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Policy Details

RSM InTime

The password policy is set for the whole Agency

The password must be between 8 and 50 characters long and contain at least three of the following:

  • Numbers

  • Upper case letters

  • Lower case letters

  • Special characters

 Passwords cannot contain:

  • Spaces

  • Alphabetical sequences

  • Numerical sequences of length 3

  • Qwerty keyboard sequences

  • Four repeated characters

  • Accented letters, e.g. á é

  • The following characters: £ ¬ € < >


  • The number of days that a password is valid for is defaulted to 180 days, after this period it must be changed.

  • Accounts are locked after 5 failed attempts


The password policy is set for each customer and can be overridden based on role.  As part of the configuration you can specify

  1. The minimum length of the password (default 8)
  2. Whether it must include both a number and a special character (default yes)
  3. The number of days that a password is valid for.  After this period it must be changed (default 90)
  4. The maximum length of the password is 128 characters


  • Accounts are locked after 5 failed attempts
  • Accounts are disabled if the user has not logged in for 70 days
  • Passwords cannot contain common words or number sequences (123456, abc123, password, qwerty...)
  • Passwords allow space character

 Payslip Portal

The password policy is set for each customer and can be overridden based on role.  As part of the configuration you can specify

  1. The minimum length of the password (default 8)
  2. Whether it must include both a number and a special character (default yes)
  3. The number of days that a password is valid for.  After this period it must be changed (default 90)
  4. The maximum length of the password is 128 characters


  • Accounts are locked for the day following 5 failed attempts 
  • Passwords cannot contain common words or number sequences (123456, abc123, password, qwerty...)
  • Passwords allow space character

Client Portal

  • Minimum length 12
  • Contain at least 1 number, 1 upper case character, 1 lower case character, 1 non alphanumeric character
  • Expires after 91 days
  • Locked after 5 failed attempts
  • Disabled if no login within 6 months
  • The maximum length of the password is 128 characters
  • Passwords allow space character

Prompt to change an expired Password

User passwords expire every 6 months. On login they will be prompted to change their password (this does not affect Single Sign On/Web Services users). You will not be able to Switch To users that have not  yet logged in or whose password has expired.

Unlocking a locked account

User accounts are locked after 5 failed login attempts. The user is prompted to contact their administrator to unlock their account. To unlock a user's account, in the Profiles menu, select the relevant account type. Enter the user's username and select the account, then click Unlock Account. Note, this method can be used to unlock multiple accounts at the same time.

Alternatively, if the account is locked out when you click the Edit drop down the option Unlock Account will be available.

Impersonating Users

Providing you have the Get Passwords role, when viewing a worker/manager you will see a Switch To option in the  Edit drop down as shown below.


When you click on Switch To you will be logged in as if you were that particular user.  To Log off as that particular user, click the user's name in the menu bar at the top of the screen and select Exit User.  You will be returned to your own user account.



How do administrators login as a manager and authorize timesheets or expenses on their behalf?

You can no longer retrieve user passwords as enhanced password security has been applied to RSM InTime. You can now impersonate the manager using the 'Switch To User' feature and are then able to approve timesheets or expenses on their behalf.

Note: If it is the normal process for administrators to do the approvals on a placement, an approval route that includes Administrators should be selected for the placement.

How do I login if I have forgotten my password?

On the RSM InTime login screen there is a "Forgotten Password?" link. Click on this, enter your Username and the Email address registered with your RSM InTime account and click Submit. This will send an email to this account with a link that will allow you to reset your password.

How do Administrators retrieve the password for a user that has forgotten it?

Advise the user to use the forgotten password link as above. 

How do Administrators retrieve the password for a user that has forgotten it when email communications are disabled?

Administrators should impersonate the user, and go to My Details > Personal Details > Change Password. Enter an appropriate password and click Save. This will change the users password to the one entered. You do not need to click 'Save' again on the 'My Details' screen.  Click 'Cancel' or navigate away from the 'My Details' screen. The administrator should then communicate the new password to the user and advise them to change it a new password the first time they login.

Instructions for demo system users

Timesheet submission and approval using 'switch user'

  • Log in as an Administrator
  • Select Profiles from the top menu bar and select ‘Workers’
  • Choose a contractor (I suggest Advice Note for a Limited company worker)
  • Select ‘Switch To User’
  • You have now switched users, you are logged in as a worker
  • Using the ‘Recent Timesheets’ dashboard select a placement and select create to enter a timesheet
  • Enter your hours and press ‘ Save And Submit’, the timesheet is now with the client manager for approval
  • You will notice that the menu bar now contains an entry ‘Exit User’.  When you make this selection you will return to your original Administrator user
  • Select Profiles from the top menu bar and select ‘Manager’
  • Choose the approving manager and select ‘Switch To User’
  • Select the ‘Unauthorised’ tile from the ‘Timesheets’ dash
  • View the timesheet by clicking the timesheet ID, enter your password to approve
  • Click ‘Exit User’.  When you make this selection you will return to your original Administrator user to begin billing

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