This page serves as guidance for PAYE parallel run testing.
Before you start
Complete any pre-parallel clean up tasks before parallel testing, this includes:
InTime Tasks
Placement data including worker and client details have been entered on to InTime. This may be populated through front end integration with your CRM or entered manually.
Ensure PAYE workers have syncronised to InPay from InTime. Using the filter options within InTime to check for any workers not yet InPay linked, review those records and correct.
Timesheet and expense data entered for each applicable placement. You should ensure that you have entered all timesheet and expenses to match the payroll you are conducting your parallel test against.
InPay Tasks
Ensure InPay is fully configured. Review the Company and Payroll menu to ensure that you have configured items such as pension schemes, holiday schemes and set your Bacs parameters.
Enter Opening balances and any other payroll configurations to each applicable worker. See our data migration guide for further instructions. We recommend ensuring that your data here matches the data held on your old payroll software before proceeding with testing.
Make sure there is a comment around AWE’s for SMP ETC HERE
Parallel Running
Once the pre-parallel tasks have been completed, you are ready to begin your parallel testing.
We recommend creating a log to track any issues uncovered during your run. The log should provide details of the issue encountered together with the solution applied.
Using our PAYE workflow guide conduct your parallel run.
Once you have completed the parallel run. It is time to reconcile your the net pay to ensure that InPay matches your legacy payroll systems, this ensures that all of the calculations in your new software are working correctly and it's ready to go live.
We recommend running the following reports as part of your reconciliation testing:
[Reports here]
We have provided a list of common descrepancies
Inconsistent Tax Codes: Check that the worker tax codes on InPay and the lagacy system match.
Incorrect Carry-Forward Balances: Check that all balances have been migrated correctly (e.g., PAYE tax paid, student loan deductions).
National Insurance (NI) Mismatches: Inconsistent NI numbers or misclassification of employees' NI letter category could cause differences.
Holiday Accruals and Entitlements: Review the holiday accrual and entitlement calculation. If the holiday accrual and entitlement processing rules differ between the legacy payroll and InPay, ensure that you are comfortable with the calculation InPay is applying.
Pension Contributions Errors: If differences arise as a result of contribution values. Check that the pension scheme has been correctly set up in InPay.
Statutory Payments Misalignment (SSP, SMP, etc.): Check to ensure that all staturory payment and decuctions have been applied to each applicable worker. You may need to enter Average Weekly Earnings (AWE) overrides for relevant workers, statutory payments like SMP, SSP, or SPP might differ between the two systems, leading to incorrect payments.
Leavers’ Final Payments: The parallel run can highlight if leaver data (such as final salary payments, P45 processing, etc.) isn't aligned correctly between systems.
Pay Elements Discrepancies: Some legacy systems may have different pay elements, bonuses, or deductions that might not fully transfer to InPay. Running a parallel will help identify if all components of the pay are accurately reflected.