Umbrella, Ltd and Self-Employed Payroll - Basic Workflow Process
Page Contents
Other Payroll Types
CIS Payroll (InTime sync back)
CIS Payroll (InPay payments)
Your Workflow Guide
The process outline displayed on this page will take you through the minimum steps required to complete a standard Umbrella, Ltd and self-employed worker payroll. If you do not use the “Advice note” module, you can skip those steps.
Category | App | Menu | Description | Help | |
1 | Review | InTime | Timesheets > Approved | Check timesheets are in and approved |
2 | Export | InTime | Timesheets > Export | Select payroll frequency and export (This will include timesheets and expenses) | |
3 | Export | InTime | Notification bell | Wait for confirmation that all timesheets exported sucessfully |
4 | InTime: Advice note generation | InTime | Pay > Generate Advice Notes | Generate your advice notes (recommendation, use the Search: Date Ranges Tab > Exported Date field to filter timesheets marked as exported in point 2) |
5 | InTime: Advice note delivery | InTime | Pay > List Advice Notes (sent status: No) | Highlight all undelivered advice notes and click “Send” |
6 | InTime: Advice note invoice matching | InTime | Pay > List Advice Notes (supplier invoice status: Un-Matched) | Review and “accept” uploaded supplier invoices. If you are uploaded supplier invoices on behalf of your workers, you would also complete this during this acceptance stage |
7 | InTime: Self-Bill generation | InTime | Pay > Generate Invoices | Generate your self-bill purchase invoices (recommendation, use the Search: Date Ranges Tab > Exported Date field to filter timesheets marked as exported in point 2) |
8 | InTime: Pay invoice delivery | InTime | Pay > List invoices (sent status: No) | Highlight all undelivered purchase invoices and click “Send” |
9 | InTime: BACs | InTime | Pay > Generate Payments | Consolidate your purchase invoices in to a single payment batch (download the payment format and upload to your bank) [Optional] Deliver remittance advices created by the payment batch |
Frequently Asked Questions
In addition to the above, we have also provided some answers to the most frequent questions asked.
What is the difference between self-billing and advice note?
An indicator on the worker record differentiates between self-bill and advice note. If you have agreed to self-bill you workers, InTime will generate and invoice to you on-behalf of the worker which can then be processed for payment. This process doesn’t require the worker to upload any documentation. Workers with an advice note arrangement have the ability to log in to InTime and upload their invoice against an advice note (and advice note is simply a breakdown of timesheets and expected invoice value).
Why should I mark my Umbrella, LTD or Self-employed worker timesheets?
There are a number of reasons as to why you may need or should mark timesheets for these worker types as exported:
Updated Timesheet Status - The timesheet status will update from “Approved” to “Exported” which will remove those timesheets from the Timesheets > Approved list. This will help ensure that only current approved timesheets appear within that screen.
Exported date timestamp - Every timesheet exported is timestamped with the date and time the export routine was carried out. This can be useful for reporting purposes.
Invoice Generation Filter - Following the export of timesheets, you can choose to filter on timesheets that you have approved at a paticular time, ensuring that you only process timesheets you have exported for payment.
Output files - Depending on your configuration, InTime may produce an output file for all exported timesheets that you may need to send on to a third party.