April 2022 Release
April 2022 Release
People Manager Release Notes April
EmployeeàMyHR Changes
- Added the following new panels to MyHR → Pay tab:
- Your current allowance details
- Your current deduction details
- Your current loan details
- All panels in the MyHR → Pay tab have been made collapsible. By default, all the panels will be collapsed.
- New Bonus tab available in MyHR.
- Added the following read-only fields on the MyHR → Main → Personal Details section:
- Initials
- Middle Name
- Known As
- Previous Name
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Marital Status
- Nationality
- Ethnicity
Bonus Section:
Main Section:
Changes in Employee On-boarding
- Added a new email template on onboarding setup form ‘Onboarding Completed Email’
- Selecting new type reveals text area to type custom email list.
- When an onboarding form is completed a notification email is sent out to all admins and any emails specified in text area described above.
Minor changes / improvements:
- Added the employee’s first name and location to the EmployeeàSummary page
- Added the option to add Absence Carry forward in both days and hours. These two values will be used to determine the max allowed carry forward of the current entitlement to next year based on the entitlement plan type (days or hours based) This will be shown in the absence year end process in Admin.
- People Manager will now send the contracted hours to Pay Manager for both hourly based and salary-based employees.
- Added mandatory field requirement to the Entitlement Type and Band Table dropdown list. Band Table dropdown will be empty until the Type dropdown is selected. The relevant entitlement plan will be displayed in the Band Table dropdown depending on the selected absence type. The changes can be seen in Employee → Absence → Entitlement screen
- Employees with zero hour work plan can now book holidays in the increments of 0.25.
- Improved the error message contents when an encrypted or invalid file is uploaded via Batch Upload or Data Import.
- Default calendar view will now load the specified default one which can be set in AdminàHoliday Calendar
- On the Admin → Payroll → Pay Elements screen, the multiplier will now allow users to enter a maximum of 4 decimal points (Previously it was 3 decimal points)
- Expense tab can now be turned on and off based on the security access. Added a new type to security access groups 'Expenses' which toggles on/off the expenses tab. Expenses is allowed by default unless the workflowexpenses setting is off - in which case the page shouldn’t be accessible.
- Fixed an issue with Appraisal module, where manager was not able to request feedback for the employee appraisal form.
- Super users and client admins will be able to update the work plan/entitlement plan names.