Approving expenses

Approving expenses

As a manager you may be required to approve expenses for the employees that report into you. You may see expenses from other employees as well. If you have this function you will see expenses in your top menu bar. 

To find out how to process your own expenses go to entering expenses, within the employee section of the knowledge base. 

Click on expenses and then select my employees' claims. 

Viewing all claims

You will see a table of all claims, with the newest first. You can change the sort function using the small up and down arrows against any of the columns, or type in the employee's name within the search field. 

You will have details of the requester and the status of the expense. Any that show as submitted are waiting for approval. In the approver column you will see your name, or if it has been escalated or you are a delegate you may see another manager's name.

To go into an expense you can click on the blue claim id number

Approving an expense

When you go into the expense, you will see that the name and the date are greyed out. The details of the expenses will show underneath, with a blue live link to view a receipt if it has been uploaded. 

There is a comment box, this is only mandatory if you are rejecting a claim. 

If the expenses are acceptable, click approve, you will be asked to confirm, click ok. 

Rejecting an expense

If there is an error with the expenses, you must enter a comment advising why. You cannot reject an expense without a comment in the box and you will be given a prompt and unable to complete the action. 

Click reject, you will be asked if you are sure, click ok. 

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