31st July 2022
Enhanced Task Dashboard in the Client Portal to eventually replace the current checklist
- NP-1826- New Client Portal tasks
- NP-1830-Peer Review Approval
- NP-1842 , NP-1841- Portal Submission and Pension API Submission
- NP-1843- Task Optional Start date
- NP-1840- Pension Options
- NP-1834- Supplementary Run Tick box
- NP-1915- Unique task names
- Minor Improvements
NP-1826- New Client Portal tasks
Introduced a new checkbox “Enable New Tasks” in Company page. If this option is selected the following tasks will be created in the client portal task Admin
- Check Payroll is in Correct Period
- Download RTI Information
- Payroll Changes Received
- Payroll Changes Applied
- Produce and Save Standard Payroll Reports
- Peer Review
- Complete Validation (see line 31 on checklist)
- Payslips Published and Committed
- HMRC Changes Applied
- Leavers Processed
- Produce and send P45s manually
- Print Proof of Acceptance
- Submit API Pensions File
- Produce and send reports to third parties
- Upload Pension files to Pension Provider Portal
- People Manager Payroll Submission (Automated) Completed
- People Manager Payroll Submission (Client Run) Completed
- Final Review
- Review of Amended Payroll Reports
NP-1830- Peer Review Approval
Where a user has completed the ‘Payroll Changes Applied' task that same user will not be able to complete the 'Peer Review’ task. This is to ensure Peer Review is not done by the same user
NP-1842 , NP-1841- Portal Submission and Pension API Submission
The admin section for tasks will include checkboxes to say if the task applies to “Portal Submission” or “Pension API Submission”. A task with this option ticked will be included for services where the respective option is ticked
NP-1843- Task Optional Start date
The admin section for tasks will include an optional start date. The task will only be included on the dashboard when then period start date is on, or after this date
NP-1840- Pension Options
New dropdown added to Client Portal -> Admin -> Services (Companies) under the InPay section called 'Pension Option'
NP-1834- Supplementary Run Tick box
Added a new checkbox “Supplementary Runs” in Admin-->Task
NP-1915- Unique task names
User will not be able to create or edit tasks with the same name
Minor Improvements
- Fixed an issue related to the management date picker and pay date filtering