2019 Payslip Legislation

2019 Payslip Legislation

As of April 2019 new UK legislation comes into force relating to Information on Payslips. For details of the legislation please see here:


Part of this legislation requires that hours worked are shown on payslips. This will affect RSM InTime PAYE workers and also workers paid PAYE via Provider companies in RSM InTime. RSM InTime can manage this for you in a number of ways depending on your configuration and worker types.

Where time is entered on an hourly rate, it is assumed that the hours worked are the same as those claimed so no changes will be made. However, where time is entered on a daily rate the hours will need to be derived so they can be displayed on the Payslip. There are 2 ways the hours can be derived in RSM InTime:

A) Convert the rate to hours using the Rate Duration. An example of 1 unit on a daily rate with a pay of £200 and duration of 480 minutes: Duration in hours = 480/60 = 8 hours per day. 

B) A new field on the Timesheet entry screen to enter the actual Hours Worked for each shift. 

For all systems "Hours Worked" will be a new field on the Margin report and Timesheet Search pages. This will hold the value of the Hours Worked field if entered or the daily rate duration in hours otherwise. It will sum the Hours Worked across shifts when Output by Timesheet or Rate. It will also be possible to import values in to the "Hours Worked" field via RSM InTime Timesheet importers - please contact RSM InTime support to enable this.

Please note the Hours Worked field is only visible on Placements with with Standard Layout Timesheets. It is not available for Calendar layout or Bulk entry.

InPay Linked system with PAYE workers

Option 1: Convert fixed rates to hourly:

To configure RSM InTime to convert daily rates to hours enable the "Convert daily rates to hours on export to InPay..." option on the Timesheet Options page. By default this will use the rate duration (Option A above) to derive the hours and rate shown on the InPay Payslip. As an example of 1 unit on a daily rate with a pay of £200 and duration of 480 minutes: Duration in hours = 480/60 = 8 hours per day. £200/8 = £25 per hour. So 8 units at £25 will be shown on the payslip instead of 1 unit at £200. 

You can enable the field to enter Hours Worked on the timesheet (Option B above) with the configuration "Enable Hours Worked field on timesheet entry for PAYE workers" on the Timesheet Options page. This configuration can be set to "optional" which means the field will be displayed but does not have to be filled in, or, "mandatory" in which case it must be entered to save the timesheet. If this option is enabled the InPay export will use the Hours Worked field to determine the hours and rate shown on the InPay payslip. As an example: 1 unit on a fixed rate with a pay of £200 and an "Hours Worked" of 7:30 (7 and a half hours). £200/7.5 = £26.6667 per hour. So 7.5 units at £26.6667 will be shown on the InPay payslip instead of 1 unit at £200.

The Hours Worked field does not effect on the total pay - this is still calculated based on the daily rate and units.

Settings - Timesheet Options:

Example Timesheet with Hours Worked field enabled:

In this example we can see the following:

  • 20 hours have been worked over 3 fixed rate units on the "Day" daily rate
  • The Day rate pay is calculated from the Units field not the Hours Worked (3 x 100 = £300).
  • The hours worked field is not displayed for Hourly rates.

Associated InPay Payslip:

Here the total pay against the Basic Pay element is still £300 but the Rate and Units are calculated from the Hours Worked: £300 / 20 = £15.

Option 2: Show the Worked hours in the rate name

For this option you will also need to enable the "Enable Hours Worked field on timesheet entry for PAYE workers" setting and disable the "Convert daily rates to hours" setting on the Timesheet Options page.

Please note that RSM InTime needs to be configured to set a custom rate name on export to InPay, please contact RSM InTime Support for assistance. 

InPay needs to have "Show Rate on Payslip" and "Show Rate Name on Payslip" options enabled under the Company General screen.

Now when fixed rates are sent to InPay they are not converted and the units and pay rate will show as they did previously, however the Rate Name is changed to include the total hours worked for the given rate on each timesheet. If more than one timesheet is exported in the same pay period multiple lines will be shown for each worked rate.

Example timesheets:

The Total Hours Worked entered for the Day rate are 39:30 for Timesheet ID: 3945 and 38:15 for Timesheet ID: 3946

The associated InPay Payslip that includes both timesheet above in a single pay period:

Here you can see the units and daily rate remain unchanged but the hours worked information is now present and shown per timesheet.

Non Inpay linked system with PAYE workers

Enabling the config option "Include Hours Worked in Timesheet CSV export" on the Timesheet Options page will results in an additional column included in the standard timesheet CSV export file that provides the hours worked.

You can also enable a field to enter Hours Worked on the timesheet with the configuration "Enable Hours Worked field on timesheet entry for PAYE workers"  on the Timesheet Options page. This configuration can be set to "optional" which means the field will be displayed but does not have to be filled in, or, "mandatory" in which case it must be entered to save the timesheet. If this option is enabled the this value will be used in the CSV export file. If not enabled the fixed rate duration in hours will be used. 

Workers paid PAYE through RSM InTime Provider Companies

Although RSM InTime will be paying Providers via invoices they may be paying their contractors through PAYE and therefore need the hours worked information. A new option on the Timesheet Options page: "Enable Hours Worked field on Timesheet entry for Provider workers" will enable the ‘Hours Worked’ field on timesheet entry for Provider placements.

A new option on the Timesheet Options page: “Show Hours Worked for each shift on timesheets attached to Provider invoices” will show a column for Hours Worked on electronic timesheets attached to Provider invoices. This will show the “Hours Worked” if entered or the duration in hours if not.

Example Timesheet attached to an invoice with Hours Worked for each shift enabled:

It will also be possible to include the Hours Worked for as a column on Provider invoices. Please contact RSM InTime support to enable this.

Example Invoice with Hours Worked column:

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