- Update all VAT codes to show correct nominal code for VAT control account
- Update system accounts (General>Company>Settings)
- Dimension types - update names and formats of Dim 2 (KPL) and Dim 3 (PRJ)
- Import Dim 2 and Dim 3
- Set Default transaction line description to "FirstnameFirstLetter SurnameUpTo14Characters TS(For Timesheets)/EXP(For Expenses):SheetId Date:Weekending" e.g. "J Smith TS:123 Date:01/01/2025"
- InTIME Team: Export.Twinfield.DetailLine.desc = "${detail.worker.firstname.getAt(0)+' '+org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.abbreviate(detail.worker.lastname, 14) +' '+detail.sheetLine.sheet.shortCode+':'+detail.sheetLine.sheet.id +' Date:'+detail.sheetLine.sheet.periodEndDate?.format('dd/MM/yy')}"
- Set up bank accounts including acc no and sort code
- Link bank to nominal account as a cashbook