HMRC (DPS) Data Retrieve

HMRC (DPS) Data Retrieve


Use this page to update employees with information sent from HMRC.



Task Manager - 'HMRC' Tab

Selecting Scheme

Preparing Data and Updating Employee's Details


This page is for automated updating of employees details sent from HMRC. Changes are for tax code (P6, P9) and student loan amendments (SL1, SL2). The system downloads the information about the updates automatically in the background with the frequency pre-set on the installation. To check if any new updates have been sent through recently use Task Manager ('HMRC' tab).

Task Manager - 'HMRC' Tab

Clicking on HMRC tab will display the information about the latest data retrievals. The date of the retrieval is included in the 'Description' field. The HMRC DPS (Data Retrieval) page can be accessed directly from the Task Manager by clicking the 'page' icon. To delete the information record click 'red cross' icon.

Selecting Scheme

There are four possible schemes: P6, P9, SL1 and SL2. Select one using the drop down menu to display all the records for specified scheme. There is also a show unmatched tick box. This is for where the data has been imported from the HMRC but the sytem has not been able to link the record to a current record in the InPay system using the NI Number and Employee No. These records can not be automatically updated but you may be able to ascertain which employee the record is for and update manually (if this is done the record should then be deleted).

Preparing Data and Updating Employee's Details

Every record (excluding unmatched records) has the 'Include' tickbox indicating if this line is to be processed. By default, newly downloaded records have 'Include' option set to 'yes' (ticked). Please note that there are two buttons in the top right corner which allow to either select or clear all the tickboxes. Once the desired records are included/excluded press 'Save' button to confirm the changes. To update employees' details click 'Update' button.