Document Centre/Payroll Reports Users

Document Centre/Payroll Reports Users

Client Portal Document Centre - Client User Guide.pdf

Document Centre

You have been given access to the Client Portal Document Centre function to enable you to upload and download reports.

 When you login to the portal, https://portal.es.rsmuk.com and click on Document Centre, the Document Centre screen appears as below

Uploading Documents

In order to upload a document one or more document categories must be set up first. Categories are designed to allow the purpose of an uploaded file to be identified and for filtering uploaded documents; typically categories will be such things as VAT, Payroll, etc.

Creating a Category

  1. In the Document Centre screen select the Manage Categories option.
  2. In the Add New Category screen enter a Category Name:  such as VAT, Payroll, etc. A Description can also be entered. Click on Add
  3. If a different Category is required for other documents then repeat the process.

  4. The category you have added will appear at the bottom of the screen


Uploading a Document

  1. In the Document Centre screen select the *Upload Area* option

  2. Enter details for the document you wish to upload as follows:
  • Detail: enter a description of the document
  • Document Category: select appropriate category from drop-down
  • File Expiry Date: Optional. Enter/select from date-picker date for document expiry (if required)

Select the Choose File button to open a search screen to find a document

  • Allowed extensions are: .jpg, .gif, .png, .pdf, .doc, .xls, .docx, .xlsx, .zip, .txt  
  • Maximum file size is: 20 MB

Select the check box for the relevant role to download the document. This will be Document Centre. Select Submit button.

Issues Experienced Uploading Documents

Occasionally a user may receive the message "Invalid File Type" when uploading a document even though the file has a valid extension. If this occurs then try clearing your browsers cache/temporary internet files



Downloading a Document

  1. In the Document Centre screen select the *Download Area* option
  2. You can search for the document using the Group or Category options as required and select Go button or click on the document name in the Detail column to download it.


InPay Reports

The option to run InPay Payroll reports via the Client Portal is available. If you would like this option please discuss with your regular RSM Payroll contact. A high level guide is shown below. If you have any questions on how to use the reporting function please contact your regular RSM Payroll contact.

When you login to the Portal a link to InPay will appear under the Applications menu. Click on this.

An InPay screen will appear


A selection of reports can be run using the Category and Report drop-downs

Depending on the particular report chosen an InPay screen will appear with various options on it to allow you to enter filters and parameters etc in order to restrict the amount of data in your report. Some of these will be mandatory depending on the report that you have selected to run. The example below is for an Employee List report.

Options exist to download your report in Word, Excel and Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) formats. A Preview of the report is available by clicking on the Preview icon.



Issues using Document Centre/InPay Reports

  1. Password Issues. If you have forgotten your Client Portal password click on the Forgot Password link on the logon screen.

Enter your username. This will normally be your email address. Click on Reset Password. A new password will be emailed to you.


For other issues please contact your RSM Payroll contact.