The Invoicing tab determines which terms, currency and address will be applied for invoicing.
Charge Terms
By default, the details in this section will be taken from the values selected on the client's profile. If the Use Default option is de-selected these details can be changed.
Terms | This required terms for invoices relating to items on this placement can be selected here. |
Terms Type | The Terms Type which will appear on the invoices raised for the placement can be selected here. |
Currency | The required client invoice currency for the placement. |
Terms Days | The required terms days to appear on client invoices for the placement |
Terms Extra Text | Additional text which will appear on client invoices when items related to the placement are invoiced. |
Pay Terms
By default, the details in this section will be taken from the values selected on the contractor/umbrella profile. If the Use Default option is de-selected these details can be changed.
Terms | This required pay terms for invoices relating to items on this placement can be selected here. |
Terms Type | The Terms Type which will appear on purchase invoices raised for the placement can be selected here. |
Terms Days | The required terms days to appear on purchase invoices for the placement |
Terms Extra Text | Additional text which will appear on purchase invoices related to the placement. |
Sales Invoice Contact
By default, client invoices raised for the placement will use the invoicing address set on the client's profile. If the Override Default Sales Invoice Contact option is selected, you can enter different address details which will then appear on the client invoices raised for the placement.
The address must at least contact a value in Street 1 or Street 2 AND a value in Town or County.
If a value is entered in the Email field then the invoicing email address for the client will be overridden and invoices for the placement will be sent to the entered address(es).
Site Address
Details of the address for the client site relating to the placement can be entered in this field for recording purposes. These details are not used in other parts of InTime.
Please click on the links below to go to the other placement tabs: