Changing a contract for an employee

Changing a contract for an employee

If you wish to make any change to an employee's hours or job title you are making a contract change. Follow the steps below to make sure this is captured correctly. 

Go to employees in the top menu bar, find your employee and double click on their name to open their record on the righthand side. Select contract on the top line of tabs and then details on the second line. 

Creating & cloning records 

Firstly we recommend you always create or clone and never simply edit the existing record. Each time you create or clone a record, you will add an entry to the history section, providing you with an audit trail of their contract details. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and just after the history section you will see create or clone. Clone will duplicate the existing record, this is useful when you only want to change the hours for example, create will provide you with an entirely blank new record. 

When you generate the new record, the date field will be empty. Enter the date the new changes will be taking place this will be the new contract date. You will note that the original start date and continuous service dates will still be populated. Make the changes you require using the dropdowns, once you have made the changes scroll down and click save. 

Changing the work plan

Once you have made the contract change you will need to update the work plan. Go to the Absence tab on the first line, and the work plan tab on the second. 

Please note if the work plan you require needs to be created first go to administer work plans

Scroll down and click create, a new panel will open. You will need to make sure the start date matches the new contract date. Then using the dropdowns select a work plan and a public plan (if required) and click save. A new line will appear in the history. 

Changing the entitlement plan & recalculating absence

If all entitlements stay the same you may not need to do this. However, if the contract change gives additional holiday days, provides time off in lieu, or perhaps more sickness allowance, you will need to make this change.

Please note if the entitlement plan you require needs to be created first go to administer entitlement plans. Go to the Absence tab on the first line, and the entitlement tab on the second.

Scroll down and click create, a new panel will open. You will need to make sure the start date matches the new contract date. Then using the dropdowns select a work plan and a public plan (if required) and click save. A new line will appear in the history.

Changing of pay details 

If there is a change in pay, then you will need to create a new pay detail record.  Go to pay on the first line, and details on the second. 

Create a new record, apply the changes as necessary, making sure the date matches the contract and work plan date. Click save when completed. A new line will appear in the history section and all the calculations will be worked out by the system. 

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