Colleague PUMP to InTIME Integration
1. Introduction
What does the Pump integration do?
Recruitment businesses can utilise Pump's integration with RSM InTime's API to manage and automate their pay and bill processes for timesheet capture, timesheet approval, expense capture, billing and payroll.
Pump's RSM InTime integration is designed in such a way that our customers can automate a seamless process from Placement through to Pay and Bill in InTime and onto their Accounting system.
When a Placement is authorised in Pump, the Placement data and associated records, are created within InTime. If the required data does not exist on the Placement in Pump, then the InTime API will prevent the user from pushing this information to InTime.
The objective of this integration is to ensure that all data entry could take place within Pump requiring little human intervention within the InTime application itself. Customers can setup Business Rules, Workflows, Business Process Flows and Power Automate flows to ensure that the right data is populated at the right time on the Placement within Pump to suit different contractual scenarios, so that when it comes to pushing the Placement data to InTime, minimal manual validation is required.
Technical Overview:
The Pump integration provides data to the RSM Intime's REST API through a secure Microsoft Custom Workflow (Workflow extension) that sits within your dedicated Pump Microsoft Dynamics 365 Production Environment.
For more information about Workflow extensions please see:
For more information about Intime's Webservies, please see :
Please note: Pump currently only integrates with Version 2.8 of the Intime API. This is denoted in the Endpoint URL that RSM provide you with - the URL should end with the following: /services/IntimeServiceV2_8?wsdl
2. Integration Overview
At the point of a Placement being Second Level Authorised (see image below) and assuming that all the necessary data has been entered, a Placement and its related records, such as Overtime Rates and Approvers, will be created within InTime, along with the related Worker (Candidate), Manager (Contact), Client (Invoice Company), Provider (Umbrella Company) and other required entities.
The integration is therefore designed to collect the information required by InTime and the customer's Pay and Bill process before the Placement is Authorised. If a record exists in InTime with the same unique identifier as that within Pump, the existing record will be updated at the point of the Placement being Second Level Authorised in Pump. The value of some fields will not be overridden if data already exists in the field, in InTime.
It is important to note that every new Placement in Pump will be pushed up to InTime as a new Placement. New Placements created for a mid-term change or an extension will be created within InTime. Any update made to an existing Placement through the Unauthorise process will update InTime when the Placement is second level authorised again. If data or required related records to the Placement are missing in Pump, the user will receive a validation error from the InTime API and be unable to push the information to InTime at the point of Second Level Authorisation. The user will continue to receive this warning until all data validation requirements have been met.
Please note: Whilst the Placement will not be created in InTime due validation errors, other records such as the Worker and Client, may be if validation errors do not exist with those records.
The latest InTime error is stored in the field 'Pay and Bill Integration Sync Error (colleagu_payandbillintegrationsyncerror)' on the Placement. This field is cleared once the Placement is pushed through to InTime successfully.
Using Providers in Intime (Umbrella and Third Party Companies)
When a Placement is Level 2 Authorised, Placements with 'Umbrella' (which uses the option set code of 752020003) selected within the field 'Payment Method' will result in the following:
- A Provider will be created and/or updated and will also be linked to the Worker and Placement in Intime, specified from the Company lookup selected under the 'Contractor / 3rd Party Company' section of the Placement within Pump
- The Worker Type will be set to Umbrella within Intime.
How the integration handles blank fields
If a field is blank in Pump it will not overwrite the equivalent field in InTime if it is already populated.
Approvers and Intime - Managers and Alternative Managers
On 2nd Level Authorisation of a Placement the following will occur in InTime:
- When a Placement without a Primary Approver is 2nd Level Authorised in Pump, the Manager in InTime is set to the Placement's Contact from Pump.
- When a Placement with a Primary Approver is 2nd Level Authorised in Pump, the Manager in InTime is set as the Placement's Primary Approver from Pump.
- When a Placement with non-Primary Approvers is 2nd Level Authorised in Pump, these non-Primary Approvers are created as Alternative Managers in InTime.
What Data is returned from InTime?
Last Timesheet and/or Invoice Raised
When Placements have Timesheets or Invoices associated with them in InTime two fields: Invoice Raised and Last Timesheet, are updated by the integration. A warning message will also be displayed at the top of Placement form to indicate this too.
3. Configuration
Before you setup the InTime integration on your Pump instance, please contact Pump Support to ensure your RSM Intime integration sync has been setup. Additionally please ensure you have configured your Intime environment(s). You can find a handy checklist here :
For the InTime integration to work you must also have the Username, Password, Agency Ref Code and Endpoint URL of your InTime environment. Please contact your RSM account manager or the InTime support team if you are unsure of this information.
Please also ensure you have the Security Role 'Pump - Pay and Bill Integration Admin' assigned to your administration user.
Once the Pump-Intime sync has been setup you must populate the following fields in the Pay and Bill Integration Settings tab of Pump's Global Settings area found by selecting 'Pump' and then 'Settings' in the bottom left hand side of the interface. You must do this separately for your Sandbox environment and your Production environment.
- Integration Provider = "InTime"
- Username = InTime Username
- Password = InTime Password
- Agency Ref Code = InTime Agency Reference Code
- Endpoint URL = the API endpoint URL your Intime Agency uses
Please note: If you are already using InTime we recommend setting up a test InTime Agency environment and integrating it with your Pump Sandbox. You will also need to contact Pump Support and the InTime team to arrange for the update of your InTime data's unique identifiers to match your Pump data before you go live with Pump in order to ensure business continuity.
Other Settings
In addition to configuring your Intime integration you an also set the following within the Settings area:
- Sync Country ISO Code - sync Country ISO Codes from Pump to Intime by setting this field to 'Yes.'
- Suffix Provider name with Currency ISO Code – Suffix the Contractor Company's name selected on the Placement with the Placement's Pay Currency ISO Code on a newly created Provider record within Intime (utilised when Placement Payment Method = Umbrella)
- Standard Rate Settings – ensure your standard rate names are lined up with Intime rate for hourly, daily, weekly and monthly rates e.g. Basic Pay.
- Disable Worker / Manager Emails – If set to No then newly created Managers (Contacts / Approvers) and Workers (Candidates) will not receive an Intime registration email when pushed to Intime. Instead this can be handled manually.
- Previous Days Placements To Sync - Sets how far back the integration background service checks Intime for new invoice and timesheet activity. The sync defaults to 1 day previous.
Configuring Pump to work with multiple InTime Agencies (environments):
If you only wish to integrate your Pump instance with a single InTime Agency environment, then you only need to configure the above fields. However if you wish to push data to multiple InTime Agency environments due to your organisational structure you must toggle 'Use Owning Company Credentials?' to 'Yes.'
Doing so allows you setup different InTime credentials on separate Owning Company records for each environment. The Placement, and associated data, will be pushed to the InTime Agency associated with the Owning Company selected in the 'Sales Owning Company' lookup field on the Placement.
Please note: If 'Use Owning Company Credentials?' is set to Yes then every Sales Owning Company must contain credentials, even if they are pointing to the same environment.
The Pay and Bill Integration Password field in both Global Settings and Owning Companies is hidden unless users have the Security Role 'Pump - Pay and Bill Integration Admin' assigned.
Customising your Pump Solution to work with your Intime environment:
You will also customise your Pump Unmanaged Solution in your Sandbox to meet any custom option sets you have setup within your InTime environment.
In InTime, it is possible to have custom options for the following field types (which also have an equivalent value in Pump).
- Currencies (Exchange Rates in InTime)
- Tax Codes.
- Pay Elements (for Overtime Rates).
- Invoice Frequencies.
- Payment Frequencies.
For the Currency/Exchange Rate, Tax Code, Pay Element and Payment Frequency options, values are matched using the following:
- Currency/Exchange Rate: ISO Currency Code (e.g. 'GBP').
- Tax Code: The Tax Code Option Set 'Label' matches with the Tax Rate 'Name' (NOT code) in InTime.
- Pay Element: Pay Element Name (e.g. 'Basic Pay').
- Payment Frequency: Payment Frequency Name (e.g. 'Weekly').
For the Invoice Frequency options, values are matched using their option value/index (both Pump and InTime must have the same options in the same order). Out-of-the-box options are:
- 0 – Weekly
- 1 - Two Weekly
- 2 - Four Weekly
- 3 - Calendar Monthly
- 4 - 4-4-5
- 5 - Other
Placement Business Process Flow Customisation
In order to most effectively utilise the integration the customer should incorporate the necessary mandatory fields into branches of the Placement Business Process Flow for the different Pay and Bill scenarios you are pushing to Intime before Level 2 Authorisation stage.
4. Field Mapping
InTime Field | Pump Field/Value | Display Name | Entity Name | Mandatory (Required by InTime) | Notes |
Worker.externalId | colleagu_PersonReference | Person Reference | Person (Contact) | Yes | Person Reference format (e.g. 'PER-1784'). |
Worker.refCode | ContactId | Person | Person (Contact) | Yes | GUID format. |
Worker.paymentFrequency | colleagu_Payment_Frequency | Payment Frequency | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | An equivalent Payement Frequency must exist in InTime. This field is labelled as Payroll in InTime's application |
Worker.commsDisabled | colleagu_payandbillintegrationdisableworkeremails | Disable Worker (Candidate) Emails | Global Settings (colleagu_globalsettings) | No | For new Workers, 'Comms Disabled' is set to the value of the Disable Worker (Candidate) Emails Global Setting. If the Worker already exists, then this field is NOT updated. |
Worker.emailDisabled | colleagu_payandbillintegrationdisableworkeremails | Disable Worker (Candidate) Emails | Global Settings (colleagu_globalsettings) | No | For new Workers, 'Email Disabled' is set to the value of the Disable Worker (Candidate) Emails Global Setting. If the Worker already exists, then this field is NOT updated. |
Worker.dateOfJoining | colleagu_StartDate | Start Date | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | This value is only set on Worker creation and not for updates. |
Worker.workerType | colleagu_PaymentMethod | Payment Method | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | If Payment Method = Umbrella, value is 'umbrella', if Payment Method = PAYE, value is 'paye', otherwise value is 'ltd'. |
Worker.limitedCompanyProviderId | colleagu_ContractorCompany | Contractor Company | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Output providerId from InTime Provider, which is created from the Contractor Company. |
Worker.limitedCompanyProviderExternalId | colleagu_ContractorCompany | Contractor Company | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Output externalId from InTime Provider, which is created from the Contractor Company. |
Worker.nationalInsuranceNumber | colleagu_NationalInsuranceNumber | National Insurance Number | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (if Worker Type = PAYE) | Only set if Worker Type = PAYE. |
Worker.niTableLetter | colleagu_NationalInsuranceTableLetter | National Insurance Table Letter | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (if Worker Type = PAYE) | Only set if Worker Type = PAYE. |
Worker.limitedCompany | colleagu_ContractorCompany | Contractor Company | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Only set for Contract Placements. |
Worker.ltdCompanyContact.firstname | colleagu_CandidateFirstName | Candidate First Name | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Not mapped/synced. |
Worker.ltdCompanyContact.lastname | colleagu_CandidateLastName | Candidate Last Name | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Not mapped/synced. | | Remittance Email Address | colleagu_RemittanceEmail | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Worker.ltdCompanyContact.address.line1 | colleagu_ContractAddressStreet1 | Contractor Company Address Street 1 | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Worker.ltdCompanyContact.address.line2 | colleagu_ContractAddressStreet2 | Contractor Company Address Street 2 | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | | | colleagu_ContractAddressCity | Contractor Company Address City | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Worker.ltdCompanyContact.address.county | colleagu_ContractAddressCounty | Contractor Company Address County | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Worker.ltdCompanyContact.address.postcode | colleagu_ContractAddressZipPostalCode | Contractor Company Address ZIP/Postal Code | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | | | colleagu_ContractAddressCountry | Contractor Company Address Country/Region | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Worker.ltdCompanyContact.address.countryCode | colleagu_ContractAddressCountry | Contractor Company Address Country/Region | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | A linked record field used to get the Country ISO Code: Country - ISO Code (colleagu_country.colleagu_ISOCode). Syncing of this field can be switched off in Global Settings (see 'Settings Fields' section at the bottom of this sheet). |
Worker.limitedCompany.invoiceDeliveryMethod | Always set to 'Email'. | N/A | N/A | No | This value is set even if the Limited Company is blank. |
Worker.firstname | colleagu_CandidateFirstName | Candidate First Name | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | |
Worker.lastname | colleagu_CandidateLastName | Candidate Last Name | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | | | EMailAddress1 | Email 1 | Person (Contact) | Yes | Person Lookup: Placement - Candidate (colleagu_PlacedCandidate). | | Telephone1 | Business Phone | Person (Contact) | No | Person Lookup: Placement - Candidate (colleagu_PlacedCandidate). | | MobilePhone | Mobile Phone | Person (Contact) | No | Person Lookup: Placement - Candidate (colleagu_PlacedCandidate). |
Worker.gender | colleagu_Gender | Gender | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | M = Male or F = Female. |
Worker.dateOfBirth | colleagu_candidatedateofbirth | Candidate Date of Birth | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Worker.accountsReference | colleagu_CandidateAccountReference | Candidate Account Reference | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | | | colleagu_CandidateBankName | Candidate Bank Name | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Bank Name, Account Name, Sort Code and Account Number all need to be filled in for these fields to be populated (you can't just populate individual fields). |
Worker.bankAccount.bankaccountName | colleagu_CandidateBankAccountName | Candidate Bank Account Name | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (if Worker Type = PAYE) | Bank Name, Account Name, Sort Code and Account Number all need to be filled in for these fields to be populated (you can't just populate individual fields). |
Worker.bankAccount.banksortCode | colleagu_CandidateBankAccountSortCode | Candidate Bank Account Sort Code | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (if Worker Type = PAYE) | Bank Name, Account Name, Sort Code and Account Number all need to be filled in for these fields to be populated (you can't just populate individual fields). |
Worker.bankAccount.bankaccountNumber | colleagu_CandidateBankAccountNumber | Candidate Bank Account Number | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (if Worker Type = PAYE) | Bank Name, Account Name, Sort Code and Account Number all need to be filled in for these fields to be populated (you can't just populate individual fields). |
Worker.defaultPaymentCurrency | colleagu_PayCurrency | Pay Currency | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | A linked record field is used to get the Currency: Currency - ISO Code (TransactionCurrency.ISOCurrencyCode). An equivalent Exchange Rate for this currency must exist in InTime. |
Worker.vatCode | colleagu_CandidateTaxCode | Candidate Tax Code | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) | There must be an equivalent named Tax Rate in InTime (the code doesn't need to match). |
Worker.selfBilling | colleagu_AllowSelfBilling | Allow Candidate Self Billing? | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (Boolean field, must be Yes or No in InTime) | |
Worker.address.line1 | colleagu_CandidateAddressStreet1 | Candidate Personal Address Street 1 | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Worker.address.line2 | colleagu_CandidateAddressStreet2 | Candidate Personal Address Street 2 | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | | | colleagu_CandidateAddressCity | Candidate Personal Address City | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Worker.address.county | colleagu_CandidateAddressCounty | Candidate Personal Address County | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Worker.address.postcode | colleagu_CandidateAddressZIPPostalCode | Candidate Personal Address ZIP/Postal Code | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | | | colleagu_CandidateAddressCountryRegion | Candidate Personal Address Country/Region | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Worker.address.countryCode | colleagu_CandidateAddressCountryRegion | Candidate Personal Address Country/Region | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | A linked record field used to get the Country ISO Code: Country - ISO Code (colleagu_country.colleagu_ISOCode). Syncing of this field can be switched off in Global Settings (see 'Settings Fields' section at the bottom of this sheet). |
Worker.title | colleagu_Title | Title | Person (Contact) | No | Possible values are Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Sir and Dr. |
Worker.timesheetsOnInvoices | Value is always set to checked/ticked. | N/A | N/A | No | |
Worker.limitedCompany.templateName | Always set to blank. | N/A | N/A | No | This value is always set to be blank. |
InTime Field | Pump Field/Value | Display Name | Entity Name | Mandatory (Required by InTime) | Notes |
Consultant.externalId | InternalEMailAddress | Primary Email | User (SystemUser) | Yes | Formatted with special characters removed (e.g. @), uppercase and limited to 30 characters. |
Consultant.refCode | SystemUserId | User | User (SystemUser) | Yes | GUID format. |
SystemUserId | User | User (SystemUser) | Yes | Conversion from GUID to long. | | | InternalEMailAddress | Primary Email | User (SystemUser) | Yes | |
Consultant.firstname | FirstName | First Name | User (SystemUser) | Yes | |
Consultant.lastname | LastName | Last Name | User (SystemUser) | Yes | | | Address1_Telephone1 | Main Phone | User (SystemUser) | No | | | MobilePhone | Mobile Phone | User (SystemUser) | No | |
Consultant.address.line1 | Address1_Line1 | Street 1 | User (SystemUser) | No | |
Consultant.address.line2 | Address1_Line2 | Street 2 | User (SystemUser) | No | | | Address1_City | City | User (SystemUser) | No | |
Consultant.address.county | Address1_County | Address 1: County | User (SystemUser) | No | |
Consultant.address.postcode | Address1_PostalCode | ZIP/Postal Code | User (SystemUser) | No | | | Address1_County | Country/Region | User (SystemUser) | Yes | At least one piece of Address information is required. Usually we recommend this is the Country at a minimum |
Consultant.address.countryCode | Address1_County | Country/Region | User (SystemUser) | No | A linked record field used to get the Country ISO Code: Country - ISO Code (colleagu_country.colleagu_ISOCode). Syncing of this field can be switched off in Global Settings (see 'Settings Fields' section at the bottom of this sheet). |
InTime Field | Pump Field/Value | Display Name | Entity Name | Mandatory (Required by InTime) | Notes |
Client/Company.externalId | colleagu_CompanyReference | Company Reference | Company (Account) | Yes | Field value is from the linked Invoice Company (colleagu_InvoiceCompany) for Clients OR Contractor Company (colleagu_ContractorCompany) for Limited Companies. Company Reference format appended with the Currency Code (e.g. 'COM-1045-GBP'). |
Client/Company.refCode | AccountId | Company | Company (Account) | Yes | Field value is from the linked Invoice Company (colleagu_InvoiceCompany) for Clients OR Contractor Company (colleagu_ContractorCompany) for Limited Companies. GUID format. |
Client/Company.currency | TransactionCurrencyId | Charge Currency (Primary) | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) | A linked record field is used to get the Currency: Currency - ISO Code (TransactionCurrency.ISOCurrencyCode). An equivalent Exchange Rate for this currency must exist in InTime. |
Client/ | Name | Company Name | Company (Account) | No | Field value is from the linked Invoice Company (colleagu_InvoiceCompany) for Clients OR Contractor Company (colleagu_ContractorCompany) for Limited Companies. |
Client/Company.companyNo | colleagu_InvoiceCompanyRegistrationNumber OR colleagu_ContractorCompanyRegistrationNumber | Invoice Company Registration Number OR Contractor Company Registration Number | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Field used is based on whether the Company is an Invoice Company (Client) or Contractor Company (Limited Company). |
Client/Company.companyVatNo | colleagu_InvoiceCompanyVATNumber OR colleagu_ContractorCompanyVATNumber | Invoice Company VAT Number OR Contractor Company VAT Number | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Field used is based on whether the Company is an Invoice Company (Client) or Contractor Company (Limited Company). |
Client/Company.vatCode | colleagu_InvoiceCompany_TaxCode OR colleagu_ContractorCompany_TaxCode | Invoice Company Address Tax Code OR Contractor Company Address Tax Code | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) | Field used is based on whether the Company is an Invoice Company (Client) or Contractor Company (Limited Company). There must be an equivalent named Tax Rate in InTime (the code doesn't need to match). |
Client/Company.accountsRef | colleagu_InvoiceCompanyAccountReference OR colleagu_ContractorCompanyAccountReference | Invoice Company Account Reference OR Contractor Company Account Reference | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Field used is based on whether the Company is an Invoice Company (Client) or Contractor Company (Limited Company). |
Client/Company.invoicePeriod | colleagu_InvoiceFrequency | Invoice Frequency | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) | Set to the selected index from the Global Option Set 'Invoice Frequencies'. Possible values are: 0 = Weekly, 1= Two Weekly, 2 = Four Weekly, 3 = Calendar Monthly, 4 = 4-4-5 and 5 = Other. |
Client.nominalCode | colleagu_InvoiceCompanyNominalCode | Invoice Company Nominal Code | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | This value is only set for Invoice Companies (Clients) on creation of the record only. |
Company.invoiceDeliveryMethod | Always set to 'Email'. | N/A | N/A | No | This value is set for Contractor Companies (Limited Companies) only. |
Client/Company.timesheetsOnInvoices | Always set to 'Yes'. | N/A | N/A | No | |
Client/Company.paperOnInvoices | All values ticked apart from 'Use Agency Defaults'. | N/A | N/A | No | |
Client/Company.consolidation and Client.grouping | Always set to 'Each Worker Is Invoiced Separately'. | N/A | N/A | No | Not mapped/synced. |
Client/Company.invoicingContact.address.line1 | colleagu_InvoiceAddressStreet1 | Invoice Company Address Street 1 | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Client/Company.invoicingContact.address.line2 | colleagu_InvoiceAddressStreet2 | Invoice Company Address Street 2 | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Client/ | colleagu_InvoiceAddressCity | Invoice Company Address City | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Client/Company.invoicingContact.address.county | colleagu_InvoiceAddressCounty | Invoice Company Address County | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Client/Company.invoicingContact.address.postcode | colleagu_InvoiceAddressZipPostalCode | Invoice Company Address ZIP/Postal Code | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Client/ | colleagu_InvoiceAddressCountry | Invoice Company Address Country/Region | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Client/Company.invoicingContact.countryCode | colleagu_InvoiceAddressCountry | Invoice Company Address Country/Region | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) | A linked record field used to get the Country ISO Code: Country - ISO Code (colleagu_country.colleagu_ISOCode). Syncing of this field can be switched off in Global Settings (see 'Settings Fields' section at the bottom of this sheet). |
Client/Company.primaryContact.firstname | FirstName | First Name | Person (Contact) | No | Field value is from the linked Invoice Company (colleagu_InvoiceCompany) -> Primary Contact (PrimaryContactId). This value is only set for Invoice Companies (Clients) only. |
Client/Company.primaryContact.lastname | LastName | Last Name | Person (Contact) | No | Field value is from the linked Invoice Company (colleagu_InvoiceCompany) -> Primary Contact (PrimaryContactId). This value is only set for Invoice Companies (Clients) only. |
Client/ | EMailAddress1 | Primary Personal Email | Person (Contact) | No | Field value is from the linked Invoice Company (colleagu_InvoiceCompany) -> Primary Contact (PrimaryContactId). This value is only set for Invoice Companies (Clients) only. |
Client/ | Telephone1 | Business Phone | Person (Contact) | No | Field value is from the linked Invoice Company (colleagu_InvoiceCompany) -> Primary Contact (PrimaryContactId). This value is only set for Invoice Companies (Clients) only. |
Client/ | MobilePhone | Mobile Phone | Person (Contact) | No | Field value is from the linked Invoice Company (colleagu_InvoiceCompany) -> Primary Contact (PrimaryContactId). This value is only set for Invoice Companies (Clients) only. |
Client/Company.primaryContact.address.line1 | colleagu_InvoiceAddressStreet1 | Invoice Company Address Street 1 | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | This value is only set for Invoice Companies (Clients) only. |
Client/Company.primaryContact.address.line2 | colleagu_InvoiceAddressStreet2 | Invoice Company Address Street 2 | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | This value is only set for Invoice Companies (Clients) only. |
Client/ | colleagu_InvoiceAddressCity | Invoice Company Address City | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | This value is only set for Invoice Companies (Clients) only. |
Client/Company.primaryContact.address.county | colleagu_InvoiceAddressCounty | Invoice Company Address County | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | This value is only set for Invoice Companies (Clients) only. |
Client/Company.primaryContact.address.postcode | colleagu_InvoiceAddressZipPostalCode | Invoice Company Address ZIP/Postal Code | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | This value is only set for Invoice Companies (Clients) only. |
Client/ | colleagu_InvoiceAddressCountry | Invoice Company Address Country/Region | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | This value is only set for Invoice Companies (Clients) only. |
Client/Company.primaryContact.address.countryCode | colleagu_InvoiceAddressCountry | Invoice Company Address Country/Region | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) | A linked record field used to get the Country ISO Code: Country - ISO Code (colleagu_country.colleagu_ISOCode). Syncing of this field can be switched off in Global Settings (see 'Settings Fields' section at the bottom of this sheet). This value is only set for Invoice Companies (Clients) only. |
Client.termsTemplateName | colleagu_PayTerms | Pay Terms | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) | This value is only set for Invoice Companies (Clients) only. |
Client.termsType | colleagu_PayTermsType | Pay Terms Type | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) | This value is only set for Invoice Companies (Clients) only. |
InTime Field | Pump Field/Value | Display Name | Entity Name | Mandatory (Required by InTime) | Notes |
Provider.externalId | colleagu_CompanyReference | Company Reference | Company (Account) | Yes | Field value is from the linked Contractor Company (colleagu_ContractorCompany). Company Reference format (e.g. 'COM-1045'). Will also have a suffix of the Pay Currency ISO Code. |
Provier.refCode | AccountId | Company | Company (Account) | Yes | Field value is from the linked Contractor Company (colleagu_ContractorCompany). GUID format. |
colleagu_ContractorCompany.Name | Contractor Company | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | Can also be suffixed with the Pay Currency Code ISO if the follwing Global Setting is enabled 'Suffix Provider Name With Currency ISO Code' (colleagu_SuffixProviderName). | |
Provider.companyNo | colleagu_ContractorCompanyVATNumber | Contractor Company VAT Number | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Provider.vatCode | colleagu_ContractorCompany_TaxCode | Contractor Company Tax Code | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) | There must be an equivalent named Tax Rate in InTime (the code doesn't need to match). |
Provider.accountsRef | colleagu_ContractorCompanyAccountReference | Contractor Company Account Reference | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Provider.currency | colleagu_PayCurrency | Pay Currency | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) | A linked record field is used to get the Currency: Currency - ISO Code (TransactionCurrency.ISOCurrencyCode). An equivalent Exchange Rate for this currency must exist in InTime. |
Provider.secondTierAgency | colleagu_SecondTierAgency | Second Tier Agency? | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (Boolean field, must be Yes or No in InTime) | |
Provider.nominalCode | colleagu_ContractorCompanyNominalCode | Contractor Company Nominal Code | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | This value is set on record creation only. |
Provider.expensesNominalCode | colleagu_ContractorCompanyExpensesNominalCode | Contractor Company Expenses Nominal Code | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | This value is set on record creation only. |
Provider.invoicingContact.address.line1 | colleagu_ContractAddressStreet1 | Contractor Company Address Street 1 | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Provider.invoicingContact.address.line2 | colleagu_ContractAddressStreet2 | Contractor Company Address Street 2 | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | | | colleagu_ContractAddressCity | Contractor Company Address City | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Provider.invoicingContact.address.county | colleagu_ContractAddressCounty | Contractor Company Address County | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Provider.invoicingContact.address.postcode | colleagu_ContractAddressZipPostalCode | Contractor Company Address ZIP/Postal Code | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | | | colleagu_ContractAddressCountry | Contractor Company Address Country/Region | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Provider.invoicingContact.address.countryCode | colleagu_ContractAddressCountry | Contractor Company Address Country/Region | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) | A linked record field used to get the Country ISO Code: Country - ISO Code (colleagu_country.colleagu_ISOCode). Syncing of this field can be switched off in Global Settings (see 'Settings Fields' section at the bottom of this sheet). | | colleagu_ContractorEmailAddress | Contractor Email Address | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Provider.invoicePeriod | colleagu_CandidateInvoiceFrequency | Contractor Company Invoice Frequency | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) | |
Provider.invoiceDeliveryMethod | Always set to 'Email'. | N/A | N/A | No | |
Provider.selfBilling | colleagu_AllowSelfBilling | Allow Candidate Self Billing? | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (Boolean field, must be Yes or No in InTime) | |
Provider.consolidation and Provider.grouping | Always set to 'Each Worker Is Invoiced Separately'. | N/A | N/A | No | Not mapped/synced. |
InTime Field | Pump Field/Value | Display Name | Entity Name | Mandatory (Required by InTime) | Notes |
Manager.externalId | colleagu_PersonReference | Person Reference | Person (Contact) | Yes | Person Reference format (e.g. 'PER-1540'). |
Manager.refCode | ContactId | Person | Person (Contact) | Yes | GUID format. |
Manager.firstname | FirstName | First Name | Person (Contact) | Yes | |
Manager.lastname | LastName | Last Name | Person (Contact) | Yes | | | EMailAddress3 | Work Email | Person (Contact) | Yes | | | Telephone1 | Business Phone | Person (Contact) | No | | | MobilePhone | Mobile Phone | Person (Contact) | No | |
Manager.client | colleagu_InvoiceCompany | Invoice Company | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | InTime Record is created before syncing/attaching to the Manager. |
Manager.address.line1 | colleagu_Street1 | Street 1 | Company Address (colleagu_colleagueaddress) | No | Field value is from the linked Working At Address (colleagu_CompanyAddressId). |
Manager.address.line2 | colleagu_Street2 | Street 2 | Company Address (colleagu_colleagueaddress) | No | Field value is from the linked Working At Address (colleagu_CompanyAddressId). | | colleagu_City | City | Company Address (colleagu_colleagueaddress) | No | Field value is from the linked Working At Address (colleagu_CompanyAddressId). |
Manager.address.county | colleagu_County | County | Company Address (colleagu_colleagueaddress) | No | Field value is from the linked Working At Address (colleagu_CompanyAddressId). |
Manager.address.postcode | colleagu_PostalCode | ZIP/Postal Code | Company Address (colleagu_colleagueaddress) | No | Field value is from the linked Working At Address (colleagu_CompanyAddressId). | | colleagu_Country | Country/Region | Company Address (colleagu_colleagueaddress) | No | Field value is from the linked Working At Address (colleagu_CompanyAddressId). |
Manager.address.countryCode | colleagu_Country | Country/Region | Company Address (colleagu_colleagueaddress) | No | Field value is from the linked Working At Address (colleagu_CompanyAddressId). A further linked record field used to get the Country ISO Code: Country - ISO Code (colleagu_country.colleagu_ISOCode). Syncing of this field can be switched off in Global Settings (see 'Settings Fields' section at the bottom of this sheet). |
Manager.commsDisabled | colleagu_payandbillintegrationdisablemanageremails | Disable Manager (Approver) Emails | Global Settings (colleagu_globalsettings) | Yes (Boolean field, must be Yes or No in InTime) | For new Managers, 'Email Disabled' is set to the value of the Disable Manager (Approver) Emails Global Setting. If the Manager already exists, then this field is NOT updated. |
InTime Field | Pump Field/Value | Display Name | Entity Name | Mandatory (Required by InTime) | Notes |
Rate.backendRef (Standard) | colleagu_placementId | Placement | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | GUID format. |
Rate.payElementCode (Standard) | Pay Element Code fetched from InTime or "Basic Pay" (see Notes). | N/A | N/A | Yes | Uses the Global Setting -> Standard Rate Name values based on which Placement -> Pay/Charge Unit is selected (i.e. Hourly, Daily, Weekly or Monthly). If no Global Settings are defined or if the Placement is Permanent, the Pay Element Name defaults to "Basic Pay". For all values, there must be an equivalent named Pay Element defined in InTime. | (Standard) | If Placement -> Pay/Charge Unit is 'Hourly', value is "STANDARDH", otherwise value is "STANDARD". | N/A | N/A | Yes | Based on the Placement -> Pay/Charge Unit (colleagu_chargeunit) field. |
Rate.period (Standard) | If Placement -> Pay/Charge Unit is 'Hourly', value is "hourly", otherwise value is "fixed". | N/A | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | Based on the Placement -> Pay/Charge Unit (colleagu_chargeunit) field. |
Rate.periodDuration (Standard) | If Placement Type is Permanent, value is '1', otherwise if Placement -> Pay/Charge Unit is 'Hourly' value is 60, otherwise value is Placement -> Hours Per Day * 60. | N/A | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | Based on Placement Pay/Charge Unit (colleagu_chargeunit) and Hours Per Day (colleagu_HoursPerDay) fields. | (Standard - Contract) | colleagu_PayRate | Pay Rate | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | | (Standard - Perm) | Value is set to '0'. | N/A | N/A | No | |
Rate.charge (Standard) | colleagu_chargerate | Charge Rate | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | |
Rate.backendRef (Overtime/Other) | colleagu_overtimerateId | Overtime Rate | Overtime Rate (colleagu_overtimerate) | Yes | GUID format. | (Overtime/Other) | colleagu_name | Name | Overtime Rate (colleagu_overtimerate) | Yes | |
Rate.payElementCode (Overtime/Other) | colleagu_PayElement | Pay Element | Overtime Rate (colleagu_overtimerate) | Yes | Uses the Option Set value label from the field's Local Option Set. There must be an equivalent named Pay Element defined in InTime. | (Overtime/Other) | colleagu_PayRate | Pay Rate | Overtime Rate (colleagu_overtimerate) | Yes | |
Rate.charge (Overtime/Other) | colleagu_ChargeRate | Charge Rate | Overtime Rate (colleagu_overtimerate) | Yes | |
Rate.period (Overtime/Other) | If Overtime Rate -> Charge Unit is 'Hourly', value is "hourly", otherwise value is "fixed". | N/A | Overtime Rate (colleagu_overtimerate) | Yes | Based on the Overtime Rate -> Pay/Charge Unit (colleagu_ChargeUnit) field. |
Rate.periodDuration (Overtime/Other) | If Overtime Rate -> Pay/Charge Unit is 'Hourly' value is 60, otherwise value is Placement -> Hours Per Day * 60. | N/A | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | Based on Overtime Rate -> Pay/Charge Unit (colleagu_ChargeUnit) and Hours Per Day (colleagu_HoursPerDay) fields. |
Rates.timesheetFields (All) | If Placement/Overtime Rate -> Charge Unit is 'Hourly', value is "hours", otherwise value is "decimal". | N/A | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | Based on the Placement/Overtime Rate -> Pay/Charge Unit (colleagu_ChargeUnit) field. |
Rate.selectableByWorkers (All) | Always set to true/checked. | N/A | N/A | No |
InTime Field | Pump Field/Value | Display Name | Entity Name |
| Notes |
SplitCommission.userId | colleagu_User | User | User (SystemUser) | Yes | Field value is from the User Lookup (colleagu_User). |
SplitCommission.weight | colleagu_Percentage | Percentage | Commission Split (colleagu_commissionsplit) | Yes | Splits must add up to 100% if 'Allow non 100% Total' is un-ticked in InTime. A warning is always displayed in Pump if splits don't add up to 100%. |
InTime Field | Pump Field/Value | Display Name | Entity Name | Mandatory (Required by InTime) | Notes |
PurchaseOrder.reference | colleagu_name | Purchase Order Number | Purchase Order (colleagu_purchaseorder) | Yes | The reference is the PO Number in InTime. |
N/A | colleagu_SyncToPayandBillIntegration | Sync to Pay and Bill Integration? | Purchase Order (colleagu_purchaseorder) | No | As only one Purchase Order record can be synced to InTime through the API, this Yes/No field allows the user to choose which Purchase Order to push up. By default, the first Purchase Order created against the Placement within Pump will automatically have this field set to 'Yes'. |
colleagu_purchaseorderId | Purchase Order | Purchase Order (colleagu_purchaseorder) | No | Not mapped/synced. | |
PurchaseOrder.refCode | colleagu_purchaseorderId | Purchase Order | Purchase Order (colleagu_purchaseorder) | No | Not mapped/synced. GUID format. | | TRUE | N/A | N/A | No | Not mapped/synced . |
PurchaseOrder.description | colleagu_Description | Description | Purchase Order (colleagu_purchaseorder) | No | Not mapped/synced. |
PurchaseOrder.amount | colleagu_Amount | Amount | Purchase Order (colleagu_purchaseorder) | No | Not mapped/synced. |
PurchaseOrder.hoursMillis | colleagu_Hours * 3600000 | Hours | Purchase Order (colleagu_purchaseorder) | No | Not mapped/synced. |
PurchaseOrder.client | colleagu_Company | Hiring Company | Purchase Order (colleagu_purchaseorder) | No | Not mapped/synced. |
PurchaseOrder.startDate | colleagu_InvoiceStartDate | Invoice Start Date | Purchase Order (colleagu_purchaseorder) | No | Not mapped/synced. |
PurchaseOrder.endDate | colleagu_InvoiceEndDate | Invoice End Date | Purchase Order (colleagu_purchaseorder) | No | Not mapped/synced. |
PurchaseOrder.sheetStartDate | colleagu_ShiftExpenseStartDate | Shift Expense Start Date | Purchase Order (colleagu_purchaseorder) | No | Not mapped/synced. |
PurchaseOrder.sheetEndDate | colleagu_ShiftExpenseEndDate | Shift Expense End Date | Purchase Order (colleagu_purchaseorder) | No | Not mapped/synced. |
PurchaseOrder.includeAdjustments | colleagu_IncludeAdjustments | Include Adjustments? | Purchase Order (colleagu_purchaseorder) | No | Not mapped/synced. |
PurchaseOrder.preventInvoicing | colleagu_PreventInvoicing | Prevent Invoicing? | Purchase Order (colleagu_purchaseorder) | No | Not mapped/synced. |
InTime Field | Pump Field/Value | Display Name | Entity Name | Mandatory (Required by InTime) | Notes |
Placement.manager | colleagu_Person | Person | Approver (colleagu_approver) | Yes | Approver is set as the Primary Manager in InTime if the 'Primary Approver?' field is set to 'Yes'. If there are no Approvers linked to the Placement (or none set to 'Yes'), the Placement's Contact is set as the Primary Manager. |
Placement.alternativeManagers | colleagu_Person | Person | Approver (colleagu_approver) | Yes | Approvers linked to the Placement are added to the Alternative Managers list in InTime if the 'Primary Approver?' field is set to 'No'. |
N/A | colleagu_PrimaryApprover | Primary Approver? | Approver (colleagu_approver) | Yes (Boolean field, must be Yes or No in InTime) | Not mapped. Sets which Approver is the Primary Manager in InTime (there can only be one set in Pump/sent to InTime). If there are no Approvers, or none set to 'Yes', the Placement's Contact is used. |
InTime Field | Pump Field/Value | Display Name | Entity Name | Mandatory (Required by InTime) | Notes |
Placement.externalId | colleagu_name | Placement Reference | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | Placement Reference is formatted to fit the 20 character limit. Placement Reference is in alpha-numeric format (e.g. PLMT-AE5W6G-CT-1). |
Placement.refCode | colleagu_placementId | Placement | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | GUID format. |
Placement.purchaseOrderNum | colleagu_name | Purchase Order Number | Purchase Order (colleagu_purchaseorder) | No | This field value is from any Purchase Order linked to the Placement which has the 'Sync to Pay and Bill Integration?' field is set to 'Yes' (only one linked Purchase Order can be synced to InTime). |
Placement.start | colleagu_startdate | Start Date | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | |
Placement.end | colleagu_enddate | End Date | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | Updated when a Placement is amended or early finished. If a Placement is extended, the End Date remains as is. |
Placement.placed | colleagu_Level2AuthorisedOn | Level 2 Authorised On | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | |
Placement.jobTitle | colleagu_jobtitle | Job Title | Requirement (colleagu_requirement) | Yes | This field value is from the Requirement (colleagu_Requirement) linked to the Placement. |
Placement.jobDescription | colleagu_JobDescription | Job Description | Requirement (colleagu_requirement) | No | Not mapped/synced. |
Placement.perm | colleagu_Type | Job Type | Requirement (colleagu_requirement) | Yes (Boolean field, must be Yes or No in InTime) | True if Job Type is Permanent, otherwise false. This field data is from the Requirement (colleagu_Requirement) linked to the Placement. |
Placement.salesSector | colleagu_InTimeSalesSector | Sales Sector | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Formatted to fit the 50 character limit. |
Placement.salesBranch | colleagu_InTimeSalesBranch | Sales Branch | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Formatted to fit the 50 character limit. |
Placement.salesDepartment | colleagu_InTimeSalesDepartment | Sales Department | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Formatted to fit the 50 character limit. |
Placement.salesLocation | colleagu_InTimeSalesLocation | Sales Location | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Formatted to fit the 50 character limit. |
Placement.salesDivision | colleagu_InTimeSalesDivision | Sales Division | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Formatted to fit the 50 character limit. |
Placement.salesProject | colleagu_InTimeSalesProject | Sales Project | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Formatted to fit the 50 character limit. |
Placement.salesCostCentre | colleagu_InTimeSalesCostCentre | Sales Cost Centre | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Formatted to fit the 50 character limit. |
Placement.purchaseSector | colleagu_InTimePurchaseSector | Purchase Sector | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Formatted to fit the 50 character limit. |
Placement.purchaseBranch | colleagu_InTimePurchaseBranch | Purchase Branch | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Formatted to fit the 50 character limit. |
Placement.purchaseDepartment | colleagu_InTimePurchaseDepartment | Purchase Department | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Formatted to fit the 50 character limit. |
Placement.purchaseLocation | colleagu_InTimePurchaseLocation | Purchase Location | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Formatted to fit the 50 character limit. |
Placement.purchaseDivision | colleagu_InTimePurchaseDivision | Purchase Division | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Formatted to fit the 50 character limit. |
Placement.purchaseProject | colleagu_InTimePurchaseProject | Purchase Project | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Formatted to fit the 50 character limit. |
Placement.purchaseCostCentre | colleagu_InTimePurchaseCostCentre | Purchase Cost Centre | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Formatted to fit the 50 character limit. |
Placement.noCommunications | colleagu_DisablePlacementEmails | Disable Placement Emails | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (Boolean field, must be Yes or No in InTime) | Multi-Select Option Set is mapped to InTime via a code string based on what is selected, possible values are: Candidate = W, Contact = M, User = C and Limited User = L (e.g. if Candidate and Limited user are ticked, the value sent to InTime is 'WL'). InTime requires this exact format. |
Placement.timesheetApprovalRoute | colleagu_TimesheetApprovalRoute | Timesheet Approval Route | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) | Sets the InTime value to the selected Option Set value label from the 'Approval Route' Global Option Set in Pump. |
Placement.chargeableExpenseApprovalRoute | colleagu_ChargeableExpenseApprovalRoute | Chargeable Expense Approval Route | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) | Sets the InTime value to the selected Option Set value label from the 'Approval Route' Global Option Set in Pump. |
Placement.nonChargeableExpenseApprovalRoute | colleagu_NonChargeableExpenseApprovalRoute | Non-Chargeable Expense Approval Route | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) | Sets the InTime value to the selected Option Set value label from the 'Approval Route' Global Option Set in Pump. |
Placement.worker | colleagu_PlacedCandidate | Candidate | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | InTime Record is created before syncing/attaching to the Placement. |
Placement.selfBillTaxCodeOverride | colleagu_CandidateTaxCode | Candidate Tax Code | Person (Contact) | No | This value is only set if the Worker is populated on the InTime Placement and the Worker also has a VAT Code populated (this field is populated from the Candidate (colleagu_PlacedCandidate) linked to the Placement). |
Placement.provider | colleagu_ContractorCompany | Contractor Company | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | InTime Record is created before syncing/attaching to the Placement. This field needs to be configured by RSM to be visible. |
Placement.consultant | OwnerId | Owner | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | InTime Record is created before syncing/attaching to the Placement. |
Placement.client | colleagu_InvoiceCompany | Invoice Company | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes | InTime Record is created before syncing/attaching to the Placement. |
Placement.manager | colleagu_Person | Person | Approver (colleagu_approver) | Yes | InTime Record is created before syncing/attaching to the Placement. Approver is set as the Primary Manager in InTime if the 'Primary Approver?' field is set to 'Yes'. If there are no Approvers linked to the Placement (or none set to 'Yes'), the Placement's Contact is set as the Primary Manager. |
Placement.alternativeManagers | colleagu_Person | Person | Approver (colleagu_approver) | No | InTime Record is created before syncing/attaching to the Placement. Approvers linked to the Placement are added to the Alternative Managers list in InTime if the 'Primary Approver?' field is set to 'No'. |
Placement.rates | Placements can be associated with multiple Overtime Rate Records. | N/A | Overtime Rate (colleagu_overtimerate) | Yes | |
Placement.splits | Placements can be associated with multiple Commision Split Records. | N/A | Commission Split (colleagu_commissionsplit) | No | |
Placement.clientSite | colleagu_WorkingComp.Name | Working At Company | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Placement.chargeTermsTypeOverride | Always set to 'Days From Invoice Date'. | N/A | N/A | No | |
Placement.chargeTermsOverride | colleagu_ChargeTerms | Charge Terms | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | Sets the InTime value to the selected Option Set value label from the 'Charge Terms' Global Option Set in Pump. |
Placement.timesheetDateCalculatorName | colleagu_InvoiceFrequency | Invoice Frequency | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) | If the field in Pump is not populated, the field in InTime will be set to Weekly. |
Placement.invoiceContactOverride.firstname | colleagu_InvoiceContactFirstName | First Name | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Placement.invoiceContactOverride.lastname | colleagu_InvoiceContactLastName | Last Name | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | | | colleagu_InvoiceContactTelephone | Telephone | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | | | No | Ignored by InTime | ||| | colleagu_InvoiceContactEmailAddress | Email Address | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Placement.invoiceContactOverride.address.line1 | colleagu_InvoiceAddressStreet1 | Invoice Company Address Street 1 | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Placement.invoiceContactOverride.adddress.line2 | colleagu_InvoiceAddressStreet2 | Invoice Company Address Street 2 | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | | | colleagu_InvoiceAddressCity | Invoice Company Address City | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Placement.invoiceContactOverride.address.county | colleagu_InvoiceAddressCounty | Invoice Company Address County | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Placement.invoiceContactOverride.address.postcode | colleagu_InvoiceAddressZipPostalCode | Invoice Company Address ZIP/Postal Code | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | | | colleagu_InvoiceAddressCountry | Invoice Company Address Country/Region | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | |
Placement.invoiceContactOverride.address.countryCode | colleagu_InvoiceAddressCountry | Invoice Company Address Country/Region | Placement (colleagu_placement) | No | A linked record field used to get the Country ISO Code: Country - ISO Code (colleagu_country.colleagu_ISOCode). Syncing of this field can be switched off in Global Settings (see 'Settings Fields' section at the bottom of this sheet). |
Placement.contractedHours | colleagu_hoursperweekdecimal | Hours Per Week | Placement (colleagu_placement) | Yes (field cannot be null in InTime) |
InTime Field | Pump Field/Value | Display Name | Entity Name | Mandatory (Required by InTime) | Notes |
N/A | colleagu_BackOfficeIntegration | Pay and Bill Integration Provider | Global Settings (colleague_globalsettings) | No | Needs to be set to 'InTime' to enable InTime. |
N/A | colleagu_PayandBillIntegrationUsername | Pay and Bill Integration Username | Global Settings (colleague_globalsettings) | No | Used when an organisation posts to a single environment. |
N/A | colleagu_PayandBillIntegrationPassword | Pay and Bill Integration Password | Global Settings (colleague_globalsettings) | No | Used when an organisation posts to a single environment. |
N/A | colleagu_PayandBillIntegrationAgencyRefCode | Pay and Bill Integration Agency Ref Code | Global Settings (colleague_globalsettings) | No | Used when an organisation posts to a single environment. GUID format. |
N/A | colleagu_PayandBillIntegrationEndpointURL | Pay and Bill Integration Endpoint URL | Global Settings (colleague_globalsettings) | No | Used when an organisation posts to a single environment. Defaults to '' if blank. |
N/A | colleagu_PayandBillIntegrationUseOwningCompCreds | Pay and Bill Integration Use Owning Comp Creds | Global Settings (colleague_globalsettings) | No | Sets whether Global Settings (single environment) or Owning Company (multiple environments) credentials are used. |
N/A | colleagu_PayandBillIntegrationPushISOCountryCode | Pay and Bill Integration Sync Country ISO Code? | Global Settings (colleague_globalsettings) | No | Sets whether Country Codes are synced to InTime. |
N/A | colleagu_SuffixProviderName | Pay and Bill Integration Suffix Provider Name | Global Settings (colleague_globalsettings) | No | Is the Provider's name suffixed with the Currency ISO Code on creation? |
N/A | colleagu_PayandBillIntegrationPlacementDaysSync | Pay and Bill Integration Prev. Placement Days Sync | Global Settings (colleague_globalsettings) | No | Used by a background service to sync the previous number of days Placements (updates the 'Invoice Raised' and 'Timesheet End Date' fields). |
N/A | colleagu_PayandBillIntegrationStandardDailyRateNam | Pay and Bill Integration Standard Daily Rate Name | Global Settings (colleague_globalsettings) | No | The Standard Pay Element name used in InTime where Pay/Charge Unit is 'Daily' in Pump. If this setting isn't populated, the Pay Element name "Basic Pay" is used (this must be defined as a Pay Element in InTime). |
N/A | colleagu_PayandBillIntegrationStandardHourlyRateNa | Pay and Bill Integration Standard Hourly Rate Name | Global Settings (colleague_globalsettings) | No | The Standard Pay Element name used in InTime where Pay/Charge Unit is 'Hourly' in Pump. If this setting isn't populated, the Pay Element name "Basic Pay" is used (this must be defined as a Pay Element in InTime). |
N/A | colleagu_PayandBillIntegrationStandardMonthRateNam | Pay and Bill Integration Standard Month Rate Name | Global Settings (colleague_globalsettings) | No | The Standard Pay Element name used in InTime where Pay/Charge Unit is 'Monthly' in Pump. If this setting isn't populated, the Pay Element name "Basic Pay" is used (this must be defined as a Pay Element in InTime). |
N/A | colleagu_PayandBillIntegrationStandardWeeklyRateNa | Pay and Bill Integration Standard Weekly Rate Name | Global Settings (colleague_globalsettings) | No | The Standard Pay Element name used in InTime where Pay/Charge Unit is 'Weekly' in Pump. If this setting isn't populated, the Pay Element name "Basic Pay" is used (this must be defined as a Pay Element in InTime). |
N/A | colleagu_PayandBillIntegrationUsername | Pay and Bill Integration Username | Owning Company (colleagu_owningcompany) | No | Used when an organisation posts to multiple environments (taken from the Sales Owing Company Lookup on the Placement). |
N/A | colleagu_PayandBillIntegrationPassword | Pay and Bill Integration Password | Owning Company (colleagu_owningcompany) | No | Used when an organisation posts to multiple environments (taken from the Sales Owing Company Lookup on the Placement). |
N/A | colleagu_PayandBillIntegrationAgencyRefCode | Pay and Bill Integration Agency Ref Code | Owning Company (colleagu_owningcompany) | No | Used when an organisation posts to multiple environments (taken from the Sales Owing Company Lookup on the Placement). GUID format. |
N/A | colleagu_PayandBillIntegrationEndpointURL | Pay and Bill Integration Endpoint URL | Owning Company (colleagu_owningcompany) | No | Used when an organisation posts to multiple environments (taken from the Sales Owing Company Lookup on the Placement). Defaults to '' if blank. |
N/A | colleagu_CompanyPrefix | Company Prefix | Owning Company (colleagu_owningcompany) | No | If populated and 'Use Owning Company Credentials?' is set to 'Yes' in Global Settings, the InTime Client Reference will be pre-pended with this prefix (e.g. 'OSCOM1234-GPB'). Note that the Company Reference in Pump remains unchanged. |