RSM InTime allows you to have different custom text homepages for specific groups of contractors, this gives you greater flexibility on specific information you want to provide contractors with. This is controlled by applying a specific financial tag to your custom text screen, then applying the appropriate financial tag to your contractor. Each homepage will allow bespoke custom text screens.
If you would like this feature enabled, please contact support.
How can I see which tags have dashboards?
What about contractors with no tag assigned?
How does it work?
Decide which tag category you wish to use. Then within that category set up your values, these could be locations, group names, divisions, sectors. Once you have set up all the tag values you need, assigned them to the contractors accordingly within the financials tab in the contractor's profile. Go to financial tags for instructions on how to set up your values.
Assigning dashboards
Click on the system configuration cog in the top righthand corner of the screen, and within the appearance panel click on custom text.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Worker Dashboard under the Dashboard heading.
If you wish to have the dashboards widgets available on the homepage please make sure you enter [summary] below your custom text.
Within the financial tag restrictions, untick visible to all users, the tag value field will unlock, using the dropdown select the appropriate tag value. Once complete click save template.
You can then repeat this process for every bespoke dashboard you wish to assign. Please note: You can only have 1 bespoke dashboard per 1 tag value.
Any contractor with the same financial tag will see the appropriate custom text screen.
You can also change the worker's financial tag, and this will change their custom text screen accordingly. Please note: these changes happen in real time for all users. If you make a change to the look of a dashboard or to reassign a dashboard to a contractor as soon as you hit save template, users will see the changes.
You will see all custom text screens you have set up under the dashboard panel.
What about contractors with no tag assigned?
Workers without any financial tags, will get the default worker dashboard without custom text.