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Payslip portal first-time registration

How do I access my payslip portal for the first time?

To view your payslips, log in to our payslip portal. If you have not accessed your payslips before, you must first register your account. This process will allow you to create your own username and password.

What do I need to register?

Before you begin, please ensure you have the following information to hand.

  • The payslip portal website address

    • You will likely receive an automatic payslip notification email when a new payslip is available to you. The website address should be contained within the email. If you cannot find the payslip portal website details, please contact your Agency/Payroll provider.

  • The payslip portal company code

    • As with the website address, the company code should be listed in the payslip notification email. If you cannot find the company code, please contact your Agency/Payroll provider.

  • Your email address

    • The email address you enter as part of your registration process must match the email address your Agency/Payroll provider have on record for you. If they do not match, the registration process cannot be completed.

  • National Insurance Number

    • To complete the registration process, you must supply your National Insurance Number. If you do not have a National Insurance Number or are waiting for your number to be issued, please contact your Agency/Payroll provider for further information.

What is the registration process?

Step 1 - Navigate to the payslip portal

If you receive an automatic payslip notification email, the website address should be contained with the email. Alternatively contact your Agency/payroll administrator for the website address details.

You will now be presented with the payslip portal login screen, to register click ‘Create an account’.

(screenshot of the payslip portal log in page)


Step 2 - Enter your registration details

To complete the account creation/registration process you must ensure that you have entered your details in to all the fields provided.





Field explanation

Company code:

The company code will be displayed on the email sent to you after each completed payroll run.  If you click the registration link within the email you will not be prompted for the code.  Your agency can also provide this.

Email address:

This must match the email stored by your employer.

NI Number:

This must match your current NI Number. If you do not have one please contact your Agency or payroll provider.


We recommend a memorable user name, something like your email address. If the username already exists, the username you have chosen will suffix the username with a number to make it unique.


8 characters or more, must include a number and special character.

Registering troubleshooting

It states my details don’t match?

Please contact your Agency/Payroll provider to ensure the details you are entering match those held on your payroll record.

Step 3 - Confirming your email to activate your account.

On successful registration of your account a confirmation email will be sent to you.  You must activate your account by clicking the link contained within the email. You will not be able to log in to your payslip account until this has been completed.

a) Confirmation email screen

b) The confirmation email  

c) When the hyperlink is clicked on the confirmation email your account will activate and you will receive the below confirmation.

Resetting your details


Forgotten Your Password/Reset

If you have forgotten your password, you can use the ‘Forgot your password?’ link.

Forgotten Username

If you have forgotten your username, you can use the 'Forgot Username?' link.

Your Payslip Dashboard

When you initially log in the worker dashboard will be displayed.  The dashboard will display:

  • Your last pay amount

  • Current tax code and a link to HMRC if you believe your tax code is incorrect.

  • A list of previous payslips, you can select how many entries you want to see between 10, 25, 50 and 100.

The payslip portal dashboard

The payslip page

The payslip portal dashboard

The payslip page

Frequently Asked Questions


When will I be able to register my account?

You will be unable to create your account until your first payslip has been generated.  This is usually on the day your first payment credits your account.

What if I have forgotten my username?

You can use the 'forgot username' procedure, shown here.

What if the Company code is not found?

Ensure that you have entered this correctly, if you still experience issues please contact your agency to verify the code you are entering.


What if I leave and come back, will my payslips be accessible under the same account details?

No, this is a new period of employment and you will need to re-register.


I have not been assigned a national insurance number yet.  Can I still self-register?

No, please contact your agency for further instructions.

How long can I continue to view my payslips after I leave?

By default, this is set to 90 days from your leave date.  After this period you will require to contact your agency.