Time off in lieu process for all users

Time off in lieu process for all users

If your company allows time off in lieu, there will be an entitlement set up and employees will see this on the dropdown in their requests. The system will then allow: employees to add time to the entitlement, and request to take the time accrued, as well as allowing the manager to approve both requests. Below follows the process for all users and all stages. 

Setting up Toil

Employees adding toil

Managers approving add toil requests

Employees requesting time off in lieu

Managers approving time off in lieu request

Setting up Toil

The following setup can only be performed by an administrator or PeopleManager.

Navigate over to Admin and click on Administer entitlement plans.

Below are the settings that need to be in place for Toil to calculate correctly. Name the plan and select the absence type "Time in Lieu"

Set the full-time hours to what your companies full time hours are and set the period length to 12. 

Make sure you tick the Hours Based box, as all Toil requests will be in hours. 

You do not need to use the auto create plan as this plan only needs to show once and does not need to be created every year.


Next under the date options the plan needs to be set to Fixed and a fixed date to be set back in the past. You can replicate what is stated in the Holiday Entitlement, but the date needs to be in the past. 

A recommendation would be  

The calculations section method NEEDS to be "Rolling Threshold"

You can choose if you wish to use a rounding method, most do not and are set to None.

Then make sure the service calculation is set to Fixed at Entitlement Date.

Lastly the bands. If your Toil entitlement is forever, then the below setup is correct. This is the likely setup for around 99% of clients.

The new entitlement is now setup. You will next need to make sure each employee has the entitlement on their account in order for this to calculate correctly. Below is an example.

Employees adding toil 

Within your self service account, on the home page you will see my current requests dashboard. Click new request. Within the New request box, using the dropdown select add time-in-lieu and click open. 

Enter the hours you require to add. There is a comment box if you wish to add further detail, click save when you are done. The box will close and you will see a green success message appear in the bottom righthand side of the screen. This has now been sent to your line manager to approve. 

Managers approving add toil requests

As an approving line manager when you log into your self service you will see the first dashboard widget is my requests to approve. Click on the request to open it. 

You will see the request details, with an option to either click accept, or using the dropdown you can choose to reject, pend, or escalate the request. If you accept the box will close and you will see a green success message appear in the bottom righthand side of the screen. This has now been sent back to the employee to confirm it has been approved.

Employees requesting time off in lieu

Once you have time added to your toil entitlement you can then request to take that time. Within your home page click on new request and in the dropdown select time in lieu request and click open.

This works the same as requesting holiday. Click within the date field to select the required date, and the dropdown to pick AM/PM.  Enter in the total hours they are wishing to spend. I.e. 7.50

You can use the comment box if you wish and when ready click save. 

This will then show on your dashboard within my current requests until it has been approved. 

If you wish to remove this request, click into the request and click revoke. 

Managers approving time off in lieu request

This works in exactly the same way as approving other absences such as holiday. Click on the request on your dashboard 

You will then get a summary of the request with a total requested and the option to accept, reject, pend or escalate. Once complete the employee will get an automated email to advise them of the action. 

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