The above process should require no intervention from the InTime Support team unless are there is a technical issue with the SSL app or you have used Option 1 above and are being notified that the private key does not match. We cannot provide advice on the purchasing SSL certificates however we have provided some guidance below:
SSL Certificate Purchase Options
Our customers primarily opt for one of two options when securing RSM online applications with a SSL certificate, these are as follows:
• Purchase a certificate from a provider such as Thawte http://www.thawte.com/ or VeriSign (http://www.verisign.com/) whose certificates are registered with common internet browsers. Certificates which are registered on internet browsers do not prompt the user with warning messages. Alternative provider such as Go-Daddy are also available.
• A free CAcert (http://www.cacert.org/) certificate, which although secure is not registered with common internet browsers such as Firefox and Internet Explorer and as such users will be presented with connection security warnings. The users can choose to ignore the warnings and not be prompted again.
The minimum duration required for the SSL is two years.