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New features
Enhanced verification for absence creation
Improved validation: Paper processing, Invoice generation for negative timesheets
New Feature Details
Impersonating a user
The test account feature is replaced with a new impersonate feature. It allows you to log in as any user in the system and see what they see. You will have the same access rights as the user you are impersonating. However, some features will be disabled, such as those related to workflows. For example, you cannot request or approve a holiday as an impersonated user.
To enable this feature, go to the security access group page. You can either edit an existing group or create a new one. On the admin tab, select the impersonate check box.
To impersonate a user, go to the actions menu for that user and choose impersonate. You will be logged in as the user you are impersonating.
To stop impersonating, choose exit impersonation from the main user menu.
New BACS formats available
In this release, two new BACS formats have been made available. These are HSBC Poland (PL_ACH_XML_V3) and HSBC Canada (CA_ACH_XML_V3) BACS file formats.
To see samples of these and all the other BACs formats we have available, go to what payment (BACs) formats are available?
Enhancement Details
Enhanced verification for absence creation
You can only create an absence for an employee on or after their earliest pay entry date in the system. If you select a date prior to the earliest pay entry date in the system, following validation message appears: