Timesheet Designer

Timesheet Designer


The timesheet designer is used to create timesheet formats.








A list of current formats will be displayed when first entering the page. At this point, a format may be selected in the list to edit or the new button may be clicked to create a new format.


  1. Click the New button.
  2. Enter a Format Name.
  3. Click the Save button. (The new format will be created with an Employee Number column, this is mandatory on all formats)


Firstly once a timesheet has been created in the format from the Timesheet -> Input/Control then it can no longer be modified. In these cases you should use the Cloning function.

Selecting a format from the Format List at the top of the screen will allow you to edit a timesheet format. Click on one of the current columns in the columns table to edit or click the New button in the Column section to create a new column. The fields available are:

  • Column Name: The name to appear on the timesheet header for the column.
  • Column Type: Some of the following options will affect what other fields are available:
    • Amount: This will allow a Pay Element to be selected for the column.
    • Employee No: Pre populates the Employee Number (readonly).
    • Employee Rate: This is now obsolete and should not be used.
    • Entered Rate: If the rate column has a default Rate and Hours set in the Pay -> Pay Element Rates screen then these will pull through onto the timesheet when it is created through the Timesheet -> Input/Control screen. The rate is actually associated with a pay element when the hours field is added. See Hours:
    • Forename: Pre populates the employee Forename (readonly).
    • Hours: This will allow another column in this format to be designated as the Rate that this will be multiplied by, a Pay Element to be selected for the column and a Factor to multiply the calculated amount by.
    • Middle Name: Pre populates the employee Middle Name (readonly).
    • NI Number: Pre populates the NI Number (readonly).
    • Surname: Pre populates the employee Surname (readonly).


The order the columns appear in on the timesheet can be changed by dragging them within the Columns table. This will be saved automatically.


As stated once the timesheet format has actually been used to create a timesheet the format can no longer be modified, in this scenario the format should be first cloned, this will create a new format with the same columns as a current format:

  1. Select the format to create a copy of.
  2. Click the Clone button.
  3. Enter a name for the new format.
  4. Click the Save button.

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