Payroll Processing

Payroll Processing


Use this screen to commit payrolls, and modify payroll data.



Setting Up a Payroll

Advancement of Tax Period

Committing a Payroll

Rolling Back a Payroll

Reprocessing a Payroll

Payslip Messages

Resetting Balances

Supplementary Runs

Publish Payslips

Retry Failed SMS


Payroll Processing serves several functions. However its primary use is to commit the current pay period data to the system, and roll the pay period forward.

Setting Up a Payroll

When a payroll is first created, the system does not know what pay period the payroll is starting at. Selecting this screen when setting up a payroll will allow the user to select the starting pay period for the payroll. Select the pay period required and press save. The system will now be ready to pay employees.

Advancement of Tax Period

HMRC regulations allow the advancement of tax periods when making holiday payments to some workers. This can be done by selecting an Advanced Tax Period, to advance the tax of all employees on the payroll. This functionality can be overridden for the employee by ticking the box on the Employee General Screen. This functionality is very powerful and will mean that employees will receive no pay in subsequent periods until after the advanced tax period. Care should be taken, as in order to pay an employee in the aforementioned periods the payroll will have to be rolled back to the period the advancement was set.

Committing a Payroll

Unlike most traditional payroll systems, committing a payroll in InPay Payroll does not commit the payroll for processing; all the processing has already been performed. Instead, the commit copies the pay period calculated data to the permanent pay history, and rolls the pay period forward. The process also sets up the calculation engine to process the payroll in the new pay period.

Once the payroll commit has run its course, and the calculation engine has finished, the payslips will be available for the new pay period.

Rolling Back a Payroll

If, after committing a payroll, you realise that many employees on that payroll have incorrect data, or that a fundamental pay change was not applied, it is possible to rollback a payroll. However, it is recommended that a rollback only be performed after consultation with the InPay support team. .

Reprocessing a Payroll

Reprocessing a payroll sets up the calculation engine to reprocess every employee on a payroll in the current pay period. Over use of this function is not recommended, and it should only be used if there have been problems with the entire payroll; if payroll level data has changed, or if InPay support ask you to reprocess the data. We may do this after updating system or legislation data tables.

Payslip Messages

Use payslip messages to add user messages to a payslip. These messages affect payslips for the current pay period only, and will be cleared when a payroll is committed. To add a message, type the message in the message fields and press save. To remove a message, clear out the message and press save. More complicated messages and the ability to set bold and underline can be created here Payslip Portal Text

Resetting Balances

As well as YTD balances, InPay also records Company balances and Ad Hoc balances that can be used for additional reporting (However these are not currently in use). Selecting these resets these balances when the payroll is next committed.

Supplementary Runs

InPay allows a worker to have multiple payslips (supplementary runs) within a pay period and also allows the run to be paid via BACs and a sub set of reports run against it. This function is available for any company that has Supplementary Runs ticked on the Company > General screen. For more information on this, please read the Supplementary Runs help page.

Publish Payslips

InPay gives you the ability to show the current periods payslips for a payroll on the Payslip Portal without having to commit the payroll. This feature is only available to companies that have Supplementary Runs and Enable Payslip Portal ticked on the Company > General screen.

Upon clicking the button, the payslips in the current period will be visible on the Payslip Portal and the button will change from ‘Publish Payslip’ to ‘Suppress Payslip’. Clicking ‘Suppress Payslip’ will then remove this payslip from the Payslip Portal.

If a supplementary run is deleted, the previous supplementary run will remain published. E.g. 201901-1 will still be published after deleting 201901-2.

Publishing payslips will result in the same functionality as commit in regard to emailing workers that their payslip is ready. This will be the case if the payslips are published directly as in the case of clicking the publish payslips button or indirectly by creating a new run. If the payslips are subsequently suppressed, the emails will not be resent upon the related publish. 

Retry Failed SMS

InPay gives you the option to retry any failed SMS messages from the last period committed. 

This can be achieved by selecting the payroll you wish to retry and clicking the Retry Failed SMS button.

The Retry Failed SMS button will only be visible if the company is set up to use SMS.

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