Employee Tax Details
Employee Tax Details
Use this page to add, update and delete tax information.
This screen allows the entry and maintenance of the tax details for an employee. The current tax record is shown after selecting an employee and is selected in the Employee Tax History list.
- Date: The date at which the employee tax details are valid from.
- Tax Code: The employee’s tax code. A valid tax code must be entered in this field.
- Week 1/Month 1 Tax Basis: If the employee's tax will be deducted on a weekly/monthly(pay period) basis.
- Notification Source: The notification source of the employee tax details. Options are P6, P9, P45 or P46.
- Notification Date: The date the notification was received.
- Previous Pay: The employee’s previous taxable pay. This field is only available for notificatation source P6*. If the date is in the same financial year as the payroll the previous employment figures will be included in pay calculations as Previous Taxable Pay.
- Previous Tax: The employee’s previous tax paid. This field is only available for notificatation source P6*. If the date is in the same financial year as the payroll the previous employment figures will be included in pay calculations as Previous Tax Paid.
- P6 Applied Period: Although this field (marked by the red arrow) is not entered by the user it is updated automatically by the system once the period has been committed. This is important for 2 reasons - Firstly, once applied, the values will show in the YTD Balances screen Previous Pay section and Secondly, once applied, the values cannot be updated by the user and in order to change the Previous Employment YTD figures another P6 entry will be required to adjust the figures.
* Previous pay from a P45 can be added through the Employee Previous Employment P45 screen