You can search for timesheets that have not been submitted by workers during the course of a placement.
A timesheet is 'missing' if it has not been submitted and approved at the end of the period. For example, if a worker is on a placement from 1 January to 31 May, and the timesheets are set as monthly, then if a worker has not submitted an April timesheet by 1 May, it will be defined as missing.
Typically, you might want to search for missing timesheets in order to be able to invoice clients for a contractor's work. Until an invoice has been approved, you cannot invoice the client.
How do I find missing timesheets?
- From the menu bar, click Timesheets > Missing.
- Use the search criteria to define, for example, which placement, client or worker you want to search for. Although most of the search criteria are optional, you must enter a date range in the Period End Date Range fields.
#zzz If you don't do that, a warning message comes up saying you must enter a date range on 'the Date Range tab'. This isn't quite right as there isn't one.' - Click Search.
A list of missing timesheets is displayed. Click the Create link to fill in the timesheet on behalf of the worker.
Tip: You can also search for missing timesheets using margin reporting, by searching on timesheets with a status of 'missing.
#zzz Is it supposed to show just missing timesheets? or does it show them all, with a Create link next to the ones that haven't been submitted?