Monitoring Imports from your Front-Office System

Monitoring Imports from your Front-Office System

This section is only relevant to clients who have a front-office integration.

It is essential that you regularly monitor your RSM InTime system to ensure that placements sent from your front-office system are uploaded successfully.  Failures can result for many reasons but are typically because RSM InTime required tighter validation that might have been applied in your front-office system.  Any errors must be corrected in your front-office system and then re-sent to RSM InTime.

The method used to monitor the front-office import depends on your front-office system:


Clients with bullhorn should choose the Bullhorn Updates menu option from the Batch Operations menu.  You will see an image such as the one displayed below.

It can be seen that there are a number of successful imports and updates as shown by the green thumbs-up icon.  When there is a problem the system will show a red thumbs-down icon along with an error message.

When you seen an error you should log in to Bullhorn and make the appropriate correction.  You can then click on the retry link or wait for the update to be sent from Bullhorn.

You can use the date ranges for search for events for a particular date range or search for a particular placement ID.

Please note that RSM InTime can be configured to send notifications to a particular user when an import problem occurs.  Please contact the support team to have this configured or changed.

Other Front-Office Systems

To monitor the status of your imports you must regularly check the View Batch Operations menu option from the Batch Operations menu.  An example is shown below.

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