]) for Placement | |
073 | Invalid column [Client Invoice Address Street Line 1] value [Client Address] (exceeds permitted database length of [80]) for: Client | |
074 | Existing user with ref 14861 is not a Worker for Placement | |
075 | Cannot find 'Worker Ltd Company Terms Template' column [179] - value [Default?Pay?Terms] in existing template names for agency [Valid names are: Default Pay Terms,RDW INC,RDW UK,] for Worker:InterQuest Group: 200344284 (Sean Coursey) for Placement | This means the Payment terms template on the LTD company worker doesn't match one configured in Administration->Payment Terms (Self Bill Invoice Type) Resolution: Ensure that the name matches between your front-office and InTime. |
076 | Could not find an existing approval route called: 'Auto"Approval"Route' for Placement | |
077 | Invalid column [Worker Last Name] value [Worker Last Name ] (exceeds permitted database length of [50]) for Worker | |
078 | Placement with ID [14845] - Hibernate operation: Could not execute JDBC batch update | |
079 | Column [Client Accounts Ref] cannot be empty for: Client: Client Name for Manager with frontend ref | |
080 | Invalid currency specified: EURO for: Client | |
081 | Column [Worker Ltd Company Name] cannot be empty for Worker | |
001 | Error validating Worker (Bank A/C Name, Number and Sort Code must be specified if paying by BACS) | If a worker is setup to be paid via BACS then the Bank details must be entered including Bank A/C Name, Number and Sort Code. |
002 | There must be at least 1 tag for the category Self Billing Agreement; There must be at least 1 tag for the category VAT Reg Cert; There must be at least 1 tag for the category Company Registration; There must be at least 1 tag for the category Passport ID; | |
003 | Cannot change client from X to Y - changing the client of an existing placement is not allowed | The import is trying to change the Client of an existing Placement to a different Client. This is not allowed. Review/amend the import file and rerun the import |
004 | Placement with ID [XXXXXX] - Existing manager with ref AAAAAA belongs to a different Client: BBBBBB | The Manager XXXXXX is already linked in InTime to Client YYYYYY. You will need to create a new account in Salesforce for the Manager and associate this account with the Placement you are importing |
005 | Placement with ID [X] has existing shifts outside its date range [shifts: 15/12/2016 to 15/12/2016, placement: 18/12/2016 to 25/12/2016] | When you change a placement the date range must include all existing shifts. In this example a timesheet has been submitted for the 15th Dec which is outside of the date range of the Placement. You will need to extend the date range of the Placement so that the timesheet date is included e.g. change the Placement date range to 15/12/2016 to 25/12/2016. If the timesheet should not be included then you will need to revert the timesheet. |
006 | Found more than one existing user with frontend ref AAAAAA for Placement:Frontend ref = 111488; Row (2) Missing or invalid preceding placement row for rate row | Import is failing because there are 2 workers defined in InTime with the reference AAAAAA. You will need to amend the reference for one of the workers on Influence and rerun the import. |
007 | Row (1) Unexpected row identifier [PLA_LINE_ID] (all rows should start with 'P' or 'R' Row (3) Placement X: Col (1) Unexpected row identifier (all rows should start with 'P' or 'R') Row (4) Placement X: Col (1) Unexpected row identifier [RAT_LINE_ID] (all rows should start with 'P' or 'R') | Import is failing due to the column being included in the import file. Only the placement line, starting with "P" and the rate line info starting with "R" should be included. Also, there should be no blank lines in-between. |
008 | Error validating Manager (Invalid Email Address: email.address@domain | Check the format of the email address is correct e.g. no invalid characters. |
009 | Found more than one existing client with frontend ref 26581 for Placement:Frontend ref = 610904; Row (2) Missing or invalid preceding placement row for rate row | |
010 | Cannot find placement with frontend ref of 610728 for Manager with frontend ref:51667 - Parsing error at line: 1, | Potentially multiple reasons for this error: Reason 1 The import is trying to update a Placement (610728) that does not exist in InTime. This may be preceded by an error detailing why the Placement failed to import. |
011 | Manager already exists with the same front-end reference but they do not have matching Client front-end references for Manager with frontend ref:51667 - Parsing error at line: 1 | |
012 | Cannot find 'Client Payment Terms' column | |
013 | Column [LtdCoUser Email Address] cannot be empty for LtdCoUser with frontend ref:737149 - Parsing error at line: 1 | |
014 | Incorrect number of tokens found in record | This means the CSV file doesn't have the same amount of columns as InTIME is expecting. Usual reasons: Reason: There is probably a new-line character in one of the fields in your input file. This is often an address field. Reason: You have added a column to the CSV data and not advised InTIME support to amend the importer configuration to match. |
015 | Found more than one existing client with frontend ref 26581 for Placement:Frontend ref = 610904 | |
016 | Could not find an existing Expense Item Template Group called: 'GBP VAT Reg UK' | No expense template exists within InTIME that matches the name given by the import (This is case sensitive, in case it is a name case issue). The link below provides some information to assist with the creation of expense templates. Creating Expense Templates |
017 | Placement with ID [608649] - Existing manager with ref 51667 belongs to a different Client | |
018 | Placement with ID [608538] - Cannot import consultant: The user name 'SEWO' is not available | A user already exists in InTime with a login name of SEWO and so the consultant cannot be read in. To get this placement to read in either the login name for the existing consultant should be changed to a different value or the login for the incoming consultant changed in Influence. |
019 | Cannot find 'Worker Ltd Company Terms Template' column [66] - value [x] in existing template names for agency [Valid names are: Default Pay Terms,] for Worker:Agency Name: W76666 (Worker Name) for Placement:Frontend ref = 90554; | This means the Payment terms template on the LTD company worker doesn't match one configured in Administration->Payment Terms (Self Bill Invoice Type) Resolution: Ensure that the name matches between your front-office and InTime. |
020 | Existing user with ref X is not a Manager for Manager with frontend ref: X for Placement:Frontend ref = nnnnnnnn | Check other user types for the reference as this means there will be a user that already exists within the system that has the same reference as the manager you are trying to import. |
021 | Column [LtdCoUser Last Name] cannot be empty for LtdCoUser with frontend ref:525606 - Parsing error at line: 1 | |
022 | LtdCoUser already exists with the same front-end reference but they do not have matching LtdCoProvider front-end references for LtdCoUser with frontend ref:515997 - Parsing error at line: 1 | Worker with a reference of 515997 is being loaded into InTIme. However this worker is already linked to a Provider on InTime. Ltd company users can only be linked to one Provider. Either the provider on Influence needs to be corrected or a new Worker account needs to be set up with a different reference. This can then be connected to the new Provider. |
023 | Case 56886 | |
001 | Cannot change client from X to Y - changing the client of an existing placement is not allowed | The import is trying to change the Client of an existing Placement to a different Client. This is not allowed. Review/amend the import file and rerun the import. |
002 | Failed to read placement with ID AAAAAAAA (BBBBBBB). Error:org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: not-null property references a null or transient value: com.ipfour.intime.model.Rate.job; nested exception is org.hibernate.PropertyValueException: not-null property references a null or transient value: com.ipfour.intime.model.Rate.job | Developer fixed by adding the following placement script: placement.rates.eachWithIndex { rate, index -> rate.job = rate.setTimePattern("DEFAULT")) rate.setPriorityOrder(index) } |
003 | Failed to read placement with ID 116707121541 (1343203). Error:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException | |
004 | Failed to read placement with ID 116683414345 (1325768) Error:com.ipfour.intime.imports.ImportException: Cannot import placement: The field com.ipfour.intime.model.Placement.defaultRate cannot be null | The ID (116683414345) cannot be searched for so search for the Ref ID (1325768). Contact Bond support on how to do this. This error means that there isn’t a rate on the placement so it cannot set a default. |
005 | Failed to read placement with ID 116720858003 (23601). Error:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find an existing approval route called: 'Auto' |
001 | Row (X) Placement with ID [X] - Could not execute JDBC batch update | Check the BANK ACCOUNT NAME. If it is more than 30 chs long then amend the account name and re-import. If the account name is 30 chs or less then log a call with support ( to investigate further. |
002 | Row (X) Placement with ID (XXXXX) - null | |
001 | Placement with ID [104150] - Creation of new clients through the importer is disabled. | |
002 | Rejecting because pay rate is zero | |
003 | Cannot find placement with frontend ref of 104148 for Manager with frontend ref:M130738 | |
004 | Placement with ID [X] has existing shifts outside its date range [shifts: 15/12/2016 to 15/12/2016, placement: 18/12/2016 to 25/12/2016] | When you change a placement the date range must include all existing shifts. In this example a timesheet has been submitted for the 15th Dec which is outside of the date range of the Placement. You will need to extend the date range of the Placement so that the timesheet date is included e.g. change the Placement date range to 15/12/2016 to 25/12/2016. If the timesheet should not be included then you will need to revert the timesheet. |
ID | Error | Explanation |
002 | Cannot find 'Worker Ltd Company Terms Template' column [x] - value [x] in existing template names for agency [Valid names are: Default Pay Terms,] for Worker:AGENCYNAME | This means the Payment terms template on the LTD company worker doesn't match one configured in Administration->Payment Terms (Self Bill Invoice Type) Resolution: Ensure that the name matches between your front-office and InTime. |
003 | Error validating Manager (The manager with Id [MANAGER] has already been assigned to a different client with id [CLIENTREF] for the placement on row [nnn]) | A manager with reference MANAGER already exists in InTime but they are associated with a different client to that in your import file. In InTime you cannot have a manager associated with more than one client at a time. For example, your manager may already by associated with Client A but your import file now states that the manager workers at Client B. Resolution: You can resolve this issue by creating a new manager record in your front-office system |
004 | Unexpected row identifier | Each row in the import file must begin with a P or R. This line in your import file begins with something else. Usual reasons: Reason: There is probably a new-line character in one of the fields in your input file. This is often an address field. |
005 | Error validating Worker (Bank A/C Name, Number and Sort Code must be specified if paying by BACS) | When a worker's record is configured to make payments via BACS, validation is always applied to the bank details. |
006 | Placement xxxxx: Update: Can not change client as timesheets or expenses exist | Placement has been created with a client but the update has come in with a manager which already exists in InTime but attached to a different client. If the client for the placement is not correct then the placement will need to be ended and a new placement created in Bullhorn with the correct client. If the placement has the correct client a new manager record for this person will need to be created in Bullhorn which is attached to the same client. This will allow the manager on the placement to be changed and will also create a new user account for the manager which only relates to the new client. |
007 | Cannot find placement with frontend ref of aaaaa for Manager with frontend ref:bbbbb - Parsing error at line: 1, input=[aaaaa,,2016-11-18T00:00:00, 2016-11-18T00:00:00,bbbbb | |
008 | Placement with [ID Number] has existing shifts outside it's date range [shifts: 15/12/2016 to 15/12/2016, placement: 18/12/2016 to 25/12/2016] | In this example a timesheet has been submitted for the 15th Dec which is outside of the date range of the Placement. You will need to extend the date range of the Placement so that the timesheet date is included e.g. change the Placement date range to 15/12/2016 to 25/12/2016. If the timesheet should not be included then you will need to revert the timesheet. |
009 | Placement with ID [xxxxxxx] - the placement has been deleted | This is likely to be an old Placement on InTime that has been logically deleted from the system. Log a call with who will be able to confirm if this is the case. |
010 | Importing placement via csv receive error message: Row (1) Tax Code '30' not found for "Agency Name" for Placement:Frontend ref = HQ00005847-0; Case 52114. | Check that Tax Code 30 is active in InTime. To activate this click Administration > Tax Rates > find the appropriate tax rate and click activate |
011 | Import from Bullhorn Bullhorn Update Failure: For input string: "ESERVE" Case 52513 | The problem has occurred because the Ref Code of the Bullhorn linked client 'Homeserve' has been changed from 'BH-3296' to 'HOMESERVE'. This means InTime is unable to reference or update the client record. The client ref code should be changed back to 'BH-3296', then the update should work. Please advise customers not to change the Ref Code of any Bullhorn linked entities from the 'BH-XXX' format or other problems will occur. InTime uses this Ref Code format to identify the associated Bullhorn record and is fundamental to how the Bullhorn integration works. |
012 | Row (1) Placement with ID [HQ00044960] - could not insert: [com.ipfour.intime.model.Rate]; SQL [insert into RateTable (charge, name, pay, refCode, placement_, job_, period, timepattern_, periodDuration, originalRate_, backendRef, frontendRef, timesheetFields, selectableByWorkers, viewableByConsultant, viewableByLtdCoUser, viewableByManager, viewableByWorker, priorityOrder, secondaryPay, roleTemplateID, proRata, awr, effectiveFrom) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.DataException: could not insert: [com.ipfour.intime.model.Rate] - P_3300-1578480216194.csv | Related to an incorrect configuration for the values - import.placement.rate.timesheetFields.tickbox/decimal/hourly.notime/hourly |
ID | Error | Explanation |
001 | Row (1) Placement with ID [123] - Cannot import ltd company provider: The name "provider name here" already exists | The problem was relating to the providers front end ref being entered. It's fine to have the same provider listed on the CSV importer for multiple workers, however if you have multiple front end references this error will occur. InTime is essentially trying to create multiple of the same record because it is reading the different front end references. Solution: Change the front end reference to match the first / already existing record. |