Payslip Portal Text

Payslip Portal Text


Use this screen to display information to employees on the Payslip Portal home page and individual payslips.


Payslip Portal Text

Any number of items can be added with or without images to display information to employees when they log into the Payslip Portal.

  • Title: The title of the message. This will show in larger text than the message.
  • Body: This will display below the title in smaller text.
  • Order: This is used set the order in which messages will show.
  • Image: An image may be optionally uploaded to display to the left of the message.

The messages saved above will show on the Payslip Portal as below:

Payslip Message

Text may be entered here to appear on employees' payslips. This will show immediately and will be saved to the payslip on commit. Changing the message will only affect uncommitted payslips.

A number of calculated values can be chosen to customise the message by selecting from the Payroll Value drop down. For example, Annual Salary will show as {AnnSal}.