Employee Overpayment Repayments

Employee Overpayment Repayments

You have the ability to manage overpayments and how they are repaid in our PAYE module. Below details the initial set up you need to do, and how the feature works. 

Please note: - The no negative pay functionality uses a non-taxable, non-NI'able element. The calculations work as they would do in the absence of this functionality. To ensure that any tax refund is reclaimed the withhold tax refunds when no pay should be ticked against the worker through the employee - general details screen. National Insurance refunds and adjustments to the NI Levels (ToLEL etc) should be made through the pay - statutory override screen.

Pay element set up

Firstly you will need to set up a pay element for your repayments to be set against. The pay element name will be shown on payslips, so make sure this is something easily understood by the employee. This should be set up as below, making sure the pay element type is set as a deduction and with no options ticked at all. 

Deduction overpay example:

No negative net pay set up

You will then need to go to the company - general screen and within the company options section, tick no negative net pay and in the dropdown for negative pay pay element, choose the deduction overpay pay element you have created. 

Repayment set up

Within the pay menu option, go to employee overpayment.

This screen allows you to set a maximum repayment amount, employees will not have more than the entered value deducted from their pay. 

You will have a history of the repayments which will update each pay period. 


This will then be shown on an employee's payslips as below. You will see the amount taken for this pay period. The year to date figure is the full total that requires to be taken, this will reduce each pay period by the amount that is taken. 

Ability to edit overpayment balance  

You can edit overpayment balances for the current pay period within the employee overpayment screen, this will then recalculate the balance amount. There is also an overpayment override history table displaying an audit of all override of overpayment values. 

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