IR35 Deemed Worker - Typical workflow process
To process an IR35 deemed payroll, the IR35 module needs to be enabled. If you don't have access to the IR35 module, please contact us for information on how to activate it.
Page Contents
Other Payroll Types
CIS Payroll (InTime sync back)
CIS Payroll (InPay payments)
Your Workflow Guide
The process outline displayed on this page will take you through the minimum steps required to complete a standard IR35 Deemed worker payroll.
Category | App | Menu | Description | Help | |
1 | Review | InTime | Timesheets > Approved | Check timesheets are in and approved |
2 | Export | InTime | Timesheets > Export | Select payroll frequency and export (This will include timesheets and expenses) | |
3 | Export | InTime | Notification bell | Wait for confirmation that all timesheets exported sucessfully |
4 | Payroll Update | InPay | Processes > HMRC DPS | Apply your HMRC notifications (P6’s etc) | |
5 | Payroll Update: Starter | InPay | Employee > Starter Declaration | Tick “no statement signed” if not received | |
6 | Payroll Update: Leaver | InPay | Employee > Leaver | (Individuals) Remember to tick “Issue P45” | |
7 | Payroll Update: Leaver | InPay | Payroll > Update Leavers | [Optional] Bulk update workers as leavers based on last pay period | |
8 | Review | InPay | Reports > Standard Reports:
| Here is a selection of the most common reports used to review payrolls:
| |
9 | Payroll Update: Close | InPay | Payroll > Payroll Processing | Commit your payroll in to the next period | |
10 | Deduction Sync | InTime | Settings: InPay Settings > Synchronise payslips | Update InTime timesheets to include details of deductions to be applied to the self-bill invoices. |
11 | InTime: Self-Bill generation | InTime | Pay > Generate Invoices | Generate your IR35 deemed payroll self-bill purchase invoices (You can isolate IR35 deemed payroll timesheets by using the payroll filter under the “Advanced” tab). | |
12 | InTime: Self-Bill delivery | InTime | Pay > List invoices (sent status: No) | Click all undelivered purchase invoices (You can isolate IR35 deemed payroll timesheets by using the payroll filter under the “Advanced” tab). |
13 | InTime: BACs | InTime | Pay > Generate Payments | Consolidate your purchase invoices in to a single payment batch (download and upload to your bank). [Optional] Deliver remittance advices created by the payment batch. |
Frequently Asked Questions
In addition to the above, we have also provided some answers to the most frequent questions asked.
What payment documents will my IR35 deemed payroll workers receive?
InTime and InPay will prepare the following documents for your IR35 deemed payroll workers:
Payslip - A payslip is generated providing your worker with details of payments and deductions made in the period and current tax year together with the tax basis. The payslip is made available through the payslip portal. Payslips can also be retreived through InTime.
Self-Bill - A self-bill is generated providing the worker with a summary breakdown of the timesheets paid together with any deductions applied against the self-bill for Tax and National insurance.
P60 - A P60 will be generated for any new workers that remain active on the payroll at Tax year end.
What is some workers don’t want to operate on a self-bill invoice basis.
IR35 deemed workers can only be processed on a self-billing basis.