Note: It is possible to disable emails, according to your organisation's requirements.
Table of Contents |
New Account Related Emails
New Contractor Email
This email is sent to the contractor on the creation of the contractor's account
Dear [[firstname]],
Please find your account details below:
New Contractor Password Email
This email is sent to the contractor on the creation of the contractor's account. This is a second email so that the username and passwords are delivered in different emails.
Dear [[firstname]],
New Administrator Email
This email is sent to the Administrator on the creation of the creation of the Administrator's account
Dear [[firstname]], |
New Administrator Password Email
A second password email is sent to the Administrator on creation of the account.
Subject: Your InTime Password
Dear [[firstname]],
New Consultant Email
This email is sent to the Consultant on the creation of the creation of the Consultant's account
Dear [[firstname]]([[reference]]) |
New Consultant Password Email
A second password email is sent to the Consultant on creation of the account.
Dear [[firstname]],
New Manager Email
This email is sent to the Manager on the creation of the creation of the Manager's account
Dear [[firstname]],
Your username is [[username]] A new password will be sent separately, please login here to retrieve your timesheets, invoices and to change your password to something memorable. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or queries regarding InTime to [[agency.email]] Thank you [[agency.name]] |
New Manager Password Email
A second password email is sent to the Manager on creation of the account.
Subject: Your InTime Password
Dear [[firstname]],
New Provider User Email
This email is sent to the Provider User on the creation of the creation of the Provider User's account
Dear [[firstname]],
A new password will be sent separately, please login here to retrieve your timesheets, invoices and to change your password. Thank you |
New Provider User Password Email
A second password email is sent to the Provider User on creation of the account.
Dear [[firstname]],
Forgotten Password
This email is sent when a user uses the forgotten password function from the login screen. The email includes a link that will allow the user to set a new password.
Dear [[firstname]], Please click <a href="[[event.message]]">here</a> to reset your password. If you have not requested a password reminder please contact your agency. Thank you [[agency.name]] |
Details Change Emails
This email is sent when a user changes his/her details from the My Details screen.
Dear [[firstname]], Thank you [[agency.name]] |
Placement Related Emails
When a new placement is created an email is sent to the parties involved as shown below.
New Placement Email to Contractor
Subject: New Placement
Dear [[firstname]], Please be advised that you have a new placement, the details are below: Client: [[client]] Manager: [[manager name]] You can login here |
New Placement Email to Consultant
Subject: New Placement
Dear [[firstname]], Worker: [[worker name]] Client: [[client]] Manager: [[manager]] You can login here |
New Placement Email to Manager
Subject: You have been assigned to manage this placement
Dear [[firstname]], Please be advised that the following placement has now been assigned to you. Placement ID: [[placement reference]] Worker: [[bean.worker.fullName]] You can login here Thank you |
New Placement Email to Provider User
Subject: A placement has been assigned to a Worker
Dear [firstname]], Please be advised that [[contractor name]]has a new placement, the details are below: Placement ID: [[bean.itrisId]] Worker: [[bean.worker.fullName]] Client: [[bean.manager.client.name]] Manager: [[bean.manager.fullName]] You can login here Thank you, [[agency.name]] |
Change of Manager Email
This email is sent if the manager on a placement is changed
Dear [[firstname]], Worker: [[worker]] You can login here Thank you |
Change of Consultant Email
This email is sent if the consultant on a placement is changed
Dear [[firstname]], Please be advised that the following placement has now been reassigned to you. Client: [[client]] Worker: [[worker]] You can Login here Thank you |
Placement End Notification Email
This email is sent to the consultant when a placement is nearing it's end date.
The content is of this email template is in the "Reminder Emails" section below, but is also classed as a "Placement Related Email". Click here to for Placement End Notification Email template
Authorisation Related Emails
Timesheet For Authorisation
This email is sent when a timesheet is submitted and requires authorisation
Dear [[firstname]], Please login here to authorise or reject the timesheet. |
Timesheet for Authorisation by Email Approval
If the placement is configured for email approval then the following email will be sent
Dear [[firstname]], Period Ending: [[end date]] You can authorise the attached timesheet by clicking here [[APPROVE_LINK]] Please click a link below if you have any reason to reject this timesheet: [[The rejection reasons are listed]] Thank you |
Timesheet Approved Email Sent To Contractor
Subject: Timesheet Approved
Dear [[firstname]], Placement ID: [[placement reference]] Authorised At: [[date/time]] Client: [[name]] If you would like to see your timesheet, please login here and use the 'search' button under the 'timesheet' submenu to access your authorised timesheets. Please be aware that authorised timesheets may show a status of 'exported' once they have been processed for payment and may not appear under the 'approved' menu. |
Timesheet Rejection Email To Contractor
The following email is sent to the contractor if one of his timesheets is rejected
Dear [[bean.approvable.placement.worker.firstname]], Please be advised that your timesheet has been rejected. Timesheet ID: [[bean.approvable.id]] Period Ending: [[bean.approvable.periodEndDate:fmt=dd/MM/yyyy]] Placement ID: [[bean.approvable.placement.itrisId]] Client: [[bean.approvable.placement.client.name]] [[if (bean.approvable.placement.showRejectionMessageToWorker) {“Rejection Reason" + bean.message;}]] To discuss this please contact your consultant, [[bean.approvable.placement.consultant.fullName]]mailto:[[bean.approvable.placement.consultant.email]] [[bean.approvable.placement.consultant.email]] You can review your timesheet by [[bean.approvable.placement.worker.agency.url]]logging in here. Thank you [[bean.approvable.placement.worker.agency.name]] |
Timesheet Rejection Email Sent to the Consultant
Subject: Timesheet Rejected
Dear [[firstname]], Timesheet ID: [[ID]] Period Ending: [[Date]] Placement ID: [[placement reference]] Client: [[client]] Rejected By: [[who]] Rejection Reason: [[reason]] You can login here Thank you [[agency.name]] |
Expense For Authorisation
The following email is sent when an expense item is submitted that requires approval
Dear [[firstname]], |
Expense For Authorisation Via Email Approval
Subject: Expense For Your Authorisation
Dear [[firstname]], Please be advised that [[fullName]]has submitted an expense which is awaiting authorisation. Expense ID: [[ID]] Receipt Date: [[Date]] You can authorise the expense by clicking here [[APPROVE_LINK]] Please click a link below to reject this expense: |
Expense Approved Email Set To Contractor
Subject: Your [[bean.approvable.friendlyName]]< (Expense description) Has Been Authorised
Dear [[firstname]], Placement ID: [[placement reference]] Authorised At: [[date/time]] Client: [[name]] If you would like to see your expense, please login here Thank you |
Expense Rejection Email Sent To Contractor
Subject: Expense Item Issue
Dear [[firstname]], Please be advised that your expense claim has been rejected. Expense ID: [[id]] Placement ID: [[placement reference]] Client: [[name]] Please contact your consultant, [[consultant]]([[consultant email]]) to discuss the problem. If you would like to see your expense, please login here Thank you [[agency.name]] |
Expense Rejected Email Sent To Consultant
Subject: Expense Item Rejected
Dear [[firstname]], Please be advised that an expense has been rejected. Worker: [[worker name]] Expense ID: [[id]] Receipt Date: [[date]] Placement ID: [[placement reference]] Client: [[name]] Rejected By: [[name]] Rejection Reason: [[reason]] You can login here Thank you [[agency.name]] |
Reminder Emails
Timesheet Daily Reminder
Emails a reminder to the contractor, advising them that they need to enter time for work that has been completed. Reminders are sent to Contractors with active placements where a timesheet has not been submitted for either of the last 2 periods. Reminders are not sent for placements with bulk entry enabled. Reminders will still be sent where a timesheet exists but is in Draft status.
Reminder [[firstname]], Please login here to submit your timesheet for approval. |
Timesheet Due Submission
This email is sent to a contractor to advise them that they need to submit a timesheet.
Dear [[firstname]], Please be advised that you have timesheet(s) due for submission. Details of outstanding timesheet(s) are listed below:
Thank you |
Approval Reminder
This email is sent to approvers who have items that they have not yet approved.
Dear [[firstname]], You have received [[number]]timesheets and [[number]]expenses to authorise. Please login here to approve or reject them. Thank you [[agency.name]] |
Email-Approval Reminder
This email is sent to approvers who have items that they have not yet approved.
Dear [[firstname]], Please be advised that [[worker]]has submitted a timesheet which is awaiting authorisation. Timesheet ID: [[id]] Period Ending: [[Date]] You can authorise the attached timesheet by clicking here [[link]] Please click a link below if you have any reason to reject this timesheet: [[list of links]] Thank you [[agency.name]] |
Bulk Entry Reminder
This email is sent to the primary invoice contact email for the agency
Dear [[firstname]], Please be advised that you need to enter the timesheets in the Bulk Entry Form for the following workers and placements:- [[List]] You can Login here Thank you [[agency.name]] |
Placement End Notification Email
This email is sent to a placements consultant when a placement is nearing its end date.
Dear [[consultant firstname]], Please be advised that the following Placement will be ending in [[number of days]]days on [[date]]. Placement ID: [[placement reference]] Client: [[name]] Worker: [[full name]] After this date the worker will no longer be able to submit any further timesheets. Thank you [[agency.name]] |
Contract Document Related Emails
If you have configured the options to send contract document reminders via email then the following emails may be sent.
Contractor - New Document
Subject: InTime Documents for Review
Dear [[firstname]], A new document has been uploaded that requires your attention. You can review this document by logging in here Thank you [[agency.name]] |
Client -New Document
Subject: InTime Documents for Review
Dear [[firstname]], A new document has been uploaded that requires your attention. You can review this document by logging in here Thank you [[agency.name]] |
Contractor Notification of Documents That Need Reviewing
Subject: InTime Documents for Review
Dear [[firstname]], The following documents have been flagged as requiring your attention. [[message]] Please review these documents by logging in here. Thank you [[agency.name]] |
Consultant Notification of Documents That Need Reviewing
Subject: InTime Documents for Review
Dear [[firstname]], Thank you |
Administrator Notification of Documents That Need Reviewing
Subject: InTime Documents for Review
Dear [[firstname]], Thank you |
Provider User Notification of Documents That Need Reviewing
Subject: InTime Documents for Review
Dear [[firstname]], The following documents have been flagged as requiring your attention. [[messages]] Thank you |
Manager Notification of Documents That Need Reviewing
Subject: InTime Documents for Review
Dear [[firstname]], |
Invoicing Related Emails
The default mode is that pdf documents are attached to the email. In some circumstances, such as when a lot of paper attachments are included on an email, the size of the email may cause it to be rejected by the recipient's email server. To overcome this problem, a maximum size can be configured in InTime. If the email exceeds this size then download links to the invoice are send rather than attaching the pdf copy of the invoice in the email. Different text is sent in each case.
Client Invoices With Attachments
Subject: Invoices from [[bean.name]]< (Agency name)
Dear Sir/Madam,
Client Invoices With Download Links
Subject: Invoices from [[bean.name]]< (Agency name)
Dear Sir/Madam, To download an invoice click on each link below. This will download the invoice as a pdf file. Thank you |
Self Bill Invoices Invoices With Attachments
Subject: Invoices from [[bean.name]]< (Agency name)
Dear Sir/Madam,
Self Bill Invoices With Download Links
Subject: Invoices from [[bean.name]]< (Agency name)
Dear Sir/Madam, To download an invoice click on each link below. This will download the invoice as a pdf file. Thank you |
Advice Notes With Attachments
Subject: Advice Notes from [[bean.name]]< (Agency name)
Dear Sir/Madam,
Advice Notes With Download Links
Subject: Advice Notes from [[bean.name]]< (Agency name)
Dear Sir/Madam, To download an invoice click on each link below. This will download the invoice as a pdf file. Thank you |
Combined Invoice Email With Attachments
When you select a batch of invoices to send it is possible that you may have invoices of different types for a single recipient. This template is used in this instance.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Combined Invoice Email With Download Links
Dear Sir/Madam, To download an invoice click on each link below. This will download the invoice as a pdf file. Thank you |
Payment Remittance With Attachment
Dear [[event.recipientName]],
Payments: Send Notification to Worker
This function sends an email to the worker's primary email address notifying them that their Ltd Company Provider has been paid for their submitted timesheets. This only applies to the selected invoices that are for Limited Company providers.
Dear [[recipient.fullName]], |
The [[event.message]]token is replaced with the associated Timesheet /Expense IDs and period end dates. For example:
Timesheet 1001 for Period Ending 18/01/2016
ExpenseItem 123456 for Period Ending 25/01/2016
Invoice Approval Emails
These emails are only applicable to clients with the Advanced Invoicing module
Invoice for Approval
This email is sent when you request approval for an invoice
Dear [[firstname]], |
Comment Added to Invoice
After an invoice has been sent for approval the approver may add a comment to an invoice.
Dear [[firstname]], Comments have been added to invoice [[invoiceNumbers]] [[event.message]] Thank you [[bean.name]] |
Invoice Approved
After an invoice has been sent for approval the approver may approve the invoice in which case the following email will be sent.
Dear [[firstname]], The following invoice have been approved [[invoiceNumbers]] Thank you [[bean.name]] |
AWR Emails
AWR Risk Email To Consultant
These emails are only sent if you have the AWR module and Send High Risk Notifications to Placement Consultant option is set on the AWR Configuration Page. By default these reminders are sent on a Monday at 6.00am.
Dear [[firstname]], The placements listed below have been identified as being potentially high risk for AWR compliance. [[messages]] Please access your AWR dashboard by logging in here. Thank you [[agency.name]] |
AWR Risk Message To Manager
These emails are only sent if you have the AWR module and Send High Risk Notifications to Placement Client option is set on the AWR Configuration Page. By default these reminders are sent on a Monday at 6.00am.
Dear [[firstname]], Please access your AWR dashboard by logging in here Thank you |
AWR Risk Message To Administrator
These emails are only sent if you have the AWR module and Send High Risk Notifications to Placement Administrator option is set on the AWR Configuration Page. By default these reminders are sent on a Monday at 6.00am.
Dear [[firstname]], Please access your AWR dashboard by logging in here Thank you |
Import Related Changes
Email Changed
Dear [[firstname]], Thank you |
Username Changed
Dear [[firstname]], Thank you |
Administrative Emails
Contractor Added
Notifies the agency that a new worker has been created, with the user's name, username and email address
Dear [[bean.agency.primaryInvoiceContact.firstname]], A new worker has been created in InTime. Their details are as follows: Name: [[bean.fullName]] Username: [[bean.username]] Email: [[bean.email]] Thank you [[bean.agency.name]] |
Client Added via Import
Notifies the agency that a new client has been added via the placement importer
${event.bean.name} has just been created In InTime. Please ensure there is a corresponding client in your accounting package. Once created, login to InTime and edit ${event.bean.name} typing in the details to match that of the accounting system. |
Miscellaneous Emails
A Timesheet Document has been Uploaded
This email is sent to a placement's consultant when a paper document has been uploaded and successfully matched to a placement.
Dear [[firstname]], |
An Unrecognised Timesheet Document has been Uploaded
This email is sent to the agency's primary email address when a timesheet document has been uploaded which cannot be matched to a placement.
Dear [[firstname]], Please be advised that a faxback document has been received which could not be associated with a timesheet or placement. |
Send a Copy of a Timesheet to the Limited Company Contact
Limited Company Contractors can be configured so that a copy of the timesheet is sent to the limited company contract when the contractor's timesheet is approved.
Dear [[Limited Company Contact Firstname]], |
Send a Copy of a Timesheet to the Contractor's Provider
Limited Company Contractors who have a Provider can be configured so that a copy of the timesheet is sent to the provider when the contractor's timesheet is approved. The timesheet will be sent to the provider's invoice contact email.
Dear [[Invoice Contact at Provider]], |
NEW - Send Welcome Emails & Reset and Send Passwords
The sending of welcome emails functionality included in within the 4.8 release is simply accessed via the Profiles>Managers, workers, consultants screens
Using the the selection tick box against the resource individually or on mass, then clicking on the required button will prompt the sending of the emails from the system.
Sales Sheet Group Document Template (Client Self Bill)
This is not an email but the document used to approve Sheet Groups, Application for Payment or Client Self Bill invoices.