Expenses on hold is the ability to put individual expense items within an expense claim on hold for pay and charge (separately), when an expense is put on hold, a reason can be added via a free text box or using a prepopulated list within a dropdown box. If you wish to put a timesheet on hold you can do this within the timesheet directly, alternatively if you wish to put both expenses and timesheets on hold you can do this within the placement, go to timesheets on hold for further information.
Changing the status of an expense
You can change the status of an expense at any stage of the process from draft through to approved. Within the expense claim you will see an orange change status box.
Within the change status screen, you will be able to select individual expense items to put on hold, by using the tick boxes
Using the dropdowns for pay invoice and/or bill invoice select the invoice options.
Using the dropdowns you can the select a on hold reason code that has been prepopulated.
You also have free text boxes for pay on hold reason and bill on hold reason, allowing you enter whatever reason you wish.
How to create on hold reason codes
Click on the system configuration cog in the top righthand corner. Then within the systems section go to customisation maps.
Click create in the top righthand corner of the screen, alternatively if you wish to edit an existing list click edit.
Enter the name Hold Reason Codes
The key fields
The value fields will be the options that are shown within the dropdowns.
When ready click save.