InTime V21.01 Release Note

InTime V21.01 Release Note



InTime V21.01 - Release Notes


We are delighted to announce our latest release - InTime V21.01

Invoice Improvements

Self Billing Client Credit Notes

When raising a credit note for a self billing client, you can enter a custom credit note number. If this is not entered the credit note number will be assigned automatically using the agency number range for credit notes rather than matching the original invoice number.

Timesheet Improvements

Zero Hour Timesheet Warning

If your agency allows submission of timesheets with no time entered, there is now a warning message shown upon the timesheet submission. The submitter of the timesheet must click to confirm that the timesheet should be submitted with no time against it. 

Timesheet Importing without Effective Dates

When using the timesheet importer and effective dates are enabled on the system, if a placement has a rate which does not have an effective date against it the importer is now able to process these. Previously the importer would fail with an error in this situation but it will now correctly process and recognise these rates. 

Profile Improvements

Negative Rates on Placements

Negative value rates can now be saved against placement profiles. 

New Placement Import Fields

Placement import files can now include Rate Effective Dates and the Invoice Requires PO flag on placement. Please ask Support to enable this if needed. 

Reporting Improvements

Split Commission Report on Missing Timesheets

Split commission amounts can be reported on for missing (past and future) timesheets. For this functionality to calculate the commission, contracted hours must be entered against the placement profile. The report does not take into consideration effective dates and pre/post AWR rates and will always use the default rate to determine predicted pay/charge totals and the resulting commission. Please ask Support to enable this functionality if required. 

Margin Report Improvements

Contracted hours displayed correctly where decimal places are used. 

Client site, Client Ref, Consultant Ref and Consultant Name are shown in the margin report.

Additional Improvements

HSBC XML - option to include OIN number and scheme name

Contract Document accepted date is removed when a new version is uploaded

Contract Document history tab has been improved

The Payment Report for international payments now includes a total per currency or one total where single currency is used

Charge Only expenses not submitted by workers are hidden from the workers view