Employee Holiday Schemes


Use this page to set up a new Holiday Scheme for an employee or the amending an existing one.


Employee Holiday Schemes#Usage

Employee Holiday Schemes#Adding a New Record

Employee Holiday Schemes#Deleting a Record


The Employee Holiday Scheme page is used to add holiday schemes or amend existing ones. Current holiday details (holiday taken, holiday accrued, holiday left) are displayed on the screen as well as the history of previous holiday scheme changes.

  • Holiday Scheme: Select the holiday scheme to put the employee on. Only holiday schemes with a type matching the employee's payroll frequency or hourly schemes will be visible.
  • Effective Date: If use employee effective date is selected against the scheme then this date is used to determine the anniversary of the holiday year where balances are reset.
  • End Date: This should only be used if the employee needs to be taken off ALL holiday schemes. Must be the end date of the prior period if used. The employee will no longer be on ANY holiday scheme and their accrued and taken holiday will be removed from the payslip.
  • Holiday Carried Forward: Any value in this field will be added to holiday accrued to calculate the amount of holiday remaining as shown on the payslip. *
  • Holiday Accrued: Read Only - The amount of holiday accrued in the holiday year (as shown on the last committed payslip).*
  • Holiday Taken: Read Only - The amount of holiday taken in the holiday year (as shown on the current payslip).*
  • Holiday Left: Read Only - The amount of holiday left in the holiday year (as shown on the current payslip, less anything accrued this period, as the accrued value is not available to the worker until after the payroll has been committed) this will include the holiday carried forward figure.*
  • Average Rate: Read Only - This is the current system calculated holiday rate. The rate is recalculated after the payroll has been committed. Please note that it may take up to ten minutes after commit for the average rate to be calculated,
  • Average Rate Override: Occasionally the user may wish to override the rate calculated based on the 12 week average. Adding a value into this field will mean that this figure will be used when the average rate is selected against an absence record.
  • Accrued Per Period: Upon selecting the scheme this field will be populated with the figure set at holiday scheme level.**
  • Accrued Per Period Override: If entered, this figure will override the amount set at the holiday scheme level.**

Adding a New Record

If the employee has an existing record then the effective date of the new record must be the start date of the current period.

Deleting a Record

Only current records can be deleted as long as they have not been committed against a previous period.

* These fields will be shown in hours if an hourly holiday scheme is selected. 

** If an hourly scheme is selected then this will be Hours Accrued Per Hour: The fraction of an hour to accrue for every hour worked.