OAuth2 Authentication Information Page

OAuth2 Authentication Information Page

Are you using RSM InTime Email Approval with Office 365?

Microsoft has announced that Basic Authentication for office365 accounts is coming to an end. If you are not set up to use OAuth2 Authentication, this will impact your office365 email approval account. Further information from Microsoft can be found here.

How can I check if I have OAuth2 set up within RSM InTime?

If you are unsure if you are currently using OAuth Authentication you can review your email server settings within RSM InTime. Click on the System Configuration Cog in the top righthand corner of your RSM InTime screen and select Email Server Settings within the system panel. 

If your Authentication Method is already set to OAuth2, then no further action is required. If however ‘OAuth2’ is not selected, then action is required by you or your IT Administrator.

Who needs to make these changes?

This will be you or your IT Administrator.

How do I complete the setup of OAuth 2.0 credentials?

The RSM InTime Support Team will be unable to assist due to visibility restrictions. We have however provided a step by step guide that you may find useful. If you are unable to complete any steps you will need to speak to your Email Provider Support team.

When is the Deadline?

Whilst Microsoft have said that the deadline for this change is October 1st 2022, we would recommend that these changes are made as soon as possible.  

When should I make the change?

You can make the changes as and when you require, however for ease we would recommend doing this outside of your standard timesheet approval process, for example, Thursday/Friday. However please remember the deadline is October 1st 2022.