Will Changing the Rates on a Placement affect Existing Timesheets?

When a timesheet is submitted a copy of the rates at that point in time is taken. If you change the rate on the placement this will have no effect on any submitted timesheet. If you need to update the rates on a timesheet that has been submitted you will need to follow the reversion processes.

Can a Timesheet be Altered After Approval?

Once a timesheet has been approved the system will prevent any changes to the values on that timesheet except for in the scenarios listed below. Any changes are recorded in the audit history of that timesheet.

Outside of these methods, the timesheet must be reverted. The process of reversion marks the existing timesheet as deleted and creates a new copy of the timesheet for onward processing.

Does RSM InTime Support 2FA

Meaning "Two Factor Authentication". This is where you login with your username/password plus another method; usually a unique code sent by text message to your mobile.

This isn't something that is currently supported by RSM InTime.

RSM InTime query - The bills/invoices I receive from RSM for my RSM InTime system - how is timesheet usage calculated?

whether or not the timesheets carry pay or charge, reverted or resubmitted – our clients timesheet usage charge detailed on the RSM invoice is calculated by any timesheets ‘created’ in that month..

RSM InTime query - When do emails go out from RSM InTime?

Entry reminder emails are sent weekly - Monday 2.45 am 
Time sheet Approval emails are sent weekly - Monday 11 am 

(This includes email approval)

Placement End notification email - configurable 'X' days before the placement end (default is 14 days) at 3 am

Client Portal - What is the URL for the client Portal?


RSM InTime query - when running an invoice search on a worker and click into the invoice, clicking backspace loses the search

It is recommended that you right click on the results and open in new tab to retain your existing search screen

RSM InTime query - What browsers does RSM InTime Support?

Supported Browsers from January 2017 are:

  1. Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 11
  2. Microsoft Edge
  3. Mozilla® Firefox®, most recent stable version
  4. Google Chrome™, most recent stable version

RSM InTime query - How to Change Invoice Consolidation?

Please log in as an admin and navigate to the profiles tab. 
Here please select either Client, Worker or Provider (depending on who's consolidation you wish to edit - all follow the same structure)
For example, choose Client, this takes you to the filer screen, please search for the Client in question then click on the record. 
Please now click on Edit in the top right hand corner and scroll to the very bottom of the page, here you can see what Consolidation is Available and which has been Selected. The bottom record showing on the select list is how the invoice will be consolidated
Example Timesheet/Expense will show each record on a separate line, Worker will show one line per worker.
Grouping follows the same scenario. Sheet rate is usually used here.

RSM InTime query - How do we delete a worker record that has been entered in error?

Answer - workers cannot be deleted, the process should be to close the RSM InTime placement (see /wiki/spaces/ds/pages/51871937 section) and disable the user from logging in under their roles tab.

RSM InTime query - HMRC Intermediary Reporting - what is the definition of the start and end dates?

Answer - please see http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/manuals/esmmanual/esm2160.htm

RSM InTime query - Can you change/configure the RSM InTime session timeout limit?

Answer - Unfortunately this setting cannot be changed - the session timeout limit (20minutes) exists in the core application across our entire client base, predominantly as a security precaution - this mirrors most web based application functionality.

Note: As of RSM InTime revision 35839 you will now be prompted with a popup, displayed after 15 mins of non activity, asking if you want to stay logged in or logout. After 20 mins, you're auto logged out. as per screen shot below:

RSM InTime query - How do I clear my Cache & Cookies

Answer - 

Clear cache processes for all browsers:-

Clear Internet Explorer 7 Cookies and Cache process

- Open IE 7 and click the Tools menu. Click the Delete Browsing History link at the top. 
- Under the Temporary Internet Files heading, click Delete files... 
- Click Yes when you see the prompt asking if you are sure you want to delete all temporary files. 
- Under the Cookies heading, click Delete files... 
- Click Yes when you see the prompt asking if you are sure you want to delete all temporary files.

Clear Internet Explorer 8 Cookies and Cache process

- Once your browser is open, click the Tools menu. Or, optionally you may simply press Ctrl+Shift+Delete to open the Delete Browsing History window (and skip step 2) 
- Click on Delete Browsing History... 
- Tick "Temporary Internet Files" and "Cookies" ONLY no others. Leave "Preserve Favorites website data" UNTICKED. 
- Click the Delete button near the bottom of the window to delete

Clear Internet Explorer 9,10,11 Cookies and Cache process

- Once your browser is open, click the gear icon at the top right to open the Settings menu. Then, select Safety and Delete Browsing History....Or, alternately, you may simply press Ctrl+Shift+Delete to open the Delete Browsing History window. 
- Select Temporary Internet Files and Cookies. You will also need to un-check all of the other boxes, especially Preserve Favourites website data. This option makes the window also delete objects from websites in your Favourites folder, which is necessary to completely clear your cache. 
- Click the Delete button near the bottom of the window to perform the operations (i.e. clear your cache by deleting temporary files).. 
- Your computer will work for a moment, and then the process will be complete. You've successfully cleared Internet Explorer's Cache!

Clear Mozilla Firefox 4 Cookies and Cache process

- On a PC, click the "Firefox" menu in the top left corner. Next, select the right arrow next to "History >", and click "Clear Recent History"

- Make sure "Details" is expanded, then select "Cache" and "Cookies" from the list. Uncheck everything else. 

- In the "Time Range to Clear" drop down, select "Everything".

- Select "Clear Now". Your computer will work for a moment, and the process will be complete. You've successfully cleared Firefox's Cache! 

Clear Mozilla Firefox 30+ Cookies and Cache process

- Go to the most left button on the toolbar and click on the icons with the three horizontal lines

- Click the "Options" button (That one with a gear). The options dialog appears.

- Select the Advanced button and then the "Network" tab.

- After that push the "Clear Now" button inside the "Cached Web Content" section.

- Make sure "Details" is expanded, then select "Cache" and "Cookies" from the list. Uncheck everything else.

- In the "Time Range to Clear" drop down, select "Everything".

- Select "Clear Now". Your computer will work for a moment, and the process will be completed.

- You've successfully cleared Firefox's Cache!

Clear Google Chrome Cookies and Cache process
- Go to "Customise and Control Google Chrome" at top right of browser window to the right of the address bar. Select Settings 
- Click "Show Advance Setting" at the bottom 
- Under the "Privacy" section, select "Clear browsing data" 
- By where it says"Obliterate the following items from:" select "the beginning of time" 
- Check "Empty the cache" and "Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data" ONLY 
- Click "Clear Browsing data"

RSM InTime query - How do I correct a timesheet?

Answer - 

- Credit sales invoice
- Credit Supplier or Self-Bill invoice. (Depending on self bill status)
- Write off Advice Note (If not self bill and supplier invoice was accepted)
- Revert timesheet to draft and / or delete if required
- Correct placement rate (if required)
- Edit or Re-enter timesheet and get it submitted and approved with correct time / value.
- Re-invoice on both side
- Pay credit and new Supplier or Self-Bill invoice

RSM InTime query - Can I delete a placement?

Answer - Unfortunately we cannot delete placements. The suggested process is:- 

- Ensure there are no timesheets on this placement by going to Timesheets->Search, select the ID/Ref Ranges tab and put the current placement reference in the "From" and "To" fields for Placement Ref Range. If there are any returned you should not proceed with this process until you have deleted the timesheets found.
- Find the placement on the Profiles->Placement using the placement filters and ensure the "Status (Date filters will override this)" field to ALL.

- Amend the placement Ref so you don't confuse it with any other required placement
- Amend the end date to 1 day before the start date.
- Save the Placement
This will ensure time cannot be put on for this placement and so that outstanding timesheet reminders will not be sent.

RSM InTime query - Can I delete a Client?

Answer - Unfortunately we cannot delete clients. The suggested process is:- 

- Ensure the client is not connecting to any placements by finding the placement on the Profiles->Placement using the placement filters, ensuring the "Status (Date filters will overide this)" field to ALL. If any are returned you should not continue with this process.
- Change the Ref. Code, name and any other fields you wish that will help you to not confusing this record with any required ones. 
- Click on any manager records on the client, click on each, click the roles tab and untick the "User is allowed to log in" this will mean the record cannot logged in on and confuse the worker.

RSM InTime query - Can I delete a Manager?

Answer - Unfortunately we cannot delete managers. The suggested process is:- 

- Ensure the manager is not connecting to any placements by finding the placement on the Profiles->Placement using the placement filters, ensuring the "Status (Date filters will overide this)" field to ALL. If there are any returned you should not continue with this process.
- Change the Ref Code, firstname, lastname and any other fields you wish that will help you to not confusing this record with any other manager records. 
- Click on the record you want to remove, click the roles tab and untick the "User is allowed to log in" this will disable the account and mean the worker cannot logged in using the incorrect record.

RSM InTime query - Can I delete a Worker?

Answer - Unfortunately we cannot delete workers. The suggested process is:- 

- Ensure the worker is not connecting to any placements by finding the placement on the Profiles->Placement using the placement filters, ensuring the "Status (Date filters will overide this)" field to ALL. If there are some returned you should not continue with this process.
- Change the Ref Code, firstname, lastname and any other fields you wish that will help you to not confusing this record with any other worker records. 
- Click on the record you want to remove, click the roles tab and untick the "User is allowed to log in" this will disable the account and mean the worker cannot logged in using the incorrect record.

RSM InTime query - How can I change the supplier Invoice uploaded to an advice note?

Answer - If the supplier invoice has not been accepted it is possible to upload a new one which will overwrite the existing document

If the supplier invoice has been accepted you will need to credit and write off the existing advice note and raise a new one - uploadingthe new supplier invoice to the new advice note

Implementation query - What is an SSL certificate?

Answer - Please see SSL Certificate page

Billing query - I have been charged an 'uplift' on our monthly RSM InTime invoice - what is this?

Answer - The retail price index (RPI) % annual uplift or Consumer Price Index (CPI) % is built into our client contracts and is due after the 1st year of the contract effective date (Details contained in either Schedule 3 or section 5.2 of the client contracts).

Billing query - How can I pay my monthly RSM InTime invoice?

Answer - 

Detailed towards the bottom of the client invoices

Company Registration Number


VAT Registration Number

890 9655 70


Apart from the obvious method of payment by cheque, there are other options which can be offered to RSM clients.


We can set up a direct debit ensuring you conform to the agreed terms - please find a bank mandate to sign and return -  RSM Direct Debit Mandate.pdf.


Credit Card Payments are ONLY processed by the Crawley Credit Control department. Please call numbers detailed above.

Please note we DO NOT accept American Express.

Please remember to provide a contact telephone number in case there is a problem and NFO can contact you direct.


If your wish to arrange for payment of our bills by credit transfers, details of our National bank account at Coutts (below) and notify Credit Control on the details above.

St Martins Branch

440 Strand



Sort Code: 18-00-02
Account No: 00625906


IBAN GB36COUT18000200625906

The Bill and Client ID number MUST BE quoted on the Bank's advice note.


All standing orders, over whatever length of time, must be set up to be paid into the Coutts National Bank account. Master form attached

Complete- the Standing Order mandate authorisation, then please return it to myself ( please do not send it direct to your bank).

Upon return to RSM, the mandate will then be forwarded to the client's bank with a covering letter requesting it be set in place from the appropriate date.

A copy will be kept on file in the RSM local office

A further copy, showing the client account number, will be sent to Credit Control in Crawley to enable them to correctly identify the receipts as they are received.

Receipts will be allocated against the oldest outstanding fees, unless otherwise instructed and tax invoices will be sent out the following day showing the date of the receipts as the VAT point

Can I override the primary email address on a sales invoice?

You  override the primary email address set against the placement communications tab, as long as the invoice hasn’t been generated. Tick the ‘override default sales invoice contact’ and change the email address.