Exception Report Warnings





Back Pay



Employee has £1560.00 of back pay this period



Bank Details



Bank Details Amended: Account Number: 11-06-56 01111111, Account Name: Mark Smiith


Bank Details Added: Account Number: 30-97-90 52444463, Account Name: Mrs Aleena Jones


Employee has sort code 774031 with unknown bank details.


Bank Details Deleted: Account Number:11-06-56 44440411, Account Name: Mark Smith






Worker is marked as an apprentice and is over 19. Please check National Minimum Wage rates.


Worker is marked as apprentice and is over 25 years of age.




Employee either under 16 or over 80



Duplicate Deduction



Employee has more than one deduction record in this period for Advance



Duplicate Payment



Employee has more than one payment record in this period for Shift Allowance






No email has been entered.






Leave Date: 19/01/2024, Normal Monthly Basic: £2254.17, Basic Pay This Month: £2254.17


Employee has been reinstated for payment after leaving.


Employee is a leaver and has an outstanding negative net pay adjustment balance of £50


Worker is a leaver and has holiday booked after the current period end date



Negative Pay



Employee has a negative holiday balance.


Negative Net Pay


Employee has a £100 negative net pay adjustment this period


Employee has a negative holiday balance



NI Number



No NI Number


The same Surname, DOB and NI Number is being used for another employee Emp No: T1016697


Employee NI Number is being used by another employee Emp No: T1256147



NI Table Letter



Worker on J or X NI Letter


Not State Pension age and on NI table letter C


Beyond State Pension date and not on NI table letter C


Only females over 55 can be on NI Letter B


Worker is marked as an apprentice without NI letter H.


Worker is marked as an apprentice with NI letter A


Employee is under 21, but on an over 21 NI Letter


Employee is over 21, but on an under 21 NI Letter 


Employee is over 25, but on an under 25 NI Letter 


Worker is marked as an apprentice with NI letter A.



No Pay



Worker has no pay



Pay Element



Pay Element Amended: Family and Friends Exp, Non Taxable, Non Nicable


Pay Element Added: Holiday - Buy, Non Taxable, Non Nicable


Pay Element Deleted: Holiday - Buy, Non Taxable, Non Nicable



Pay Limits



Pay Outside Limits: Normal Gross Pay £1127.23, This Period Gross Pay £858.93



Pay Variance



Pay Compared With Last Period: Last Gross Pay £1404.76, This Gross Pay £1966.67


Pay Compared With Last Period: Last Net Pay £1290.75, This Net Pay £1946.00


There are negative deductions for this pay period.






Employee is on a Peoples Pension scheme and has less than 3 address lines



Permanent Payment



Payment Amended: Start Date: 01/12/2023, Pay Element: Health Cash Plan BIK, Annual Amount: £26.76


Payment Added: Start Date: 01/01/2024, Pay Element: Health Cash Plan BIK, Annual Amount: £26.76


Payment Ended: End Date: 28/12/2023, Pay Element: Hol Buy, Annual Amount: £-220.22



RTI Exceptions



Employee has less than two address lines


Employee is a new starter but has no starter statement


NI number is temporary/not entered the worker must have at least two address lines


There are invalid characters in the employees address


There are invalid characters in the employees forename


There are invalid characters in the employees surname


There are invalid characters in the employees Middle Name


There are invalid characters in the employees Title


Taxable Pay YTD must not be less than 0


Student Loans YTD must not be less than 0


Postgraduate Loans YTD must not be less than 0


Pension YTD paid under net pay arrangement must not be less than 0


Pension YTD not paid under net pay arrangement must not be less than 0


Pension YTD not paid under net pay arrangement must not be less than 0


Benefits Taxed Via Payroll YTD must not be less than 0


Statutory Adoption Pay YTD must not be less than 0


Statutory Maternity Pay YTD must not be less than 0


Statutory Paternity Pay YTD must not be less than 0


Shared Parental Leave YTD must not be less than 0


Statutory Bereavement Pay YTD must not be less than 0


NI Level To LEL must not be less than 0 for NI Letter  + NIletter


NI Level LEL to PT must not be less than 0 for NI Letter  + NIletter


NI Level PT to UEL must not be less than 0 for NI Letter  + NIletter


Employer NI contributions must not be less than 0 for NI Letter  + NIletter


Employee NI contributions must not be less than 0 for NI Letter  + NIletter


Nicable Pay must not be less than 0 for NI Letter  + NIletter


Over UEL must not be less than 0 for NI Letter  + NIletter


Class1A NICs YTD must not be less than 0






Start Date: 08/01/2024, Normal Monthly Basic: £6000.00, Basic Pay This Month: £0.00



Statutory Override



Pay Element: ER 700 Pension GPP, User Override: £-28.88


Pay Element: SMP, User Override: £862.40 etc



System Warnings



Employee is a leaver and has not paid off the full balance of their loan.


Pension Re-Assessment due in Pay Period


Pension Re-Assessment date is due to be changed







Tax Code



Invalid Tax Code



Tax Exceptions



Tax Refund


Tax Paid is at legislative maximum


A new previous pay and tax record has been added: tax code 1113L, taxable pay £5816.00, tax paid £0.00