Employee record - development tab

Employee record - development tab

Within the development tab, you can record various training requirements, details of any educational awards, as well as appraisals.  Within manage lookups you can create options to appear within all the development dropdown lists, giving you flexibility to record everything you need within this area. 

Click on the link below to go to the appropriate tab you wish to review

Training, certificates, qualifications, CPD and Language

DBS Check


Discipline and grievance

Lookup dropdowns & alerts for this section

Training, certificates, qualifications, CPD and Language

Within these tabs all dropdown fields are fully configurable within your manage look up function. You have date pickers, cost amounts, and free text fields as well, allowing you to capture any requirements you need. 

To create a new record scroll to the bottom of the page to click create and click save once completed. There will be a history of all records applied to the employee on the appropriate tab. 

Training example
Certificates example 
Qualifications example
CPD example
Language example

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DBS Check 

Within this tab you can select levels that you have created in manage lookups. There is also a date picker for certificate and badge issued. The review date can also be linked to an alert. 

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You will be able to view the appraisal from this tab, by clicking view. Go to appraisal configuration for details on how to set this up. Full user guides for appraisals can be found here.

Discipline and grievance 

Both of these tabs work in the same way. All of the dropdowns can be built within manage look ups, apart from the fields: chair and appeal chair. These will only show people with manager status only. The review date you enter can be used for reporting and can have a date alert assigned to it. You can have more than one record per person, click create for a new record and save when completed. Both review date fields in each tab can be have alerts set against them. 



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Lookup dropdowns & alerts for this section  

Here is the list of dropdown lists and alerts can configure for the personal section. Go to manage lookups to find out how to add or change your dropdown lists and alert configuration to set up your reminders. 

Development section:

Where in People Manager

Name of dropdown

Name within manage lookups

Training tab


Training courses

Training tab


Training providers

Training tab


Training results

Certificates tab


Certificate Types

DBS check tab


DBS levels

Qualifications tab


Qualification levels

Qualifications tab


Qualification grades

Discipline tab


Discipline types

Discipline tab


Discipline outcomes

Grievance tab

Type (in type section)

Grievance types

Grievance tab

Type (in outcome section)

Grievance outcomes

Languages tab



Languages tab

Reading, writing, speaking ability



Development section:

Where in People Manager

Name of date field

Name within alert configuration

Certificates tab


Certificate expiry

DBS check tab

Review date

DBS review

Discipline tab


Discipline review

Grievance tab


Grievance review

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