Creating Payment Applications

Creating Payment Applications

To generate a payment application, go to Sales > Generate Payment Applications. Use the search criteria and select the items you wish to include in the payment application. Once complete, click on Generate Selected. You will see confirmation that the payment application has been created. When viewed, payment applications are similar in appearance to RSM InTime invoices. 

After generating the payment application, go to Sales > Search Payment Applications. Click on the Edit button to view the payment application details. 

From this screen, you can add or remove additional timesheets/expenses and submit the application for approval. Only users of a certain type can approve payment applications and must hold the Contract Manager user role. 

Approving Payment Application

The approvers can view all payment applications under Sales > Search Payment Applications. Any applications awaiting their approval will show as below.

When clicking on Approve, the approver will be able to check the details, enter an invoice number (where a client is self billing) and Accept or Reject the application. If the payment application is rejected, a reason must be given. 

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