Use this page to modify employee pension information.
Updating Key Employee Pension Details
This page allows employee pensions to be entered on schemes that have been set up on the Company Pension Schemes page. It also allows the updating of key pension related information to comply with Auto Enrolment legislation.
Enrolment Details
The following key details that form part of the Auto Enrolment legislation can be viewed and updated here.
- Teacher No: This will only show if the company has been marked as Academy.
- Staging Date: The date is set on the Company screen and is the date the company is obligated to comply with Auto Enrolment regulations. Read-only.
- Date of Birth: As set on the employee details screen. This is important in establishing a workers status with regard to the regulations. Read-only.
- Postponement End Date: Enrolment can be postponed for up to 3 months based on rules set out in legislation. If this is to apply the end date of the postponement period should be entered here.
- Opted out Date: Within a limited time period after enrolment the employee can opt out of the scheme and have their contributions refunded. The date should be entered here*
- Terminate Date: Even after the opt out period the employee can resign from the scheme at any time. Entering this date will automatically end any AE records (As long as the Terminate Date is no more than 3 months prior to the Pay Date)
- Opt in Date: Any worker (aged 16 or more and less than 75) under the new legislation can ask their employer to be made an active member of a pension scheme The date a joining notice is received is entered here.
*When a pension opt out date is entered against a worker, InPay determines whether a refund is due (and records should be ended) based on the following criteria. If the new opt out date is over 3 months prior to the pay date of the current period, no refund will be automatically made and pension records will not be automatically stopped. If the Opt Out Date is being edited and the original opt out date was within 12 months of the current pay date, then InPay will not pay any refund automatically and pension records will not be automatically stopped. Otherwise a refund of contributions will be made. The refund will be any contributions made within the 3 months prior to the opt out date entered (The refund may also include periods after the opt out date). Any live pension records on an auto enrolment scheme will also be ended.
Adding an Employee Pension
After selecting an employee, you may enter a new pension for the employee immediately. If you have been editing an employee pension, click the new button to clear the fields before entering a new employee pension.
Pension Details
- Scheme: The pension scheme (set up on the Company Pension Schemes page).
- Membership: The unique pension membership number.
- Joining Date: The date the employee started the scheme.**
- Leaving date: The date the employee left or cancelled the scheme.**
- Custom Ref 1: This field can be used to display worker specific information on the pension exports that can be created from the Reports screen, It's use will be different determined by the export.
- Custom Ref 2: This field can be used to display worker specific information on the pension exports that can be created from the Reports screen, it's use will be different determined by the export.
SCON Code: Read-only.
- Override Contribs: Where a Basic scheme is selected deductions will be between the lower earnings threshold and the upper threshold at the rate laid out in legislation. However ticking this box allows the user to take deductions between the thresholds but at higher rates.
Scheme Details (Read Only)
- Net Pay Scheme: Indicates that this is a net pay scheme. .
- Net of BR Tax: Indicates that this is a net of BR tax scheme..
- Basic Scheme: Indicates that the schemes follows the legislation for the minimum pension the company can offer eligible job holders. .
- Salary Sacrifice - Indicates that it is a Salary Sacrifice scheme
- AVC: Indicates that this is an AVC scheme.
Contribution Details
- Employee Value: The employee's payment value.*
- Employer Value: The employer's payment value.*
- Employee Percent: The employee's payment percent.*
- Employer Percent: The employer's payment percent.*
Click the Save button to commit changes to the database.
*A record can contain a single contribution (either value or percent based) against both the employee and the employer. If for example a percentage and value are added against an employer, an error will occur upon saving the record. This scenario can be got around by adding 2 records for the employee.
**If any date between the Joining date and the Leaving date is within the current period then a deduction will be made calculated over the entire period. Otherwise no deduction will be made.