- Create company from template 002 RSM template.
General Ledger
- Create import files for P&L, Balance Sheet and Reporting Structure and import
- Open reporting structure and change access rights so available to all users within the company
- Check general ledger against previous COA
- Send reporting structure to client for approval
- Approval given by client
- Delete all periods and enter new starting year as first year of data to be imported.
- Use auto fill to populate period names.
- Ensure all periods for which data will be imported are open.
System Accounts & Dims
- Update all VAT codes to show correct nominal code for VAT control account
- Update system accounts (General>Company>Settings)
- Dimension types - update names and formats of Dim 2 (KPL) and Dim 3 (PRJ)
- Import Dim 2 and Dim 3
- Set up bank accounts including acc no and sort code
- Link bank to nominal account as a cashbook
Pay & Collect
- Set up payment type for each bank account
- Agree cust/supp code with RSM InTime codes
- update dim type format for Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable (may need to redefine post import to force existing codes in)
- populate supp import file and import
- populate cust import file and import
- alternatively, manually enter suppliers and customers if small in volume
Transaction Type
- For transactions types purchase invoice and sales invoice set free text field 3 to Allowed from the drop down menu.
RSM InTime Integration
- Set up new user for integration "INTIME_CLIENT", use random password generator
- Email RSM InTime team with following details:
> RSM InTime login details
> Twinfield agency code (database code - usually same as PASO code)
> Accounts Receivable nominal code
> Accounts Payable nominal code
> VAT control account nominal code(s)
> List of accounts payable and accounts receivable references with names
> List of sales and COS nominal ledger codes (Dim 1)
> Names of Dim 2 and Dim 3
> List of Dim 2 and Dim 3 values
Client Portal
- Obtain list of users from client with details of access levels
- Email RSM InTime support to request company to be set up on portal with details of users including Revas users.
- Check company has been set up correctly.
- Arrange webex with client users to show basic operations of portal.
- Release password reset emails and deliver portal intro.
- Email client for details of which users should have what level of access in Twinfield and Basecone.
- Set up Twinfield users.
- Set up Basecone users.
Data Migration
- Import Monthly Movement TB's for the period September 2014 to 31st August 2015
- Run Y/E 31.08.15 routine on Twinfield
- Import Monthly Movement TB's for the period September 2015 to 31st January 2016
- Import opening debtors - individual sales ledger items o/s at 31.01.16
- Import opening creditors - individual purchase ledger items o/s at 31.01.16
Invoice Link
Go To Settings->Company Settings, Select Transaction Types.
- Search for “Sales Invoices” and select. All highlighted in screenshot below: Under “Free text fields”, under “Free text field 3”, select Usage: “Allow”, Location: “Header”. Under “Document imaging”, Enter Name: “Invoice”, Link: https://<CLIENT SERVER>/twinfield/showInvoice/$FreeText3$
- Search for “Purchase Invoices” and select. All highlighted in screenshot below: Under “Free text fields”, under “Free text field 3”, select Usage: “Allow”, Location: “Header”. Under “Document imaging”, Enter Name: “Invoice”, Link: https://<CLIENT SERVER>/twinfield/showInvoice/$FreeText3$