Update Leavers

Update Leavers


Mark employees as leavers in bulk.



Key Data


Use this page to mark many employees as leavers at once. The form works on a by-payroll basis.

Whether an employee is listed on screen is based off the last time the employee was paid. Choose an amount of pay periods that must have elapsed without an employee being paid for an employee to be listed on screen. Following this, ticking the Make Leaver option in the grid will mark this employee as a leaver when Update Leavers is clicked.

Example: Choosing 3 as the Periods Idle Required will list any employees who have not been paid in the last three pay periods - not including the current pay period. 

The leaving date of the employee can be the last time the employee was paid, or manually specified.

Key Data

  • Periods Idle Required: The number of pay periods that needs to have elapsed since an employee's last paid date for an employee to be marked as a leaver.
  • Use Last Paid Date: Use the employee's last paid date as their leaving date when they are marked as a leaver.
  • Leaving Date: If Use Last Paid Date is not selected, a leaving date can be manually specified for when the employees are marked as a leavers.