InTime Mobile

InTime Mobile

Given the moving fast-paced society in which we live, mobile phones and other portable devices are essential for our day to day lives. RSM InTime has now been optimized for mobile, making it even easier to submit and approve time than ever before. When a contractor or client manager accesses RSM InTime via a mobile device, the system will reformat itself presenting the user with larger navigation buttons and reformatted content.

Mobile-optimization will significantly improve user experience and satisfaction, which will create a positive impression of your agency.

Mobile access is easy to use via the dashboards shown below:


You can customize the contractor home and web entry screens by adding your own custom text and images.

How do I add custom text to RSM InTime screens?

  1. From the menu bar, select Administration cog > Appearance >Custom Text.
  2. From the screen list, select Worker/Manager Dashboard Mobile or Web Entry Timesheets Mobile
  3. Enter the text or upload image that you want to appear on the screen.

Contractors can enter time & expenses and view payslips anywhere, anytime:

Client managers can view and approve time and expenses, anywhere, anytime:

Manager Mobile PIN Approval


  1. Ensure Manager has a Pin Number
    Profiles > Managers > Edit Drop Down > Switch to Selected Manager
    My Accounts (as Manager) > Personal Details > Other Details > Review/Add Pin Number
  2. Ensure Placement’s Approval Route Contains Manager
    Profiles > Placements > Edit > Timesheet > Approval


  1. Log into RSM InTime as a Worker on Mobile device
    Ensure its mobile view and not desktop – you may need to clear your cache on your phone.
  2. Create a Timesheet
  3. Submit the Timesheet
  4. ‘Manager Pin Approve’ will Appear after the Timesheet has been Submitted
    • There is a minimum criterion here for the ‘Manager Pin Approval’ to appear:
      1. Approval Route must contain the Manager
      2. Timesheet must be in ‘Submitted’ status
      3. Timesheet must be Pending Approval and have an Approver

    If you have multiple managers who can approve your timesheet, you have the option to select which one before they enter their pin.

  5. Manager keys in Pin
    • There is not an option to press ‘OK’ or ‘Enter’ after the Pin – it’s not required.
      5 Incorrect entries of the Pin Number will lock the Manager out of Mobile Entry for 60 Mins – they will still be able to approve it online.
  6. Timesheet is Approved

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