AWR Report

AWR Report

The AWR Report is the core of the AWR module. It provides you with a visual summary of how placements, clients and contractors are complying with AWR regulations and is also where the majority of actions are carried out. An example is shown below.

The report colour codes the contractor information:

  • Green means there is no risk of failing AWR compliance.
  • Yellow means there is low risk.
  • Pink means is high risk.
  • Grey means the contractor is not covered by the scope of AWR.

RSM InTime colour codes each placement according to risk, based on the information (or absence of it) received to date.  For example, if a worker has no comparator information captured when on placement with the client, RSM InTime will award a high risk to this placement.  It also shows the information that is outstanding, and a means to add in information as and when it is received.

A number of hyperlinks are shown within the report which indicates an action is available. The comment column provides information on the current status and indicates what action is required.

The AWR module is built on RSM InTime's Online Contracts and Compliance module.  This provides an audit trail of documents and information requests, along with acceptance information.  It is therefore easy to prove who provided information and when, so that if a challenge is raised at any point the complete audit history relating to the placement can be easily established.  The contract document module can also be used to prevent the submission of timesheets until the AWR information and placement contract documents have been accepted or completed.

Required Roles

To view the AWR Report and the AWR Comparator a user will require the following two AWR Roles

  • Access AWR
  • Enter AWR Comparator

How do I run the AWR Report?

  1. From the menu bar, click Compliance > AWR Report.
  2. You can search across all placements, workers and clients by clicking Search. Alternatively, you can enter filter criteria in the search options to narrow the results, then click Search:

The report is then displayed. Each row in the report relates to an active RSM InTime placement. Placements that have ended are not included in the report.

How do I use the AWR Report?

In general you should work through the report moving left to right for each row. Where the column contains a link an action is available. Each action is designed to establish a point of compliance or gather information in order to establish compliance. The actions vary depending on the type of the worker. As each stage is completed the Comment column will update to indicate what next needs to be checked.

For example: For LTD type contractors with a Provider the first action column is Contractor Type. Clicking on this link shows a popup window which allows you to select if they are A Limited Company or Swedish Derogation type worker. Select the appropriate option and click Update. You'll need to refresh the report for the changes to be reflected.

Automated notifications

You can optionally email a report to an Administrator, Consultants, Clients and Workers notifying them of any high risk placements applicable to them. This is set on the AWR Configuration page. If configured the report is sent out at 6 am every Monday. 

Other reported issues

  1. No comparable role exists - assessment required

If you have clicked on the "Edit" in the Edit column and checked the "No comparable role exists" button you will also need to check one of the highlighted buttons below to avoid the AWR Assessment being flagged as High Risk.

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