Submission errors and how to correct them

Submission errors and how to correct them

This section helps you understand and rectify submission errors. These errors will arise when the information between People Manager and Pay Manager either differs or is missing from People Manager.  If you are receiving an error message that you are unsure of please contact your payroll executive or support.

Pay Manager is our PAYE processing software that is fully integrated with People Manager. 

Missing payroll frequency and/or method

What does this mean? Within the pay - tab you have payment method and pay frequency. Both of these need to be filled out for payroll submissions to work. 

How to correct: Go to pay - payroll tab and complete the missing field(s). Scroll down and click save.

Invalid Bank Account

What does this mean? The bank account details could be wrong or missing entirely.  

How to correct: Go to pay - bank tab, enter the employees bank details and click save. If there are bank details there, please check with the employee that the sort code and account number are correct, and update accordingly.

Payment for element: Name with the start date dd/mm/yyyy found in Pay Manager but not in People Manager. 

What does this mean? That a pay element has been setup in Pay Manager and not in People Manager for that employee, or that the start date has been amended in either system and they do not match accordingly. You will get the employee number within the error message. 

How to correct: You will need to speak to your payroll executive. 

Couldn't find the pay element for type entry and name. Pay element is not configured.

What does this mean? You have set up a new pay element in People Manager but it has not been set up Pay Manager

How to correct: You will need to speak to your payroll executive and advise them of the pay element details. 

Problem sending Absence/Absence not sent. The error will give details of the absence.

What does this mean? This could mean either there is an absence in Pay Manager but not one in People Manager, or that something is missing from the Paid/ non paid days RF1 /RF2 within the absence events tab. 

How to correct: Go to absence - event tab and check the fields for full pay. If fields are zero, you are still required to enter a 0 in the field. Alternatively you will need to speak to your payroll executive regarding an absence being entered in Pay Manager but not People Manager.

The date of joining cannot be before/does not match the service start date 

What does this mean? In contract - details tab the original start date or continuous service date is after or different to the date of joining within Pay Manager. 

How to correct: Have you changed the date in People Manager recently? If the change you have made is correct, you will need to speak to your payroll executive to change the date within Pay Manager so the records align. If the date has been changed incorrectly, please change the date back to the original date within contract - details tab. At the bottom of the screen you will see an audit history, if the change was made by creating a new record you will be able to see the previous date within the history table. 


Missing gender

What does this mean? While People Manager gives you the ability to add to the gender dropdown, or leave the field blank, currently the HMRC requires a gender of male or female to be record against an employee. Please see: Tell HMRC about a new employee for all the information the HMRC requires about an employee.

How to correct:  Go to personal - details tab, and change/add male or female from the dropdown options. 


Missing rate for the absence entry 

What does this mean? An absence has been sent over in the submission but there is a missing rate within pay - details tab.

How to correct: Within the pay - details tab you will need to populate the general screen, entering the employee's pay details. 

Hourly rate does not match with the contract/work plan hours – Error occurs they have a workplan on 25 hours, and their contract plan says 50 hours.

What does this mean? There are a few areas that you will need to check. Firstly it could be the employee's work plan doesn’t match contract details page, for example: the employee has a workplan of 25 hours a week and their contract details says 50. If they do match, it could be the pay rate has been saved before the work plan or contract details pages have been updated and they have not been recalculated. Alternatively if all those things are ok, the employee may have changed salary and they have not received a new pay rate line matching the date of the work plan or contract details change. 

How to correct: Firstly check the Absence - work plan tab and contract - details tab to make sure the hours make one both. Then go to pay - details tab make sure the rate of pay is correct and or the dates match. Create a new record if needed. 

P46 not received

What does this mean? The starter declaration has not been filled out, or the tick may be missing to confirm it has been received. 

How to correct: Go to pay - payroll tab. You will need to make sure you have ticked the starter declaration received box , entered a date and selected the appropriate statement.

Invalid Employee Data: To use 'Email Payslip' option employee has to have an email address

What does this mean? This means the work place email address is missing. Please note: this is different to the personal - details email field. 

How to correct: Go to the contract - organisation tab and enter the email address. 

Invalid NI table letter, for example: employee is over 21 

What does this mean? NI table letters are associated to an employee group. These letters can change when someone's age or circumstances change. You will be told the NI number is invalid and the reason why.

How to correct: The NI table letter is in the pay - payroll tab. If the employee is a new starter you will be able to update the field yourself. If the record is locked you will need to contact support to unlock the record for you. Go to: National Insurance rates and category letters for information on what category letter is for which employee group.

Missing Tax Basis

What does this mean? Within the payroll tab there is a tax basis field, this has not been completed. 

How to correct:  In the pay - payroll tab you need to enter either: cumulative or week 1. Week 1 is chosen for week 1/ month 1 whereby a employee's tax is only calculated based on that current pay period. If the employee is a new starter you will be able to update the field yourself. If the record is locked you may need to speak to your payroll contact to unlock the record for you.

Hourly rate (amount) is lower than the national minimum wage (amount)  - 

What does this mean? Within the brackets you will have the amount of the hourly wage and the amount of national minimum wage appropriate to the employee. This means the employee is not getting enough per hour to meet NMW requirements. You may have entered their pay details or the hours they work incorrectly which is calculating their hourly rate as below the minimum. 

How to correct: Firstly check the pay - details tab, check the amount field and make sure the basis selected is correct to the amount you have entered. For example you may have set the basis to annual but put the monthly salary in amount. You will see the details section that automatically calculates the break down of the employees wage, and the hourly rate is shown here. If the amount and basis are correct you may want to check the contract - details tab where the hours worked are recorded as you may have entered too many hours. Finally if all of these are correct you may want to check the employee's age. Has this been entered correctly, or are they now older and moved into a new national minimum wage bracket.


Pension postponement relies on pay periods set up 3 months in advance

What does this mean? You may see this message towards the end of the a tax year when there are less than 3 months left in that tax year and the new tax year parameters have not been set. 

How to correct: Please contact your payroll administration to rectify this issue.

Conversion from type 'DBNull@ to type 'Date' is not valid.

What does this mean? It means that a leave date has been subsequently changed after it has been sent to Pay Manager. 

How to correct: Please contact your payroll administration with the new amended date, so they can manually update Pay Manager.

Problem sending messages.

For example: Problem sending Salary: Could not send payment for employee XXXX, Start = DD/MM/YYYY End = DD/MM/YYYY, annual amount XXXX.XX, Unable to update employee payment. The end date of the payment cannot be updated as it was ended in a previous period.

What does this mean?  The message will advise if it is a salary, deduction, bonus, etc and will give you the employee, the dates and then amount. The details of the payment set up in People Manager and Pay manager do not match, this could be due to: start date, end date and amount. You may have made a correction to one of these details in People Manager but this will not reflect within Pay Manager. 

How to correct: Please speak to your payroll executive to make sure both systems match. 

Problem sending Deduction: Could not send deduction for employee XXXX. Pay Element XXXX start date XX/XX/XXXX Period amount XXX.XX could not get pay element

What does this mean? This means that it was setup as a Payment (Allowance) rather than a Deduction. 

How to correct: Go to the employee's pay - allowances tab and remove the incorrect allowance, then go to pay - deductions tab and set up correctly. 

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