Every InTime system needs to be secured with an SSL certificate for security purposes, the support team at RSM would have previously needed to provide a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) to you so that an SSL could be ordered. When ordering the SSL certificate, the minimum duration we require is two years. When renewing, we require the certificates at least 7 days in advance of expiration.
We have now added functionality to the system to allow you to start and complete the SSL order process via the InTime system. You will now see a new option within Admin Cog
> System > SSL Certificate...
•The alternative is to purchase a certificate from a provider such as Thawte http://www.thawte.com/ or VeriSign (http://www.verisign.com/) whose certificates are registered with common internet browsers. Certificates which are registered on internet browsers do not prompt the user with the above warning messages.
The duration required for the SSL is a minimum of two years.
SSL Certificate setup process
• Upon completion of these steps the site will be secure and can be accessed via the https protocol.
Certificates and Web Site Security
Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ssl_certificate 14 April 2009