Advanced Billing Module

These features are only available to clients who have purchased this module

Module includes as follows:

Work in progress – Purchase Order Splits at shift level and billing

Application for Payment – Sales/Client invoice self-billing

For clients who are self-bill, the application for payment tick box should be ticked against their client record. You are then able to create sheet groups and view a draft invoice which is only generated once the self-bill invoice has been received, your client invoice reference  added to the RSM InTime invoice  before generation and exporting. This feature allows for timesheets to be removed or added to the RSM InTime invoice if required for reconciliation purposes with the self-bill invoice.

Sales/Client invoice self-billing: The agency’s client supplies a PDF or a file of timesheet information showing worker, hours, rate and the value they intend to pay. This can then be matched by the agency against their own timesheets. The timesheets are then grouped together, this group is called a Sheet Group.  This can be used for the following purposes:

  • An "application for payment" can be generated, rather than an invoice
  • To match a group of timesheets to a client's self-bill invoice

Note: If a client is configured for Application for Payment then you cannot generate a client invoice from the Client/Sales Invoicing screen.


This facility will only apply to clients with the "Enable Sheet Groups" box ticked.  

To set this value edit the client and click on the Advanced TAB. Scroll down to the "Other" section and check the "Enable Sheet Groups" checkbox.

Generating a Client Self Bill

From the Sales menu on the menu bar choose Generate Sheet Groups. Enter your search criteria and then click on the Search button.  A list of potential documents is displayed along with the items that are included.  

The next stage is to review which items are included on the client self-bill invoice.  Tick or un-tick the boxes accordingly until the list of items matches those on the client self-bill.

Click on the Generate Item Groups button to generate.  A new sheet group has now been created in a draft status.

Matching a Client Self-Bill

The next stage is to enter in the invoice number and date from the client self-bill invoice.  

From the Sales menu on the menu bar choose Search Sheet Groups.  Enter your Search criteria and then click on the Search button.  A list of potential documents is displayed along with the items that are included.  

Click on the item that you wish to match the client self-bill invoice to.  Enter the date of the invoice into the date field and enter the invoice number into the external reference field.  Click the Save button.

At this stage the group is still in draft status and must now be approved.  Click the Submit For Approval button.  You will be asked to select an approver.

If you are logged in as an Administrator you will be able to approve the group yourself as shown below

Once the group is approved then you can raise the corresponding RSM InTime invoice by clicking the Invoice This Item Group button.

If confirgure at this stage you can enter the Invoice Number, Invoice Date and also upload the invoice file for the self bill invoice supplied from the client.