New starter process

New starter process

This process goes through the full set up of a new starter. You can use People Manager's onboarding function to allow the new starter to fill out various personal details themselves which will then update the system. In this process we will go through the mandatory details and all basic information that you will need to fill out. However we recommend you utilise as many of the tabs within an employees record as this will help with reporting as well as having all your employee's data in one place. 

How to create a new employee record     

Personal tab

Contracts tab

Absence tab

Pay tab

Employee record tab links

How to create a new employee record 

If you need to create a new employee record, click on employees on the top menu bar. Under your top folder (normally the name of your company), right click, and then select new employee. 

In the box enter:

Start Date - this will be done via a calendar pop up.

Staff Number - this will be prepopulated but can be over keyed. 

Reference - This will be the name that shows on the left-hand menu so make sure it's an easily recognisable reference.

First Name & Surname, then click create.

The new record will show on the left-hand side, this is displayed as reference & (staff number). This will sit directly under the name of your company until you assign a department and/or a division in the contracts - organisation tabs. 

On the righthand side the summary panel will automatically appear for that worker allowing you to work through the tabs adding employee details. 

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Personal tab

Details tab - Go to personal tab on the top line and select the details tab on the second line. In this section you will see the employee's name is already populated. 

Mandatory fields: Date of birth & gender. Once the date of birth is populated the years and month will automatically show the employee's age.

Please note: the email address on this tab is a personal email not a work email. The work email will be entered in another screen. 

When complete click save.

Address tab - Within the personal tab click on the address tab. 

Mandatory fields: Address line 1 & postcode.

When complete click save.

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Contracts tab 

Details tab - Go to the contract tab on the top line and select the details tab on the second line. In this section you will see that the date, original start and continuous service date are already populated with the same date you used to created the record. If you have a TUPE transfer you may wish to change the continuous service date to carry over their service time. 

The mandatory fields are the date fields which are prepopulated for you. However we do advise that you enter hours and days. 

Please note: for reporting purposes you may wish to use the other fields such as job title, full/part & perm/temp.  

When complete click save.

Organisation tab - Go to the contract tab on the top line and select the organisation tab on the second line. In this section you will be able to set a division and/or department, as well as their approving manager. 

Set the status of the employee using the dropdown, the status is the type of employee they are. For example they may be a manager and will need to approve other employees' absences, if you set them to manager they will then appear in the approver dropdown. You will also want to set the approver, this is the person that will approve all absences and will handle the employee's appraisal. 

Please note: The email field on this screen is the employee's work email address, once you enter this and hit save it will activate the user.  This will also be the email address used for all email alerts that are sent from People Manager. 

In the structure section of this page you can set divisions, regions, locations, department and team. All of these dropdowns can be built within manage lookups. These are incredibly useful for reporting, and also help set the organisational tree on the lefthand side of  the employees screen, helping you find employees easier. 

When complete click save.

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Absence tab 

Work plan tab - Go to the absence tab on the top line and select the work plan tab on the second line. In this section you will be assigning a work plan, to see how to create a work plan go to administer work plans. If a work plan is assigned, when an employee books a holiday the system will be able to calculate which days within the absence period are working days and which are not. Making entitlements and pay calculations run effectively. You can also select a public plan as well if applicable.

Using the drop down select the correct work plan for the employee. The work plan will then appear in the details section. By selecting a public plan the system will know which bank holidays to include or not include in any absence request. 

When complete click save.


Entitlement tab - Go to the absence tab on the top line and select the entitlement tab on the second line. To allow People Manager to calculate how many days have been taken under an entitlement you will need to allocate each entitlement plan to the employee. The most common entitlement is holiday, but you may have particular sickness entitlements, time off in lieu, or time off for dependants. To find out how to create entitlements go to administer entitlement plans

Using the dropdowns select the type of absence. Then choose the band table, this will show all the entitlements you have set up against that type of absence. For example you might have various holiday entitlements depending on years service or job role. 

Click save when complete. 

If you need to assign any further entitlements click on create, you will need to enter the start date in for the new record, select your type and band table and click save. You will see all the entitlements you have created in the history below. 

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Pay tab 

Details tab - Go to the pay tab on the top line and select the details tab on the second line. Here you will record the pay for the employee. 

Using the dropdowns select the various options. These dropdown lists can all be created within manage lookups, you don't have to use all of these but Type of change, basis, and reason are useful for your audit trail. In the amount field type the amount. Please take into consideration the basis you are choosing in relation to the amount. If you select annual for basis, enter the annual salary in the amount. You will note within the details section the greyed out boxes will populate with a breakdown of the hourly, weekly, monthly and annual amounts. 

Payroll tab - Go to the pay tab on the top line and select the payroll tab on the second line. There are 3 mandatory fields within this screen but we would encourage you to fill out as much of this screen as you can. If you have our payroll software you will need to fill out all of the sections. Please speak to your implementation contact or support if you need further assistance. 

Mandatory fields: NIC letter, tax code, tax basis. You also need to enter the starter declaration information. 

In payroll details section you can select the company (payroll name) payment method and pay frequency. These dropdowns lists can created within manage lookups

Bank tab - Go to the pay tab on the top line and select the bank tab on the second line. 

Mandatory fields: Sort code and account number. Please note if you are an international client there will be a configuration change so these are not mandatory. 

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If you would like to know more about the other fields and tabs within the employee's record go to the links below. 

Employee record - Personal tab

Employee record - Contract tab

Employee record - Absence tab

Employee record - Pay tab

Employee record - Development tab

Employee record - Other tab

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