InTime provides a SOAP Web Service Interface that allows two-way flow of information to external systems. This enables automated and efficient transfer of data to and from your other systems reducing effort and duplication.
If you would like to use the Web Services please contact our Business Development team. It will need to be enabled on your system and a set of credentials for accessing the service will be supplied.
The full technical API specification is available here.
Scenarios and uses
This section describes various scenarios of how the Web Services can be used.
Before you can call any other InTime Web Service method you must first call the authenticate() method. Providing valid credentials to this method will return an authentication token that must be provided with all other Web Service calls.
Modified Items
getModifiedItems() and getModifiedItemsWithRefCode() functions return a list of items that have been updated since a specific date and time. This is useful where you wish to maintain a copy of various entities in an external system.
When you first start go live with the Web Services you can use this function to get a list of all existing entities by specifying a date that is earlier than the first entity in the system. You can then read in the details of all the entities so you know you have a complete copy of all the data in InTime. This can be a large amount of data and could take a significant amount of resources so should only be a one-off exercise at the start of the integration.
Once you have a current copy you can then periodically check for any items that have been modified since the last update and just update the details of those modified items. This is much more efficient than attempting to update all entities every the time.
Data Retrieval (Read operations)
There are a number of methods that enable you to read back the full details of an entity. The required entity can be identified by a number of different fields. Examples are:
getWorkerByRefCode() returns the worker entity that has the specified RefCode.
getClientById() returns the Client entity with the specified Id.
getPlacementByExternalId() returns the Placement entity with the specified External Id.
getUsersByExternalId() returns a list of User entities that have the specified External Id. For this method a list of items rather than a single items is returned as is it possible, although not advisable, to have multiple users with the same external Id.
getTimesheetById() returns the Timesheet with the specified Id.
These methods return a complex data structure that represents the InTime entity. Some of these also contain other data types that constain information about related entities. For example the Timesheet object that is returned from getTimesheetById() can also contain a number of InvoiceInfo objects that hold information about the invoices that the Timesheet is associated with. It also contains a number of Shift objects that detail the worked time that has been entered on the Timesheet.
There are also a number of Search type methods that retrieve multiple results. This enables you to retrieve a set of entities that are filtered according to some criteria. Examples are:
getTimesheetIdsWithStatusAndDatesForWorker() This returns a list of Timesheet Ids for a specific Worker that have a specific status within a certain date range.
getInvoicesForClient() This returns a list of all invoices relating to a specific Client.
Data Creation (Write Operations)
With version 2.0 it is now possible to create data in InTime via the Web Services. This includes the following entities: Worker, Client, Manager, Consultant, Provider, Placement and Timesheet. These mostly take the form of createOrUpdateXXX as this allows the same method to be used to create the entity if it doesn't exist or update it if it does. Examples are: createOrUpdateWorker(), createorUpdatePlacement() and createOrUpdateProvider()
updateTimesheet() method will create a new Timesheet or update an existing one if it exists in Draft status. The Timesheet will be saved with Draft status. The Timesheet object you supply to this method must contain all the necessary data which includes a valid Placement reference, the Period End date and one or more Shifts. Each Shift must reference a valid Rate from the Placement, the Time worker or a Decimal value and the Date on which it was worked. It will normally be necessary to retrieve the details of the Placement the Timesheet relates to in order to correctly complete all the required fields.
submitTimesheet() would then be called to submit the Timesheet for approval once it has all the necessary time (Shifts) added to it.
rejectTimesheet() or approveTimesheet() are then used to process the approval.
revertTimesheet() can also be used to revert a Submitted or Approved status Timesheet if required. This has exactly the same result as reverting a Timesheet though the InTime UI.
Single Sign On
getSingleSignOnToken() can be used to log in to InTime using an existing InTime User account. This method returns a token that you can then append to any valid InTime URL and it will allow you to retrieve the page as if you were logged into the system directly. This means you can embed InTime pages within another web site or retrieve other data.
Other methods
The interface also provides various other methods. Some examples:
getMissingTimesheetsForPlacement() identifies any periods within the specified range that do not contain an approved timesheet. The response will include a status that indicates if it is Missing, Draft or Submitted.
getAllPayElements() returns a list of all Pay Elements present in the system.
getURLForContractorsPayslip() retrieves the URL to viewing a workers Payslips. *InPay Linked systems only
Getting started
The InTime Web Service uses the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) interface as opposed to REST. This is a stricter protocol than REST which means you can only call the defined methods available and the return types will be in a fixed format. Normally you would start by building "stub" code against the WSDL file that defines the interface.
The WSDL file for version 2.0 of the web services can be accessed here:
Various tools are available for building the stub code. wsdl2java in the axis 2 package works well for java development:
From the command line run:
/axis2-1.6.2/bin/ -or -uri ""
This will produce the following files:
Include and reference these files in your application and you will be able to make calls to the Web Services. Some examples are given below.
Java Code Examples
It is important to enclose your web service calls in try / catch blocks as Exceptions are used as the mechanism for feeding back any issues. For example if you attempt to create a placement without providing an External ID, an exception will be returned from the Web Service call with an appropriate message.
try { //Create an instance of the stub IntimeServiceV2_0Stub stub = new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub(""); //Get an authentication token IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Authenticate auth=new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Authenticate(); auth.setAgencyRefCode("<supplied_credentials>"); auth.setUsername("<supplied_credentials>"); auth.setPassword("<supplied_credentials>"); IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.AuthenticateResponse authResp=stub.authenticate(auth); String ticket=authResp.get_return(); System.out.println("Authentication token:" + ticket); //Use this authentication token (ticket) to pass in to any of the other WebService calls } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Create or update a Worker
try { IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Worker worker = new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Worker(); worker.setExternalId("WKR_LTD_001"); worker.setFirstname("Ltd"); worker.setLastname("Worker"); worker.setEmail(""); worker.setTitle("Mrs"); worker.setWorkerType("ltd"); worker.setGender("F"); worker.setSelfBilling(false); worker.setAccountsReference("ACC_REF"); worker.setPaymentFrequency("Monthly"); String[] wConsolidation = new String[] { "destination","source","pay-currency","purchase-tax-code","worker","placement" }; worker.setConsolidation(wConsolidation); String[] wCrouping = new String[] { "sheet","sheet-rate" }; worker.setGrouping(wCrouping); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); cal.set(1980, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); worker.setDateOfBirth(cal); Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); cal2.set(2017, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0); cal2.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); worker.setDateOfJoining(cal2); IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Address address = new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Address(); address.setLine1("Address1"); address.setLine2("Add2"); address.setTown("Town"); address.setCounty("County"); address.setCountry("UK"); address.setPostcode("AB1 2CD"); address.setCountryCode("GB"); worker.setAddress(address); BankAccount bank = new BankAccount(); bank.setAccountName("Ltd Wkr"); bank.setAccountNumber("12345678"); bank.setBank("bank"); bank.setSortCode("11-22-33"); worker.setBankAccount(bank); Company ltdCompany = new Company(); ltdCompany.setName("Ltd Co Name"); ltdCompany.setCompanyNo("123456789"); ltdCompany.setCompanyVatNo("1234567890"); ltdCompany.setVatCode("T0"); worker.setLimitedCompany(ltdCompany); IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.CreateOrUpdateWorker request = new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.CreateOrUpdateWorker(); request.setToken(ticket); request.setWorker(worker); IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.CreateOrUpdateWorkerResponse result=stub.createOrUpdateWorker(request); if (result != null) { System.out.println("Created/updated Worker with ID:" + result.get_return()); } } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Create or update a Placement
try{ IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Placement placement = new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Placement(); IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Worker worker = new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Worker(); worker.setExternalId("WKR_LTD_001"); worker.setEmail(""); worker.setFirstname("Ltd"); worker.setLastname("Worker"); placement.setWorker(worker); IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Consultant consultant = new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Consultant(); consultant.setExternalId("CONS_001"); consultant.setEmail(""); consultant.setFirstname("Web"); consultant.setLastname("Consultant"); placement.setConsultant(consultant); IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Client client = new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Client(); client.setExternalId("CLIENT_001"); client.setName("Web Client 001"); client.setTermsTemplateName("Default Charge Terms"); placement.setClient(client); IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Manager manager = new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Manager(); manager.setExternalId("MGR_001"); manager.setEmail(""); manager.setFirstname("Web"); manager.setLastname("Manager"); manager.setClientExternalId("CLIENT_001"); placement.setManager(manager); placement.setExternalId("WEB-PLC-001"); placement.setContractedHours(new BigDecimal(37.5)); placement.setCurrencyForCharge("GBP"); placement.setCurrencyForPayExpenses("GBP"); placement.setCurrencyForPayTimesheets("GBP"); placement.setChargeableExpenseApprovalRoute("Client Manager Approval"); placement.setNonChargeableExpenseApprovalRoute("Auto Approval"); placement.setTimesheetApprovalRoute("Auto Approval"); placement.setExpenseTemplate("Default"); placement.setHolidayAccuralRate(0.12); placement.setJobDescription("Web Placement 1"); placement.setJobTitle("Web Test 001"); placement.setNoCommunications(""); placement.setPurchaseOrderNum("po_num"); placement.setSalesCostCentre("scc"); placement.setTimesheetDateCalculatorName("weekly"); placement.setPerm(false); Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); cal1.set(2017, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0); placement.setStart(cal1); Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); cal2.set(2019, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0); placement.setEnd(cal2); IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Rate[] rates = new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Rate[1]; IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Rate rate1 = new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Rate(); rate1.setName("Standard Hours"); rate1.setPay(new BigDecimal(9.99)); rate1.setCharge(new BigDecimal(11.11)); rate1.setPayElementCode("001"); rate1.setPeriod("Hourly"); rate1.setPeriodDuration(60); rate1.setPriorityOrder(0); rate1.setTimePattern("DEFAULT"); rate1.setTimesheetFields("START_FINISH_BREAK"); rate1.setSelectableByWorkers(true); rates[0] = rate1; placement.setRates(rates); IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.CreateOrUpdatePlacement request = new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.CreateOrUpdatePlacement(); request.setToken(ticket); request.setPlacement(placement); IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.CreateOrUpdatePlacementResponse result=stub.createOrUpdatePlacement(request); if (result != null) { System.out.println("Created/updated Placement with ID:" + result.get_return()); } } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Read a Placement
try { IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.GetPlacementByExternalId request=new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.GetPlacementByExternalId(); request.setId("WEB-PLC-001"); request.setToken(ticket); GetPlacementByExternalIdResponse placementResponse=stub.getPlacementByExternalId(request); Placement placement=placementResponse.get_return(); if (placement != null) { System.out.println("Read Placement with External Id: " + placement.getExternalId() + " Internal Id: " + placement.getId()); System.out.println("RefCode: " + placement.getRefCode()); System.out.println("Worker:" + placement.getWorker().getExternalId() + " " + placement.getWorker().getLastname()); System.out.println("Consultant: " + placement.getConsultant().getExternalId() + " " + placement.getConsultant().getLastname()); System.out.println("Manager: " + placement.getManager().getExternalId() + " " + placement.getManager().getLastname()); System.out.println("Client: " + placement.getClient().getExternalId() + " " + placement.getClient().getName()); System.out.println("Start: " + placement.getStart().getTime()); if (placement.getEnd() != null) { System.out.println("End: " + placement.getEnd().getTime()); } System.out.println("Created: " + placement.getCreated().getTime()); System.out.println("Modified: " + placement.getModified().getTime()); System.out.println("TimesheetDateCalculatorName: " + placement.getTimesheetDateCalculatorName()); System.out.println("Timesheeet Approval Route: " + placement.getTimesheetApprovalRoute()); System.out.println("Chargeable Expense Approval Route: " + placement.getChargeableExpenseApprovalRoute()); System.out.println("Non-Chargeable Expense Approval Route: " + placement.getNonChargeableExpenseApprovalRoute()); System.out.println("ContractedHours: " + placement.getContractedHours()); System.out.println("JobDescription :" + placement.getJobDescription()); System.out.println("JobTitle: " + placement.getJobTitle()); System.out.println("NoCommunications: " + placement.getNoCommunications()); System.out.println("PurchaseOrderNum: " + placement.getPurchaseOrderNum()); System.out.println("SalesProject: " + placement.getSalesProject()); System.out.println("PurchaseBranch: " + placement.getPurchaseBranch()); System.out.println("CurrencyForCharge: " + placement.getCurrencyForCharge()); System.out.println("CurrencyForPayExpenses: " + placement.getCurrencyForPayExpenses()); System.out.println("CurrencyForPayTimesheets: " + placement.getCurrencyForPayTimesheets()); System.out.println("Perm: " + placement.getPerm()); System.out.println("TimesheetEmailApproval: " + placement.getTimesheetEmailApproval()); System.out.println("Timesheet layout: " + placement.getLayout()); System.out.println("Internal Agency Comments: " + placement.getInternalAgencyComments()); System.out.println("Holiday Accural Rate: " + placement.getHolidayAccuralRate()); System.out.println("Expenses Template: " + placement.getExpenseTemplate()); System.out.println("Charge Tax Code Override: " + placement.getChargeTaxCodeOverride()); System.out.println("Self Bill Tax Code Override: " + placement.getSelfBillTaxCodeOverride()); System.out.println("PAYEDeductionsOnLtd: " + placement.getPAYEDeductionsOnLtd()); if (placement.getInvoiceContactOverride() != null) { Contact contact = placement.getInvoiceContactOverride(); Address address = contact.getAddress(); System.out.println("Placement charge invoice contact override: "); System.out.println(" Firstname: " + contact.getFirstname()); System.out.println(" Lastname: " + contact.getLastname()); System.out.println(" Email: " + contact.getEmail()); System.out.println(" Phone: " + contact.getPhone()); System.out.println(" Fax: " + contact.getFax()); System.out.println(" Mobile: " + contact.getMobile()); System.out.println("Address:"); System.out.println(" Line 1:" + address.getLine1()); System.out.println(" Line 2:" + address.getLine2()); System.out.println(" Town:" + address.getTown()); System.out.println(" County:" + address.getCounty()); System.out.println(" Postcode: " + address.getPostcode()); System.out.println(" Country:" + address.getCountry()); System.out.println(" Country Code:" + address.getCountryCode()); } if (placement.getRates() != null) { for (Rate rate : placement.getRates()) { System.out.println("Rate Name:" + rate.getName()); System.out.println("Pay:" + rate.getPay()); System.out.println("Charge:" + rate.getCharge()); System.out.println("Priority:" + rate.getPriorityOrder()); System.out.println("ID:" + rate.getId()); System.out.println("Period:" + rate.getPeriod()); System.out.println("PeriodDuration:" + rate.getPeriodDuration()); System.out.println("SelectableByWorkers:" + rate.getSelectableByWorkers()); System.out.println("TimePattern:" + rate.getTimePattern()); System.out.println("TimesheetFields:" + rate.getTimesheetFields()); System.out.println("PayElementCode:" + rate.getPayElementCode()); System.out.println("Payable:" + rate.getPayable()); System.out.println("Chargeable:" + rate.getChargeable()); System.out.println("Taxable:" + rate.getTaxable()); System.out.println("RefCode:" + rate.getRefCode()); } } if (placement.getSplitCommissions() != null) { for (SplitCommission split : placement.getSplitCommissions()) { System.out.println("\nCommission UserID:"+split.getUserId()+" Percentage:"+split.getWeight()); } } if (placement.getAlternativeManagers() != null) { for (User altMan : placement.getAlternativeManagers()) { System.out.println("Alternative Manager:" + altMan.getFirstname() + " " + altMan.getLastname()); System.out.println("External Id: " + altMan.getExternalId() + " Internal ID:" + altMan.getId()); } } } } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Create or update a Timesheet
try{ //Read the associated placement so we can reference the rates & participants IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.GetPlacementByExternalId getPlacementRequest=new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.GetPlacementByExternalId(); getPlacementRequest.setId("WEB-PLC-001"); getPlacementRequest.setToken(ticket); GetPlacementByExternalIdResponse placementResponse=stub.getPlacementByExternalId(getPlacementRequest); Placement placement=placementResponse.get_return(); //identify the required rate Rate rate1 = null; for (Rate rate : placement.getRates()) { if (rate.getName().equals("Standard Hours")) { rate1 = rate; } } Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); cal.set(2017,9,1,0,0,0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); //create a timesheetSubmission IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Timesheet timesheetSubmission = new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Timesheet(); timesheetSubmission.setPlacementExternalRef(placement.getExternalId()); timesheetSubmission.setSubmitterId(placement.getWorker().getId()); //Whoever is creating the Timesheet timesheetSubmission.setPeriodEndDate(cal.getTime()); //Add the Shifts IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Shift shift = new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.Shift(); shift.setComment("Shift 1 comment"); shift.setDay(cal.getTimeInMillis()); //set the day the shift relates to shift.setRateId(rate1.getId()); if (rate1.getTimesheetFields().equals("START_FINISH_BREAK")) { //This rate requires start, finish and break times entered for the shift Calendar calStart = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); calStart.set(2017,9,1,0,0,0); calStart.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); calStart.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 8); shift.setStartTime(calStart.getTimeInMillis()); Calendar calEnd = Calendar.getInstance(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); calEnd.set(2017,9,1,0,0,0); calStart.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); calEnd.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 17); shift.setFinishTime(calEnd.getTimeInMillis()); shift.setMealBreak(3600000L); //1 hour in milliseconds } else if (rate1.getTimesheetFields().equals("HOURS")) { shift.setHours(8 * 60 * 60 * 1000L); } else if (rate1.getTimesheetFields().equals("DECIMAL")) { shift.setDecimal(new BigDecimal(1)); } else if (rate1.getTimesheetFields().equals("DAY")) { shift.setDecimal(new BigDecimal(1)); } Shift[] shifts = new Shift[1]; shifts[0] = shift; timesheetSubmission.setShifts(shifts); IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.UpdateTimesheet updateTimesheetRequest=new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.UpdateTimesheet(); updateTimesheetRequest.setToken(ticket); updateTimesheetRequest.setTimesheet(timesheetSubmission); UpdateTimesheetResponse updateTimesheetResponse=stub.updateTimesheet(updateTimesheetRequest); Long timesheetId=updateTimesheetResponse.get_return(); System.out.println("Update Timesheet returned:"+timesheetId); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Submit a Timesheet
try { IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.SubmitTimesheet submitTimesheetRequest=new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.SubmitTimesheet(); submitTimesheetRequest.setToken(ticket); submitTimesheetRequest.setTimesheetId(<timesheet_id>); SubmitTimesheetResponse submitTimesheetResponse=stub.submitTimesheet(submitTimesheetRequest); System.out.println("Submit Timesheet returned: "+submitTimesheetResponse.get_return()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Read a Timesheet including invoices
try { IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.GetTimesheetById request=new IntimeServiceV2_0Stub.GetTimesheetById(); request.setId(<timesheet_id>); request.setToken(ticket); GetTimesheetByIdResponse timesheetResp=stub.getTimesheetById(request); Timesheet timesheet = timesheetResp.get_return(); System.out.println("Read Timesheet ID:" + timesheet.getId()); System.out.println("Status:" + timesheet.getStatus()); System.out.println("Placement:" + timesheet.getPlacementId()); if (timesheet.getPeriodEndDate() != null) System.out.println("End Date:" + timesheet.getPeriodEndDate()); if (timesheet.getCreated() != null) System.out.println("Created:" + timesheet.getCreated().getTime()); if (timesheet.getModified() != null) System.out.println("Modified:" + timesheet.getModified().getTime()); if (timesheet.getSubmitted() != null) System.out.println("Submitted:" + timesheet.getSubmitted().getTime()); if (timesheet.getApproved() != null) System.out.println("Approved:" + timesheet.getApproved().getTime()); System.out.println("timesheetPay: " + timesheet.getTimesheetPay()); System.out.println("timesheetCharge: " + timesheet.getTimesheetCharge()); System.out.println("ERNI: " + timesheet.getErni()); System.out.println("Pension: " + timesheet.getPension()); System.out.println("Holiday: " + timesheet.getHoliday()); System.out.println("getFullyInvoiced: " + timesheet.getFullyInvoiced()); System.out.println("getPurchaseWrittenOff: " + timesheet.getPurchaseWrittenOff()); System.out.println("getSalesWrittenOff: " + timesheet.getSalesWrittenOff()); System.out.println("Worker:" + timesheet.getWorkerId()); System.out.println("Adjusts:" + timesheet.getAdjustsRefCode()); //Shifts if (timesheet.getShifts() != null && timesheet.getShifts().length > 0) { for (Shift shift : timesheet.getShifts()) { System.out.println("Shift ID:"+shift.getId()); System.out.println("hours:"+shift.getHours()); System.out.println("Decimal:"+shift.getDecimal()); System.out.println("Day:" + new Date(shift.getDay()) + " (" + shift.getDay()+ ")"); System.out.println("PO:" + shift.getPurchaseOrderNumber()); System.out.println("Start:"+new Date(shift.getStartTime()) +" (" + shift.getStartTime()+ ")"); System.out.println("Rate Name:"+shift.getRateName()); System.out.println("Rate Pay:"+shift.getRate().getPay()); System.out.println("Rate Charge:"+shift.getRate().getCharge()); } } //Associated Invoices & credits if (timesheet.getInvoiceInfo() != null) { for (InvoiceInfo invoice : timesheet.getInvoiceInfo()){ System.out.println("Invoice Number:" + invoice.getInvoiceNumber()); System.out.println("Invoice date:" + invoice.getInvoiceDate().getTime()); System.out.println("Invoice Type:" + invoice.getInvoiceDescription()); System.out.println("Invoice GUID:" + invoice.getInvoiceGUID()); System.out.println("Invoice Net:" + invoice.getNet()); System.out.println("Invoice Gross:" + invoice.getGross()); System.out.println("Invoice VAT:" + invoice.getVat()); System.out.println("Invoice Currency:" + invoice.getCurrency()); if (invoice.getExported() != null) { System.out.println("Exported date:" + invoice.getExported().getTime()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Get a Single Sign-on token
try { GetSingleSignOnToken ss=new GetSingleSignOnToken(); ss.setToken(ticket); ss.setUsername(<username>); ss.setTimeToLiveSeconds(360); GetSingleSignOnTokenResponse ssResp=stub.getSingleSignOnToken(ss); if (ssResp!=null) { System.out.println("Single Sign on Token: " + ssResp.get_return()); } //Can now append the token to any InTime URL to use access it without logging in. E.g. //<placement_id>&ticket=<token> } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred: " + e); } |
Whilst using the InTime Web Services, some fields have expected values from a range of constants. These are detailed below.
Field | Constant | Comment | Notes |
Worker | |||
workerType | paye | For PAYE Workers | |
ltd | For Ltd Company Workers | ||
external-contractor | For Non Ltd Company Workers | ||
cis | For CIS Workers | ||
umb | For Workers operating through an Umbrella | ||
cisBusinessType | SoleTrader | ||
Company | |||
Trust | |||
Partnership | |||
paymentFrequency | weekly | ||
monthly | |||
<InPay Payroll Name> | If InPay connected, for PAYE workers, use the InPay Payroll Name | ||
timesheetsOnInvoices | 0 | Timesheets On Invoices | |
1 | Timesheets Not On Invoices | ||
paperOnInvoices | -1 | Agency Default | |
0 | No Attachments | ||
1 | Attach Paper Timesheets | ||
2 | Attach Expense Group Paper | ||
4 | Attach Expense Receipts Paper | ||
<sum of the above> | Attach the appropriate paper | For example, 5 to attach timesheets and receipts | |
consolidation | Detailed explanation required | ||
Placement | |||
layout | standard | See Maintaining Placements | |
calendar | |||
timesheetDateCalculator | weekly | See Maintaining Placements. You can see all possible values for this in the ui. | |
monthly | |||
<many more> | See UI for all options. | ||