August 2021 Release

Release notes

The Aug release brings in the following changes and updates.

  • Ability to upload Workplans

Ability to upload Workplans

You now have two options when it comes to workplans. Option 1 is to go to the Admin > Workplan screen and create in there or option 2, upload this as a template using the uploader tool on the same page.

The Template will need to look like the below as an example.

Once you’ve gone through the process, you will see the below.

If at any time something is wrong or the workplan exists, you will get an error.

This WorkPlan already exists in the system. Please rename this and try again. If you wish to edit an existing plan, then please use the Administer Workplan screen.

If you enter the incorrect Time format, you will get the below error.




Finally, to keep you updated on some smaller changes

  • The “Delegation ability” has now been moved to the New UI. “Please contact Support for more information”
  • There is now an extra “Free Cell” box for you to enter in information into the Certificate tab
  • Workflow control screen now shows AM/PM in the events
  • Absence events screen now shows Lost Days in History
  • Times sheets now can process the previous month. “Please contact Support for more information”
  • Excluding workplans for leavers in pre submission report.
  • Added Equality section onto the new Onboarding forms.
  • “Notes” boxes now saves in new UI in the Pay Details screen.
  • Increased the Ethnicity box field length to accommodate more letters.
  • Leavers no longer show in the calendar when adding a new employee.