Employee Starter Declaration

Employee Starter Declaration


This screen allows the entry of a starter statement. A starter statement is required for all new starters on the FPS. The HMRC will raise errors upon submission of the FPS for any new employees that do not have starter statements.


Employee Starter Declaration#Starter Statement Types

Employee Starter Declaration#Student Loan

Starter Statement Types

  • Standard

This is the starter statement for a standard employee. This requires a date, that either category A, B or C is selected (as determined by the employee's state of previous employment) and also that Statement D is ticked if the employee has a student loan (now obsolete). Picking A, B or C will have the following effect on the employee's tax code (unless a P45 has been entered).

    • A: Emergency Tax Code, Cumulative
    • B: Emergency Tax Code, Wk1. Mth1
    • C: BR, Cumulative

  • Expat

This is the starter statement for an expat employee and requires a date, that either category A, B or C is selected. Picking A, B or C will have the following effect on the employee's tax code.

    • A: Emergency Tax Code, Cumulative
    • B: Emergency Tax Code, Wk1. Mth1
    • C: Emergency Tax Code, Wk1. Mth1
  • Pension

If Pension Payments is selected in the Company General screen the option of a Pension Starter Statement will be available. The Date and Annual Amount must be populated and will be fed through to the FPS

Student Loan

This section allows you to enter information about the employees student loan.

If the worker has a student loan that is not fully repaid (question 1), they are not repaying it directly (question 2), and they finished their studies prior to 6th April (question 3), a loan will be created against the worker upon saving the record (against the selected plan type). 

Postgraduate Loan

This section allows you to enter information about the employees postgraduate loan.

If the worker has a postgraduate loan that is not fully repaid (question 1) and they are not repaying it directly (question 2), and they finished their studies prior to 6th April (question 3), a loan will be created against the worker upon saving the record. 

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